Knoxville, TN
age: 53
This is the first video I have posted. I hope I did this right.

Rockingham, NC
age: 18
oh my god what the f*ck kinda shit is that..... this shit pisses me the f*ck off u people have got me fired the f*ck up now

Knoxville, TN
age: 53
Well, You look like you're #@#@#&* up alright. Looks like you got your head caught in a ceiling fan. Ha. That cat was having a blast what's wrong with that? Real carnival ride there. I happen to love cats but they can git themselves in some predicaments. No need to git your panties in a wad over it.

Saint Paul, MN
age: 47
cant see nuthin...???

Knoxville, TN
age: 53
I appologize to hailbiel for what I said, everything is o.k. Lets just have fun here ok. Wish you the best.