11/24/2007 9:03:26 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Myrtle Beach, SC
age: 47
nsew...can i take you home with me????? please???????? i'll be good i promise......i'll do anything you tell me to....just remember these little stories you are sharing with us...and your wish is my command.....mmmmmmmm.....so hott.........           
11/24/2007 9:03:40 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50
But Bubba ....
Oh yeah...do one the shop amongst all them craftsman tools and grease....LOL
Hey Back off BLondie...I done called dibs on this'n...LOL
[Edited 11/24/2007 9:04:54 AM]
11/24/2007 9:05:15 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Houston, TX
age: 36
BUBBADT - you lost me kiddo - i don't what you just said, i don't think i want to know...things change over time grandpa - society changes as well        
11/24/2007 9:05:53 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Myrtle Beach, SC
age: 47
no way klassy.....i'm shootin for the stars....hey fire...where you at girlfriend?????
11/24/2007 9:07:05 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!
OH NO! You didn't just call Bubba grandpa....................
After readin' several posts down I think I hear the sound of a terlit bein' flushed on some1..................wait........yeppers double flush.....
[Edited 11/24/2007 9:12:01 AM]
11/24/2007 9:07:37 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Houston, TX
age: 36
"blondie" or better yet - mbblond got me 1st
we'll see if she takes the "initiative to get what she wants"
11/24/2007 9:09:19 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
back off ladies..klassy's aaalllll over this! You go girl, don't have to teach this one much! 
11/24/2007 9:09:59 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Myrtle Beach, SC
age: 47
nsew....i'm ready willing and able....just waiting on you baby.....mmmmmm
11/24/2007 9:14:48 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50
LMAO....Here we go...well this thread shot to hell...Back to the demon and his works I guess...C'mon Stella...I think it's time we hit the road anyway.
Blondie he's all yours...aah what's your name I would be much abiliged if you take her off the market...she is so wreckin my game here...
Hey Bubba that Salvation Army offer still stand...
11/24/2007 9:16:16 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Carthage, MO
age: 47
Just wait  
you girls will find out this is dr blackbird in disguise and tomorrow your pics will all be over the threads slandered  
11/24/2007 9:16:43 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Houston, TX
age: 36
we'll see
the ideas i have - i hope are helpful for every man or woman that takes a look
when people (man/woman) want something real bad - they shouldn't wait - for we all know - it might not be there the next day - doesn't that totally suck  
if any of us want something, it's best to GO GET IT
11/24/2007 9:18:55 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Houston, TX
age: 36
well done - bountyman - i bet you're cool to hang out with - comedy is very important to this kid - a life without laughter is my idea of hell.
11/24/2007 9:19:48 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
can we say bobbitt? She got what she wanted, in her hand. Careful what you wish for.
11/24/2007 9:20:11 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Carthage, MO
age: 47
Sorry youre not the type of man I would hang out with.  
11/24/2007 9:27:13 AM |
Women - what does this do for you? |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50
Hey I got hijacked...I'm already gone....Hey Demon what's going on in the well house???? What kinda thoughts you got for a shop????