5/24/2009 3:06:40 PM |
just wondering |

Belleville, IL
age: 29
Why is it that when people go to websites like this. They MIGHT read the discription someone put up about them selfs (sometimes being honest). And yet they see there pic and just pass on them. People state there tired of being used and getting treated like there dirt. But how many times has the person said that just looked at the other persons pic?? And NOT really paid much attn to there profile.. But really gets me is that you see a pic on someones profile and they might be dressed up, look nice or going out. BUT you hardly ever see a pic of them just being them (there true self). I have a few buddies that did these sites and they came across a few good lookin girls (I'm not gonna lie they were cute). But when they finally got to meet them they were COMPLETE NUT JOBS. and in the profile the girl has stated that she's looking for a real man that wants to met a real lady for a serious relationship. have peoples standards REALLY gotten that high that your really gonna base your future on a pic??
I'm just wondering about this.. IM NOT LOOKING FOR SMARTELEC COMMENTS..
Feel free to post your thoughts...
5/24/2009 4:11:57 PM |
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Keithsburg, IL
age: 59
perhaps i am the exception but i doubt it. i really do read the profiles. i figure i am no beauty queen and i don't expect someone i date to be an adonis anyway.
5/24/2009 4:23:45 PM |
just wondering |
New Lenox, IL
age: 54
Not trying to be a smarty pants, but WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF ONLINE DATING! Most people truly don't care what you write, if you don't "meet" their standards of attraction, it's all over. And don't forget, people have the freedom to say whatever they want about their wants and desires, and about who they are. For some reason they seem to forget that should a meet-up happen, we are not stupid or blind, and can figure out what you stated in your profile was deceitful and the pic they posted, may have been from ions ago.
Good luck to you.
5/24/2009 4:31:02 PM |
just wondering |

Rock Island, IL
age: 54
I just joined the online dating site to meet new people and I am sure that there are alot of good people that online to meet new people they are compatable with and are not expecting exceptionally cute people. I see alot of people that are not overly dressed and I find that appealing.
5/24/2009 7:28:46 PM |
just wondering |


Fairfield, IL
age: 47
Well, I hate to admit it but I really dont believe but about half what I read and the pictures are not usually up to date. So I go more on what they say when u chat. I want to have someone pick me out rather than the other way around then I read his profile. And yes I do read the whole thing Pictures dont mean alot cause I am no beauty. Sides its whats inside that truely counts. But as was mention before on this online dating is a gamble any way you stack it. Sorry!
5/24/2009 8:06:58 PM |
just wondering |

Schaumburg, IL
age: 39
People making quick judgments are something that I have observed for a while now, not just on this dating site. In another site, I was exchanging e-mail and in the e-mail the other person said something that was not true about me based on the e-mail and then she blocked me from sending e-mail. Not ever meeting me or anything, she thought she knew everything about me. There no substitute than meeting the person you e-mail. That’s my thought, and I’m sticking to it…
5/24/2009 8:19:19 PM |
just wondering |


Hanover Park, IL
age: 32
I understand what you mean. I do have a pic that I am all dressed up in and a couple of other pictures that are just me. I am on here just for friends at this point and so far not a lot of guys are looking for a true friend.. I gues some men are just looking for Barbie and I am sorry to say I am not that woman. Yea I got a 10 LBS on me and I do have a problem with my eyes being off set. But that is how I was born and I am not going to change for anybody. I should not have to. I feel if a man can not accept me for me that he was not the right one.
5/26/2009 4:19:20 AM |
just wondering |

Georgetown, IL
age: 52
The old adage "A picture is worth a 1000 words" has some truth to it.
Your subconscious can glean a lot of information from a photo...clues about the health and compatibility of a potential mate. In most relationships, there has to be an element of physical attraction. That doesn't mean that the person you find appealing will appear that way to everyone else nor vice versa.
Familiarity can trumph first impressions: someone you find merely passable in the looks department, can with time (and a complimentary personality), become very physically attractive to you.
With most people as they age, the formula changes...their subconscious is no longer on the prowl for the mate who will produce strong offspring...but rather a kind and happy companion who shares similiar interests.
If a woman can make a decent cup of coffee, I'll take a second look. 
5/26/2009 4:30:24 AM |
just wondering |


Keithsburg, IL
age: 59
i have changed how i "look" at profiles. i definitely do not take a lot of stock in pics as i keep thinking....i am no barbie and i have a lot to give to a relationship. therefore if he is not a ken, he may have a lot to give also.
(passing horse )
[Edited 5/26/2009 4:31:19 AM PST]
5/26/2009 4:44:53 AM |
just wondering |

Georgetown, IL
age: 52
Hay...this is good coffee!
5/26/2009 4:46:13 AM |
just wondering |

Georgetown, IL
age: 52
On the subject of Ken and Barbie, have you seen the latest Barbie on the shelves?
She's called "Divorce Barbie."
She comes with half of Ken's stuff.
5/26/2009 5:21:48 AM |
just wondering |

Pekin, IL
age: 52
5/26/2009 5:51:07 AM |
just wondering |


Keithsburg, IL
age: 59
On the subject of Ken and Barbie, have you seen the latest Barbie on the shelves?
She's called "Divorce Barbie."
She comes with half of Ken's stuff.
oh now....that is just plain bad 
5/26/2009 5:58:00 AM |
just wondering |


Hanover Park, IL
age: 32
On the subject of Ken and Barbie, have you seen the latest Barbie on the shelves?
She's called "Divorce Barbie."
She comes with half of Ken's stuff.
That is too funny
5/26/2009 6:36:16 AM |
just wondering |

Saint Elmo, IL
age: 56
The old adage "A picture is worth a 1000 words" has some truth to it.
Your subconscious can glean a lot of information from a photo...clues about the health and compatibility of a potential mate. In most relationships, there has to be an element of physical attraction. That doesn't mean that the person you find appealing will appear that way to everyone else nor vice versa.
Familiarity can trumph first impressions: someone you find merely passable in the looks department, can with time (and a complimentary personality), become very physically attractive to you.
With most people as they age, the formula changes...their subconscious is no longer on the prowl for the mate who will produce strong offspring...but rather a kind and happy companion who shares similiar interests.
If a woman can make a decent cup of coffee, I'll take a second look. 
I'm a pretty good cook...
Personality means a whole lot to me.. 
5/26/2009 8:11:46 AM |
just wondering |


Schaumburg, IL
age: 43
Pictures don't tell the whole story. I show one of my best assets, my eyes and smile! If I showed a full figure I don't want to be judged on my rack. I see alot of women doing that and it sends a message I am a slut, maybe they aren't but it is not flattering. When guys meet me they say I look like my picture and are pleasantly surprised. That is all I need. You can't tell how a person speaks or smiles or facial expressions through a picture. Especially thier demeaner and how they truely act. Please people don't put up pictures of your children, this is the internet. Be more causious and respect them. They are your children! If a guy needs more pictures I skip them over the red flag of shallow flies! If they can't appreciate the well written profile I made and need to see more pictures. They are just people I do not wish to meet! Take note men and women, I think that is great advice!
[Edited 5/26/2009 8:18:59 AM PST]
5/26/2009 8:29:49 AM |
just wondering |


Newton, IL
age: 48
A Person can be anything they want to be on the WWW.
I prefer to be myself!

5/27/2009 5:20:01 PM |
just wondering |

Belleville, IL
age: 49

5/27/2009 9:05:06 PM |
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McHenry, IL
age: 47
if a woman doesn't like my photo or profile, hey, her problem, not mine. can't be any more honest, or accurate.
5/31/2009 11:11:41 AM |
just wondering |

Galatia, IL
age: 58
Hey guys and girls...
Well, I try to keep my pics updated, cause I am always changing (at least hair color...lol) As another lady said in her post...I too usually just try and keep to a head shot, below the chin opens up cans of worms I have trouble dealing with...specially when I get messages that dont say hello first, and basicly jump to "what size bra" or "nice rack" or all the other little rude comments (as I see them) instead of getting to know me first, and not making me an "object". AND yes...I am usually dressed up to go somewhere when I make the pics! I mean do you REALLY want to see me with bed head or getting ready to mow and pull weeds?? Please!! There isnt a woman alive that looks THAT great to go with out any form of make up now...even mascara helps...lol. I just basicly removed my profile again...it doesnt seem to matter what you say anyways. Yes, I do read profiles, and I check if you post...that tells alot about a person I think. IDK...I even get a few messages c/o my player being on my page...like I tell them "read" you can turn it off, or turn it down...help yourself!! Just another example of not really reading and paying attention to things....
6/5/2009 6:27:18 PM |
just wondering |

Schaumburg, IL
age: 39
I agree, but please make note that we should be looking at small things like an eye being off. But being Greek, I try to avoid the Evil eye! Lol Heck I can show you three or more flaws on me. After looking at your picture, I do not see anything wrong. Send me an e-mail if you’re interested.