11/25/2007 4:53:35 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
1. Yes We are Ready |
2. No We Are Not Ready |
My answer to both is yes. However, Hilary absolutely not. Why, forget her politics the woman is obsessed with gaining power anyway she can and will step on anyone and the welfare of this country to gain power. She proved that as First Lady. Frankly, I think she is a very dangerous person and like her husband a bold face liar. (Remember the bumper sticker in the 90s - "Impeach Clinton and Her Husband To)?
[Edited 11/25/2007 4:56:40 PM]
11/25/2007 5:49:26 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Great post. I agree with you about Hilary. She is definitely about the power and not the people. I have no respect for her whatsoever. As far as ready for either a woman or minority president? I'm for anyone who will do what is best for ALL Americans and this country. So far... it's been a huge disappointment
11/26/2007 7:02:58 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Spring, TX
age: 55
hillary is a nut. in all the debates thus far, hillary as acted as though she already has been president for 8 years and has the experience. we do not need her again. obama? he's a joke, playing on the minority votes. who knows who the democratic nominee will be. its still a long way off. are we ready for a minority or woman? yeah.. wish powell hadnt sold out to the guys up there already.
11/27/2007 3:52:57 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
A woman prez? HELL YA! I"m thinking Ann Coulter or Laura Ingrahm!! A minority? HELL YA! again! Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Michael Steele, anyone of those would get my vote in a heartbeat. I am a white male. I could not care less if a persons eyes, skin or hair is lighter or darker than mine. I don't give a rip if the prez stands or sits when they pee. What I care about, what we should ALL care about, is the character, intelligence and honesty of who we-the-people put in the White House. The future of this country is hanging by a thread. When I hear some of the clowns on the left proclaim they will vote for Mrs. Bill Clinton because she is a woman, or B. Hussein Obama because he is black, it scares me. It scares me that some idiot with a room temperature IQ can cancel my vote. God help the U.S.A.
11/27/2007 4:09:48 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Hodag, great post. Everyone is talking here in Florida about the upcoming election and I hear very few that are supporting Hillary...but I did hear one woman say just that..yes it is time to have a woman President! It made my blood boil, especially coming from woman. I think of all the great women in this country, true leaders with integrity...to have our country's first woman President be a woman that came in on her husbands shirt tail..a devious, conniving, power hungry woman like Hillary...I will be so ashamed, as a woman.
11/27/2007 4:35:10 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
Lotus, think about it. Any woman who would make such a comment is just as sexist and just as stupid as any man who would say that only a man could be prez. Most of us on this site are looking for a soulmate. Of all the tens of thousands of people on this site, most of us want to eventually narrow it down to one. It's called discrimination. That is NOT a dirty word. Discrimination, by and of itself, is not a bad thing. We do it every time we go shopping, for example. Anyone that would make such an idiotic statement as "I'm voting for Hillary because she is a woman", I wonder if that person would also reason "I'm hooking up with Hodag because he is a man"? God! I hope not!
11/27/2007 4:41:35 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Hodag, I also pray that never happens to you!!!
11/27/2007 4:48:30 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
Thanks, Lotus, I appreciate that! I'll take all the prayers I can get! I really am an easy going guy, but I could NEVER go out with a liberal, too damaging to the brain cells. Besides, there are so many great Christian Conservative women out there! God Bless You!
11/27/2007 4:56:31 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
My boss is a woman that is as attractive, articulate, as she is efficient, and a very effective manager. She has stated to me more than once she would love to see a woman become President but definately not Hilary.
11/27/2007 5:03:29 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
Is your boss single????? She sounds great!!!
11/27/2007 5:10:55 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
However not with who is running now. I believe that a conservative would have a better chance as a woman or a Minority then a liberal. It all boils down to trust and with the left stance on things they have a trust problem with the majority of the people to begin with.
11/27/2007 5:14:48 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
She is single, age 43, a single mom with a 20 year old son, and recuperating from extensive spinal surgery. I don't expect to see her back until early next year. In the meantime I have put my retirement on hold and as her deputy keeping the ship afloat until she can take the helm again. She never talks about the romantic side. I am guessing she steers away from realationships until her son can completely fly solo. I have known women like this before as I am sure you have. I will give the Clintons credit for one thing. Unlike Jimmy Carter and Amy they kept Chelsea out of the limelight. I still wonder what kind of mother Hilary is?
11/27/2007 5:38:54 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
Cmed68, I really was not serious about your boss, although she does sound like one hell of a good woman. about Hillary being a good mother, I am serious about this, how can a mother, or father, look into the eyes of their new-born child and support abortion? I am not trying to be harsh or abrasive. Don't these people believe in God?
11/27/2007 7:09:14 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Spring, TX
age: 55
hodag.. they believe in God only when it pulls in votes. sad but true. True for many of our elected officials on the hill.
a woman? yes, wish colin powell hadnt jumped ships... he probably would have made a good one. he didnt have the experience though.
11/27/2007 7:38:09 PM |
Are We Ready for Either a Woman or Minority President |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
People like the Clintons, more especially Hilary are interested only in power even far more than the Kennedy's and at one time I did not think that was possible, not at least in our country. Hilary states she is pro choice because it gets her votes. Who really knows what she privately thinks or if she herself ever had an abortion. Two weeks ago I listened to a Roman Catholic priest give a sermon. He introduced a few new phrases to me that included bumper sticker politics, bumper sticker religion, and emotional terrorism. His sermon was based on a hateful bumper sticker phrase directed at women who had abortions. He called the bumper sticker emotional terrorism. It really got to him because of what he has had to deal with first hand in counseling women who have had abortions and try to bring comfort to them. He also stated the emotional damage suffered by many women who have had abortions gone untreated can last for years and even an entire lifetime. Now here is a man by profession alone is pro life and openly stated in his sermon he is 100% pro life but is there to comfort those who have gone against his church and turn to him for help. As far as Hilary I doubt if she has ever had an abortion and if she did would never state so in public (may cost her votes). I also seriously doubt that Hilary gives one damn over the emotional damage this places on many women who do get abortions.