Canutillo, TX
age: 21
i like being with my BF or watever but after a while i lose interest in them and i dont know wats the real reason. i like being in control and i love fooling around but after i awhile i just dont know wat to think or even do. . .
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New Philadelphia, OH
age: 31
The reason is you are 20 years old. You got a good 10 or so years before you need to even think about settling down. Till then, play safe.
San Jose, CA
age: 20
It's possible that you just haven't found your perfect match yet.
Also it could be that you're picking guys that are more-or-less duplicates. Maybe you need to find someone different.
Sarasota, FL
age: 54
Don't start with sex!... there are other things that complete a relationship that are much more enduring like common interests, Any relationship based on sex is destined to fail!.. I mean really, After you have 'been together' what else are you left with?