5/24/2009 8:53:33 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Sparta, NJ
age: 26
this thing practiclly drives me crazy, cause i sent email to women and some of them are being so disrespectful and so lazy to answer it even if they see and don't like the profile just be polite and let the person know that you don't want to have a conversation with it.don't ignore it it's not f*****ing nice. I'd like see some thoughts over this thread.please
5/24/2009 8:54:37 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |


Alpharetta, GA
age: 35
I answer emails from women that have pics. I don't answer emails from shadows. If I do answer emails from shadows, it's requesting a pic. But 90% of the time, they don't provide it so I simply delete.
[Edited 5/24/2009 8:55:22 PM PST]
5/24/2009 8:59:30 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |


Suffern, NY
age: 22
Depends on how you write the email...if its just a few words such as hey whats up I will respond back with hey whats up..the balls is in your court..what are you going to do about??
If I can see that you have no knowledge on how to keep a conversation going..then the conversation will not continue...if you send an email with just Hey..your email will also be deleted...if you really want to talk to me..send me more that a few words..be outgoing..step out of your comfort zone..I can talk anyones ear off once Im on a subject...if you want to talk about sex your emails will also be deleted...
Winks I don't really respond to..if I go and read your profile I just may respond tho..you never know.....
With all this said...yes if I can see if the email truly has effort put into it..I would be more than happy to respond..anything else will be deleted...sory thats just me
5/24/2009 8:59:45 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Selbyville, DE
age: 21
I answer almost all of the emails sent to me. Unless the message is requesting a booty call or it's something to that I can't respond to. Like "hi, you're hot." thats it what do I say thanks. Sometimes I do but to me thats just weird. Oh and if they don't have anything in their profile or if they don't have a pic. Think of it this way would you talk to someone that has a bag over their head.
5/24/2009 9:00:21 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Grantsburg, WI
age: 38
I will always answer a email to be honest..winks i will wink back. im like that..some think they are gods gift with power..and they delete a wink or a nice email.
I understand if the letter pertains anger or sexual deeds..that deserves a delete in my book..other then that..if im not interested i tell them so..quick-clean-and very politely put..jmo
5/24/2009 9:09:34 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |
Murray, KY
age: 32
i do what i feel like at the time.
5/24/2009 9:44:08 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |


Warren, OH
age: 46
Most of the time I do email back, but if I get one that I think there a little out there I don't bother.
5/24/2009 10:23:56 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Tulsa, OK
age: 34
I answer all emails unless I either forget to, or someone asks me a really really stupid question.
5/24/2009 10:24:58 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |


Suffern, NY
age: 22
One sec Im gonna send ya an email and ask you a really stupid question...  
5/24/2009 10:32:09 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Punxsutawney, PA
age: 41
I am guilty of not always replying, but it's not out of disrespect...sometimes i don't have time to sit and read them all and reply to each one...so, i may try to reply to a few a day...but, i also do not reply to shadows, or anyone who can't provide a pic when asked...i have to see the face that goes with the words in the emails...and i will also have to admit that i do not reply to stupid emails, "hey' emails, or emails that sound as if the men want to run off and get married (obvious they did NOT read my profile)
Don't take offense to no replies though...there's a lot of good men/women on this site and a lot who would reply or take time to get to know someone...have patience and good luck!
5/24/2009 10:33:25 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Grantsburg, WI
age: 38
I am guilty of not always replying, but it's not out of disrespect...sometimes i don't have time to sit and read them all and reply to each one...so, i may try to reply to a few a day...but, i also do not reply to shadows, or anyone who can't provide a pic when asked...i have to see the face that goes with the words in the emails...and i will also have to admit that i do not reply to stupid emails, "hey' emails, or emails that sound as if the men want to run off and get married (obvious they did NOT read my profile)
Don't take offense to no replies though...there's a lot of good men/women on this site and a lot who would reply or take time to get to know someone...have patience and good luck!
see it must be nice to get so much mail..i find this very funny .. 
5/24/2009 10:36:17 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |


Mena, AR
age: 40
I try not to be rude, but I don't answer if I'm not interested, and there's a couple reasons why. First, if they sound like a scammer, delete, delete, delete. Second, why reject them? I assume they sent out several emails, so I hope they won't notice, and maybe my rejection will sting, especially if they forgot me. Plus, I'm a big girl. Rejected by a fat chick? I don't want to do that if I can help it. Third, many people want a reson you're not interested, and franhkly, it gets awkward quick. And fourth, the biggest reason I don't is because so many get downright hostile and insulting when you say no thanks. Not worth it.
Now if you've established some communication and rapport with someone, that's different. I won't ignore someone I have been corresponding with.
5/24/2009 10:36:55 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Tulsa, OK
age: 34
Well I'll give you an idea of what I mean.
Recently someone sent me an email asking why I don't post in the forums anymore..............................
I looked back over my forum posts and this lady had posted either before or after me several times that day and although it's possible she didn't pay attention to my posts, she must be paying enough attention to wonder why I'm not posting,,, does that make sense?
I dunno, I thought about replying and being nice and telling her thanks for thinking of me, but at the same time I couldn't get past telling her off. So I just deleted after thinking about it for a day.
5/24/2009 10:46:42 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |

Broomfield, CO
age: 44
Sincee I joined DH, I made a promise to answer each and every email I receive.
Back then, in a similar thread, I said this and every one laughed at me, since as a general rule, women get much more emails than guys.
They all told me that I will quit doing that after a while.
To this day, I have yet to break that rule.
In my opinion, if a guy takes the time (and courage) to write an email to me, I should respect it enough to reply.
Now...based on what they write, they might not like the answer they will get...but at the least they wil get one.
If the email or the reply is too nasty or disrespectful, They also earn a "Block" along with the reply.
"Winks"...I ignore. The rest, I respect.
5/24/2009 10:52:40 PM |
How many of you answer or don't answer to an email.. |


Goshen, IN
age: 29
No response is a response.
One doesn't have to like it, but, one doesn't have to like many things.