6/30/2009 7:10:05 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
I was sitting here looking through the news and I see all the stuff about "Michael Jackson" and just very small lines about Farrah being buried today. IMO this is so disrespectful of our media I mean I don not feel that they have bombarded the family like they are Michaels but Give the woman 15 mins plez she worked so hard to become who she was and then fought the brave battle of "Anal Cancer" she did and yet you hear 5 hours of M.J and two moment of " Oh by the way they buried Farrah today" Now is it just me or what? My God they are over analyzing this Michael Jackson thing to death, sad when it would be refreshing to hear another dead persons name!
Farrah may you ride every rain drop you see! RIP.
6/30/2009 7:11:49 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Scottsboro, AL
age: 46
I agree, although I haven't watched TV in two months. I agree with your opinion! It is sad! She will be missed!
6/30/2009 7:13:28 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |

Thorsby, AL
age: 54
she really got the shaft bad. That is so sad too. as usual the bad one gets all the press.
6/30/2009 7:14:15 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
I don't feel they should bombard the family of any entertainer but give them a respectful coverage...they really dropped the ball for one over the other.
6/30/2009 7:15:15 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Huntsville, AL
age: 45
I felt the same way.........But,once again he stoled the show......It is really sad.But,she will always be remembered by me and others that Loved her for her many talents,and the long battle she fought against cancer.jmo
6/30/2009 7:15:18 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |

Cullman, AL
age: 43
I dont watch tv hardly at all either, but from everything that I hear from people, I think they forgot about her or just did not publicize it as much as Michael. She will be missed.
6/30/2009 7:17:44 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Brownsboro, AL
age: 56
I wish they would bury that Jackson boy and get it over with. Geeeeez
6/30/2009 7:21:57 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
the saddest was a pic I saw of her star, It has only a handful of stuff on it i am tempted to send flowers myself I just feel so bad for her family, You know it has to effect them, To me it is simple disrespect. I am glad I am not alone in it.
6/30/2009 7:34:40 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |

Oneonta, AL
age: 49
I was sitting here looking through the news and I see all the stuff about "Michael Jackson" and just very small lines about Farrah being buried today. IMO this is so disrespectful of our media I mean I don not feel that they have bombarded the family like they are Michaels but Give the woman 15 mins plez she worked so hard to become who she was and then fought the brave battle of "Anal Cancer" she did and yet you hear 5 hours of M.J and two moment of " Oh by the way they buried Farrah today" Now is it just me or what? My God they are over analyzing this Michael Jackson thing to death, sad when it would be refreshing to hear another dead persons name!
Farrah may you ride every rain drop you see! RIP.
   and roses for farrah  
your so right laura, i've been reading the news, you hear more on michael jackson than anyone, what about Ed McMahon, Billy Mays, David Caradine just to mention a few, and yes Farrah Fawcet as well,,,what a shame some don't think of any of the famous or infamous people til their dead and gone, why can't everyone appreciate any of those who are living? why wait til they are gone? be it family or someone in the public eye, seems your more popular when your dead nowadays than when your living and everyone is always ready to take what anyone has when they are dead and gone, reminds me of a song i have on my playlist, actually it's my youngest son, shane's favorite song at this time,and i like it too,,,has meaning to my son and i, just trying to find home, sorry got lost in that rabbit hole for a second, but i agree with you on Farrah Fawcet, not sure if that was two t's or one, but may she rest in peace and she no longer has to suffer now, but she was a beautiful woman and had a rough life, sorry for the book
[Edited 6/30/2009 7:35:41 PM PST]
6/30/2009 7:36:41 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Brownsboro, AL
age: 56
Ya"ll know how I feel about that Jackson boy. But, truth is he was a super star the others merely stars. wonder where we rank in all this,
6/30/2009 7:47:22 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Scottsboro, AL
age: 59
I wounder if Farrah's family got a letter from the President like the Jackson family did, bet I can answer that one, now who is getting the shaft. I think that if one family gets a letter from him, any and all that have DIED should get the same.To me this was wrong. Now if he sent it as a friend thats one thing, but as the President and to only one family I say   JMO
6/30/2009 8:05:35 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Bryant, AL
age: 50
Ya"ll know how I feel about that Jackson boy. But, truth is he was a super star the others merely stars. wonder where we rank in all this, 
Tom is right Michael was a super star all over the world and with Farrah they knew she was going to died and from what, with Michael they still don't know for sure yet what did cause his death, and now he's selling out cd's at stores as fast as they can get them so he will have a income that everyone is wondering where it will go and to who, and then the public has been crying out for a public showing on his body and his home state is wanting him to be brought back there to be layed to rest, and now the insurance companys are waiting to see how he died because they will owe out a ton of money for all the cost of the concerts that are cancel because of his death, then you have his 3 children that everybody wants to know who will get them so there is alot of questions waiting to be answered and all of that is news and will be for a few years, but all and all Farrah was well like by most people here in the states but most people in other parts of the world never even knew who she was but they did do 3 or 4 specials on her life and death in the last few days but I can tell you I know one guy that sure is glad Michael stole the lime light with the news the last few days and that was Republican Governor Mark Sanford! lol
But all and all we lost 4 people this past week that was in the public eye and I pray for all their familys.
6/30/2009 8:14:28 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Phenix City, AL
age: 47
michael who?
6/30/2009 8:18:48 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Bryant, AL
age: 50
I wounder if Farrah's family got a letter from the President like the Jackson family did, bet I can answer that one, now who is getting the shaft. I think that if one family gets a letter from him, any and all that have DIED should get the same.To me this was wrong. Now if he sent it as a friend thats one thing, but as the President and to only one family I say    JMO
Well I don't know if Farrah's family got a letter from Obama or not but they did report on night line that he had called her a few weeks ago and talked to her on the phone wishing her well.
6/30/2009 8:23:41 PM |
Is it me or did Farrah get the shaft.. |


Tuscaloosa, AL
age: 54
Everyone knew Farrah was going to die. she had years to prepare for it, for herself, for her son, for Ryan, for her dad, and for all of her friends. I think everyone loved her. I know i did. I watched her show that she produced "Farrah's Story." It was rerun and there was a few specials on her after she died.
BUT, Michael Jackson's death shocked the entire planet, and he was the premier performer on Earth, and the whole Earth knew him, and the shock value of his death and the upcoming three or four years of figuring everything out just grabbed the headlines and kept them and will be keeping them for a very, very, very long time. RIP Michael and Farrah.