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Forums: Dating General Discussion: would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |
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5/26/2009 4:59:03 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |

Orlando, FL
age: 44
we all know that being college educated makes a difference as far as how intelligent and well-spoken a person is. it also reflects on their choice of career and how much they thought (or their parents thought) to plan ahead while they were still in high school.
if you're college educated (with an associate's degree or higher) and have busted your buns to work at getting to where you are in your career and your life - would you date someone who didn't care enough to plan ahead for their future, wasn't able (couldn't afford) to attend college, is a blue collar worker or has absolutely NO job skills or anything above a high school education? 
5/26/2009 5:03:48 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |
Henderson, NV
age: 47
We all know?
I find that to be one of the most ignorant comments someone can make!
Just because someone had the economic advantage to attend college
Does not denote intelligence, being well read is a much better way
To have intelligent conversation.
The whole concept of grading on the curve so everyone can graduate
makes the concept of higher education null and void
5/26/2009 5:05:19 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Sioux Falls, SD
age: 58 online now!
We all know?
I find that to be one of the most ignorant comments someone can make!
Just because someone had the economic advantage to attend college
Does not denote intelligence, being well read is a much better way
To have intelligent conversation.
The whole concept of grading on the curve so everyone can graduate
makes the concept of higher education null and void
5/26/2009 5:08:11 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |

Punxsutawney, PA
age: 41
I don't need someone with a college education or a great paying job..just someone who can at least speak intelligently and understand me....common sense is a plus also...i don't need someone who thinks or acts like they are smarter, know more, or always thinks they are thanks!
5/26/2009 5:10:09 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
yea i sure would
5/26/2009 5:13:26 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Atlanta, GA
age: 54
If she has a really good rack and passed the orals.
5/26/2009 5:13:34 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Manotick, ON
age: 36
I spent 15 years in the army and I am a mechanic by trade.. Does that make me stupid?? My sister went to school and said she would travel the world and have an awesome job well she has an ok job nothing she went to school for and has never left Canada other than going to the states.. Schooling means nothing it is what a person does with there knowlege that counts
5/26/2009 5:19:04 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |

Massillon, OH
age: 39
Wow. I don't see that at all. I think that is a generalization about people, which is
always uncool in my book.
I consider myself very intelligent, well read, well spoken, a good person, a wonderful
Mom. I don't need a college education to know that, I don't need a person to tell me that.
What degree you have, how much money you have, what house you live in....what does
that matter compared to who you are as a person, what values you have, your beliefs?
I'll take someone at face value, who they are, what they think, what they feel and how
they respond to me and another before I base my opinion on the piece of paper they have
hanging on their wall.
5/26/2009 5:21:57 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |

Petaluma, CA
age: 59
College is not for everyone and is not indicative of intelligence. Nor is it indicative of whether someone prepared for their future or not. I have known people with college degrees who didn't have common sense. Personally, I'd opt for the person who does have common sense. My mother only has a tenth grade education, but I guarantee she can have a conversation with anyone and hold her own. She reads alot and whenever I go traveling I always send her the local paper as she likes to see what is going on in other parts of the world, not just the United States. Your opening statement at best smacks of elitism and being educated does not necessarily make one intelligent or well-spoken.
5/26/2009 5:25:04 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Manotick, ON
age: 36
actually I have met some pretty stupid people who have degrees.. infact I have trained them.. Alll the young officers commming out of school have no idea what to do when the crp hits the fan. those degrees they have do not mean crap when there in battle
5/26/2009 5:26:20 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Madison, WI
age: 35
"we all know that being college educated makes a difference as far as how intelligent and well-spoken a person is."
We do? I must have missed that memo. Actually, some of the smartest people I know have no college education, and some of the dumbest, do. Having a college education doesn't magically make a person smart. It just means they were able to afford to go, and/or life cooperated enough with them to give them the time to go. By your post here, I, myself, wasn't "smart" until just last year. After 35 years of being around, you mean to tell me that for 34 years of it, I was stupid? Interesting...
But to answer your question...yes I would date someone with no college education. As long as they can love me, be my partner, be loyal and faithful, and contribute equally in to our partnership, I could give a rat's a** if they are "smart" by your standards or not.
5/26/2009 5:27:45 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |

Saint Augustine, FL
age: 22
yeah im with alky26 here, even tho I feel strongly about MY college education its not required in a mate. What IS required at least for me is a person who is as vitaly interested in the truth of the world as I am, someone who can see beyond American myopia and who has a good grasp on the issues. I like to talk politics and im politically active, its important to me to have a mate whos intelligent, can talk issues with me and if im lucky wants to...oh wowowowow!, just heard thst sonya sotomeyor has been picked for the supremes, wonder what anyone things about that
first hispanic woman, raised as a working family in the bronx, born in the projects...yankee fan? born within spitting distrance of yankee stadium..hmmm..
5/26/2009 5:28:33 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 51
I am not college educated yet hold a significant position with the organization I work for and I would date me...(that didnt sound quite right) wait..since Im not kolij ejumikatid i shuwd rite like this rite?
5/26/2009 5:31:45 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Oregon, OH
age: 45
HMMMM now this sounds really unintelligent that's for sure...
College makes no one smarter than the next person...I know several college individuals that aren't any smarter than a box of rocks
Bill Gates didn't attend college is he a dummy?
HMMMM I don't focus on such ignorant stuff..just because a person has NO college degree doesn't make them stupid!!!
5/26/2009 5:34:25 AM |
would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |


Manotick, ON
age: 36
there is nothing I hate more than someone who thinks there smart.... as my fater says and he is pretty damn smart man at 82 years of age there's alot of people out there who use ten dollar words but there really only two dollar people
Forums: Dating General Discussion: would you date someone who ISN'T college educated? |
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