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12/2/2007 9:20:05 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sunderland, MA
age: 46 online now!

HMMMM let me think

12/2/2007 9:22:47 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sumter, SC
age: 35 online now!

Since my dad just passed away this August (love you daddy )

Any news on my mother would be nice

12/2/2007 9:22:49 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!

a big old party with all my dh friends....

12/2/2007 9:36:36 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sunderland, MA
age: 46 online now!

Kelly very sad to hear about you Dad, just went to visit mine after 20 years, long story but I'm so glad I saw him and never will hold back from seeing him again, mom we lost last year and I miss her so much, what do you mean any news on mom? Is she okay? I'm sure your dad is looking down staring at a wonderful daughter and smiling. Hugs sweetie.

12/2/2007 9:42:16 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sarasota, FL
age: 50

I want Santa to bring Romie here for a quick BJ and then a evening/morning of wild monkey sex

Then, of course, take her back home to all that damn cold weather she loves "so much"

Waves at Romie.... howyadewin' sweety


12/2/2007 9:58:44 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Bryant, AL
age: 48

Well Romie I could have foot that bill 20 years ago but the age thing has played a few tricks on me through the years, but hey look at the bright side I'm the same guy on the inside!

12/2/2007 10:05:11 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sumter, SC
age: 35 online now!


I'll try not to make this to long or drawn out

My mother was always a difficult person to get along with, everyone was out to get her, nothing anybody said was ever the truth, that type of person.

After I moved to South Carolina my niece (the only family member I talk to) said she was starting to act real paranoid and crazy. When I left my dog Lizzy stayed behind with her and was her constant companion for 17 years. After Lizzy passed she started getting real bad. She would go for "walks" and three days later someone would find her on the other side of the county still on her "walk", she lived out of a tent next to my neices house.

Anyway five years ago on my birthday she got arrested for assulting a police officer. Because of her behavior and the manner in which she was found she was placed in a hospital for a psychological evaluation. Ever since then no one has heard anything about or from her. The last anyone knows she was placed in a state hospital in Massachusetts, less than an hour away from my sister. Family members have tried to contact her and the hospital but all we hear is they aren't allowed to give out any information.

I don't know if that is her choice or if she just dosen't remember her family anymore. Basically she is in the custody of the state.

I guess now that my father is gone it makes me wonder if we will even be notifed when she passes, if she hasen't already.

Thanks for the concern Romie

12/2/2007 10:10:45 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sarasota, FL
age: 50

Kelly... wanted to email you about your post here but I'm not in your "age group"

Contact me.. I may be able to help.
And if I can't... I know some people that can


12/2/2007 10:21:20 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sumter, SC
age: 35 online now!

Sorry guys didn't mean to kill the thread.

I have a bad habit of doing that.

12/2/2007 10:25:43 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sunderland, MA
age: 46 online now!

Ddidnt kill it Kelly, check your email and I hope you hear if moms doing well. Youve got a big heart

12/2/2007 10:31:09 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Howell, NJ
age: 38

Hey Romie , i've got the hat , will that do?

12/3/2007 7:09:36 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!

12/3/2007 7:17:31 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Overland Park, KS
age: 41

aww thats cute..but I may be already taken..

and one for Kelly..and who ever needs it..

[Edited 12/3/2007 7:21:04 AM]

12/3/2007 7:30:34 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Longmont, CO
age: 41 online now!

Just to give all my friends and family everything they wish for and to keep them safe and healthy.

12/3/2007 8:08:04 AM what do you want sants to do for you xmas eve  

Sunderland, MA
age: 46 online now!

I want Santa to talk to Scotty and see if between the 2 of them, they can beam me up.

[Edited 12/3/2007 8:13:35 AM]

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