6/27/2009 2:09:40 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |
Franklin, WI
age: 60
I volunteer to wash 10s back.....
6/27/2009 2:13:38 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
oohh yer a baaad boy..
6/27/2009 2:14:38 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |
Franklin, WI
age: 60
Just want to be helpful. Is that so BAD...
6/27/2009 2:15:56 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
Hell no..........Thats Gud!!
6/27/2009 2:19:21 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |
Franklin, WI
age: 60
I would wash your back too....
6/27/2009 2:20:23 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
ok,, then get the lead out ..
6/27/2009 2:23:13 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |
Franklin, WI
age: 60
be my pleasure to wash your back. The wash cloth is rather small.....
6/27/2009 2:26:02 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
I prefer small face cloths.. easier to squeese ..
6/27/2009 2:27:38 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |
Franklin, WI
age: 60
the smaller the cloth, the longer the wash.....
6/27/2009 2:29:09 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
nooooooooooooo you are sure ?? 
6/27/2009 2:31:17 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |
Franklin, WI
age: 60
have to be through, don't want to miss any place.....
6/27/2009 2:35:00 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Haughton, LA
age: 61
Got the things needed for a good back wash
6/27/2009 2:37:47 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |
Franklin, WI
age: 60
and after the wash some body oil for a good rub down....
6/27/2009 5:10:12 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Wooster, OH
age: 59
Ladies,if you're going to be sharing the shower with a man,you may want to invest in one of these.........

6/27/2009 5:22:37 PM |
best tip of the day for the girls |


Haughton, LA
age: 61
