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6/24/2009 1:29:00 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Atco, NJ
age: 38
I wanted to start this thread by talking about Jersey Tomatoes and the memories of Summer they bring with them.My first memory of a ripe jersey tomato goes back to the 70s in my childhood.My grandfather always had summer cookouts and his Garden was the Main Attraction.Nothing like pops Jersey Tomatoes or his prize winning cole slaw. I'll tell you the secret Ingredient if you ask.That sparked my interest about growing in the Garden State.Ive had some bad years were I was just too busy to spend in the garden and I regret those years also.As Gardening is a form of meditation to me.Nothing can be closer to nature as to eat the fruits of your own labor.I know there are many in NJ that enjoy the same hobby as I do in the summer.There are many memories there Im sure.Like the memory of the Tomato shortage when tomato prices soared to 2 bucks a piece.I was a happy camper that year.It was all caused by a fungus that wiped out many tomato crops.whether you choose to grow Hybrid, heirloom or cherry tomatoes jersey's climate and soil seems to some of the best.I will go over some of the different varieties to grow later on if theis blog takes off.Im hoping that other gardener will join in with their helpful tips and comments.
Keep on growing
6/24/2009 3:34:13 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |

Franklin Park, NJ
age: 49
Drat....I read the subject header and thought we were going to be talking about breasts!

6/24/2009 3:42:34 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Atco, NJ
age: 38
well not those tomatoes
6/24/2009 6:01:06 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |

Mays Landing, NJ
age: 53
Well, I do admit that I have heard tata's called a lot of things in my live, but never tomatoes!! New one on me.
Thanks for the giggles.
6/24/2009 7:41:33 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |

Lumberton, NJ
age: 57
There is nothing better than a tomatoe picked right off the vine and taking the first bite...yummmmy...I just love tomatoe sandwiches     
6/24/2009 8:04:42 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Barnegat, NJ
age: 48
Well, I do admit that I have heard tata's called a lot of things in my live, but never tomatoes!! New one on me.
Thanks for the giggles. 
I like the tomatos, that don't grow on the plants 
6/24/2009 8:07:04 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Atco, NJ
age: 38
6/25/2009 1:24:32 AM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |

Franklin Park, NJ
age: 49
Well, I do admit that I have heard tata's called a lot of things in my live, but never tomatoes!! New one on me.
I should start a new thread...What do You Call...Them?
My personal favorite: YABOINGIES!
6/25/2009 4:30:30 AM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Atco, NJ
age: 38
Well this is strictly tomatoes and you'll be blocked for this Tom Foolery.
6/25/2009 5:02:04 AM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |

Mays Landing, NJ
age: 53
I should start a new thread...What do You Call...Them?
My personal favorite: YABOINGIES!
I call them "THE GIRLS" OR "THE TWINS"
6/25/2009 8:40:46 AM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Atco, NJ
age: 38
Not all tomatoes are created equal.Here is some info on tomatoes you can grow:
PLUM TOMATOES-cooking, fresh eating
Plum tomatoes often have fine thick flesh and reduced amounts of pulp. This makes them good for holding shape when canned, and it means they also slice quite well. Because they have less pulp they cook down for sauces faster than some. A good tasting cultivar may be the only tomato you need.
BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES-the primo slicer for sandwiches, cooking
Beefsteaks are the very biggest tomatoes. Their pulp cavity is generally relatively small, and always compressed and distorted by the extensive placenta wall, giving the 'marbled' appearance of a steak. Because of the compressed pulp cavity and networking of the fruit wall as placenta, beefsteaks hold together well when sliced, and together with their large size, make them the ideal 'slicer' for sandwiches. Because of their high fruit wall to pulp ratio, they also cook down well for sauces. There is a lot of variation between varieties in the density of the flesh, it's juiciness (i.e. firm or very soft when ripe), and in the size and softness of the central 'core'. Flavor, as always, can vary, according to the ratio of sugars to acids, and according to the relative amount of sugar or acid present.
Big Beef F1 Staking variety. Outstandingly productive, easily outproducing most other large, (about 100mm/4 inches in diameter/ 280 gms ) very regular fruit shape, with no cracking, produce large tomatoes even toward the end of the season, very good flavour. One of the very best of the large main season varieties.
Big Rainbow Staking variety. A spectacular looking tomato grown from at least the 1900's in the USA. Basically a large to very large yellow beefsteak, as the fruits ripen, go through a phase where they resemble a rainbow - 'greenback' on the shoulders, yellow in the middle, and with red blushed pink on the blossom end. The early set fruit can be very large at 900grams/2 lbs or more. The flesh is marbled red and orange.It is relatively free of fruit defects, and bears well. Highly rated in taste tests. Main season.
Brandywine Staking variety. A large beefsteak. Not as tall a some staking plants, this old cultivar (pre 1885, from the Amish community in USA) is renowned for its flavor. The fruit are large, between 400 and 700 grams. They are subject to minor cracking on the top, and are a rather soft fruit, but the flavor is outstanding, with both high sweetness and acidity, making for full flavor. The flavor can be poor in unfavorable seasons. Moderately productive. Main season. It has no disease resistance, and is unsuited to very humid hot areas where disease is a problem.
Evergreen Staking variety. Ripens green toning yellow. Medium sized fruit. The solid dense fruits are well suited to salsas, as well as slicing for frying or sandwiches. Main season.
Golianth F1 A large, smooth, deep red skinned commercial variety of around 300gms/10oz or more. Widely adapted and disease resistant. Early mid season.
Giant Belgium Large to very large, dark pink fruit of around 500 grams/ 1 lb. and and sometimes much more. The flesh is dense and meaty.
Great White Staking variety. A particularly vigorous beefsteak, bearing large fruit of around 400 gms. The fruit are yellowish white. Main season.
Grosse Lisse Staking variety. Vigorous, adapted to humid areas. Large, (plus 200 grams) heavy yeilding cultivar. Moderate sweetness, low to moderate acidity.Main season.
Marvel Striped Staking variety. Grown in Oaxaca, Mexico, at least since the mid-1800's. The large, heart-shaped fruit are yellow streaked with bright orange.Yellow flesh, streaked pink.The skin is thin. Juicy. The flavor is sweet Vigorous.
Mortgage Lifter Staking variety. Extremely large, furrowed, red beefsteak (up to 1 kilo). In good conditions it can be exceptionally productive. Main season
Pineapple Staking variety.The fruit are yellow-red striped, and the plants have heacy foliage. which helps prevent sunscald.
SALAD TOMATOES-for summer salads.
Seed locule (pulp) tends to fall out if they are sliced. Abundant seed pulp makes them a slow reducer if they are being used for sauces. But their smaller size makes them ideal for cutting in half or in quarters to have with a salad.
Arkansas traveler This pink fruited heirloom variety from the Ozark Mountains is medium sized, widely adapted and has good flavor.
Burpees Longkeeper Staking variety. A medium to large orangey-red tomato (about 150gms) whose special feature is that if the plant is put in later than the main crop, the Autumn ripening tomatoes will keep for up to three months if care is taken to store only undamaged fruit. Main season, but intended to be delayed planted to ripen late.
Cherokee Purple-A rather short staking variety said to have been grown by the Cherokee tribe of USA at least since the late 1800's. This is a large (250 grams/9oz or more) dirty pinky-purple colored fruit with brownish shoulders.The flesh is soft, brick colored with green gel. It is one of the sweetest (if not the sweetest) large tomatoes available. It has little acid. Mid season.
Djena Lee's Golden Girl developed in Minnesota in the 20's by one Djena Lee, this deep yellow tomato has a reputation for quite exception sugar acid balance and intensity of flavor.
Dr.Walter Staking variety. Productive. Low acid. Main season.
Early girl Staking variety. Starts maturing fruit early and carries on producing to relatively late in the season. Moderate sweetness, medium to high acidity. A good all season tomato for those who prefer the acid notes in tomatoes.
Fourth of July Staking variety. Early season.It has particularly good flavor for an early tomato, and altho the first picked tend to be a bit flavorless, the flavor improves as the season warms up. A good choice for cool season and short season areas. The fruit are small, at about 30-40mm/a bit over an inch to about an inch and half .
Gold Dust-an orange skinned version of 'Taxi' (which see).
Green Zebra Developed in the mid 80's by heirloom tomato breeder, Tom Wagner of Tater Mater Seeds. Uniform, small (50mm/2 inch) olivey yellow fruit overlaid with dark green stripes. The flesh is green with good sugar acid balance.Productive.
Guernsey Island Staking variety. Medium to small fruit, red streaked with dull bronzy green. Medium acid, low sugar, clean flavor. Guernsey Island has unusual purple red flesh, and is juicy. Main season.
Heatmaster (syn. 'Sunwave') adapted to hot subtropical conditions. This deep red mid season tomato has disease resistance and is medium sized (200gms/7 oz).
India F1 A round red medium to small tomato (around 100 grams) that is prolific. Main season.
Jimma F1 Staking variety. A medium sized tomato bred to last for up to a month without rotting once picked. Early season.
Moneymaker Staking variety. Attractive, round, medium sized (about 115 grams) fruit on a vigorous plant better adapted to humid conditions than some. Flavor is good, medium sweetness:low acid when well ripened, and the reverse when just ripe. Main season.
CHERRY TOMATOES tiny tomatoes for putting whole in salads, or snacking
These tomatoes vary from pea sized up to where they tip over into small 'salad' type. They are usually very prolific, and some have been bred for high sugars as a snacking 'fruit'. They are very colorful as a whole tomato in a salad, and their size makes them ideally suited to this purpose.
6/25/2009 3:21:31 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Barnegat, NJ
age: 48
Let me be clear before I am blocked. I am referring to the female of the species as a Tomato. Not what is hmm. noticable on the female of the species.
There goes that Blonde from the mailroom, she is one hot tomato.
6/25/2009 10:55:15 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Atco, NJ
age: 38
Let me be clear before I am blocked. I am referring to the female of the species as a Tomato. Not what is hmm. noticable on the female of the species.
There goes that Blonde from the mailroom, she is one hot tomato.
Oh you Again! Didnt I tell you to beat it like michael jackson? ready -aim -fire

6/27/2009 7:55:46 PM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |

Keansburg, NJ
age: 26
Meditative is exactly what gardening is to me. Though I'm not, my tomato plants are LOVING all this rain. I started really early this year, had the winter blues and started seedlings in February. I'm growing a pink lightning/stripe this year that I can't wait to slice up on a FLT! (that FLT stands for "Fakeon" or soy bacon/Lettuce/Tomato)
I also planted a hybrid Beefstake, red cherry tomatoes, Rutger's, and a yellow grape tomato that I've done seed saving with and had in my garden for 5 years now.
Along with that currently I have romaine, Boston, and buttercrunch lettuce; jalapenos, carrots, parsnips, sugar peas (the first of which were a very yummy addition to last night's stir-fry), leeks, yellow onion....and who in NJ has a complete veggie garden without EGGPLANT! I read on a snapple cap once that 2/3 of the world's eggplant comes from NJ. Now, I don't know if that's correct, but I'm sticking with it! Tomatoes and eggplant, smells like a Jersey kinda summer to me. 
6/28/2009 12:44:11 AM |
Jersey Tomatoes and |


Atco, NJ
age: 38
Yeah the eggplant was first developed in china and was white and egg fact im growing that variety as well as the purple ones.They are great grilled with sliced roma tomatoes ,olive oil,garlic and some parm cheese. who needs meat?