11/28/2007 12:00:19 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
She doesn't need defending... I'm stating MY opinion, just as YOU do.
11/28/2007 12:01:14 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
yeah and when i state my opinion you b*tch about it. so why be a hypocrite.
all you do is state something c*nty and then say you wont argue anymore
11/28/2007 12:03:00 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Lowell, AR
age: 32
OOHHHHH SHIT!! He said the "C" word!!!!
11/28/2007 12:03:40 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
if it quacks like a duck
11/28/2007 12:03:50 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Saint Clair, MO
age: 52
DAMN, feelin the love in this forum!! hi, fire and stella!!
11/28/2007 12:04:48 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
Well, again...my man LIKES my fat ass and big mouth (least he puts up with it..LOL)! I am what I am, like my b*tch stripes, got the ass to go with it, the mouth to back it.
Quit with the personal, and we can take you serious...easier, maybe, I hope. You've got a lot to say...I'm listening, but the insults make it hard to hear.
11/28/2007 12:05:54 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
oh personal huh? you mean like
"just ignore him"
"he is a bitter little man"
dont be a hypocrite.
11/28/2007 12:06:22 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
Had a 6 hr "nap"...gonna be up with me tonight?
How about Chase Daniels and MIZZOU??!!! There is a handsome young thang!
11/28/2007 12:07:23 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
OMFG!!!!! You called me a c*nt? Wow......
11/28/2007 12:07:46 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
stella if you insist on mindless chats take it elsewhere. going off topic is no less bad than personal attacks
11/28/2007 12:09:55 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
I won't argue with you because YOU won't listen to anyone without calling names!!! 
I have tried to lighten you up. I have argued with you in the past. I choose not to. I like to have discussions.
I have never called you a name, much less one so vile.
11/28/2007 12:10:46 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
Mindless chat does not hurt someone like calling me a c*nt does. Get a grip.
11/28/2007 12:11:13 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
well you do say things like that and then run off. it IS c*nty. b*tchy, d*cky, asshole-y
whatever you want to call it.
i refuse to treat c*nt as somehow worse than any other insult., not to mention treating it as more offensive is sexist.
11/28/2007 12:11:23 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Carson City, NV
age: 51
No need to throw the "C" word at the lady pal. That's the ultimate insult to a woman in case you already were not aware.
11/28/2007 12:12:05 AM |
Asian women and american men |

Kingston, GA
age: 36
i knowand i dont care. no one pulls punches in these forums when insulting men. as i said i think its sexist to assign MORE value to a word.