7/18/2009 4:07:57 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
we all love being here..what are all the wonderful reasons..
my first one would be is I am always learning something,...did you know if you post too much on a thread...you get flashed..that is something to look forward
7/18/2009 6:23:00 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I love the fact that others get to decide things for me. 
7/18/2009 6:25:56 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
The people in my real life are just too sane and logical....not that they doent make me laugh.......but they always make sense.......
7/18/2009 6:26:47 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Nampa, ID
age: 61
woo hoo, DH has a flasher!! wonder if it will wear a trenchcoat
7/18/2009 6:26:59 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
I never make sense and it is OK.
7/18/2009 6:27:28 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
love it's predictbility
7/18/2009 6:29:22 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
It is the same people, over and over again. I don't meet new people very well.
7/18/2009 6:33:25 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I love the fact that the ones I do not like are unknown.
7/18/2009 6:42:51 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I love flashers, especially if their name is unknown..I love that so many here have the same name..makes it so easy to remember!
7/18/2009 6:44:41 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
I like the blogs.......you can delete the idiots........fun to say.....buh bye
yes I know I DONT delete..but just knowing you can...........almost orgasmic 
7/18/2009 6:51:20 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Warren, OH
age: 67
I love that I have met some very special people on here, and some times when I
cannot sleep at night I go on date hook and listen to the music. Which has really
blessed me.
7/18/2009 6:57:29 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
I love that we are always in the hearts and minds of so many, that we have touched them with our humor, compassion and yes, understanding. They create blogs, threads and posts entirely about us. They must regret that they have blocked us because they sneak in whenever they can do see what we are doing and then they take great pride in copying what we do. Bless their hearts, its just an awesome feeling to know we have touched so many. 
7/18/2009 6:59:38 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I love it that one of my very first friends on DH just posted on my blog...He is a real friend, we have met... 
7/18/2009 7:06:14 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I love that we all have such a good time and are loving and kind to each other.
7/18/2009 7:07:23 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I love that people live so far away...
7/18/2009 7:08:53 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
I love DH because we dont have a comedy club nearby...........anddddddd I dont get to the movies often...........
7/18/2009 7:08:58 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63

[Edited 7/18/2009 7:09:24 PM PST]
7/19/2009 8:28:12 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
without DH how can we appreciate real life 
7/19/2009 10:44:37 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I love DH because I have always loved the arts..and there are many form seen here..
7/19/2009 10:53:07 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
I love DH because it reminds me that being me is a lot nicer than being them.
7/19/2009 11:06:01 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
I love DH because the people I post with here are all so charming!!
7/19/2009 11:07:11 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
you betcha
7/19/2009 2:08:40 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63

7/19/2009 2:12:36 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
hey little girl are you lost????
7/19/2009 3:23:54 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Clarksville, AR
age: 68
People that are kind
fun and interesting
some very savvy people on here and do not take themselves too much to heart
Men on here are too much ,  but perky
7/19/2009 3:29:22 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
7/19/2009 3:40:23 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
why..I jest lob it all..the good, the bad, and the ugly
7/19/2009 3:42:39 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
more ugly than any thing else... must be alot of those trees around
7/19/2009 3:49:15 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
7/19/2009 4:48:54 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Lansdale, PA
age: 64
Stan, Maurice, Vito, Colt, Allen, Alan, Alan, George, John, Paul, Hugh, Ron, Hank, Judge_ 86, and the ones to come.
7/19/2009 5:06:03 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
way to go girl...have a ball
7/19/2009 5:20:37 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
geez KK needs a black book......I'm tired just reading the list...
7/19/2009 5:34:12 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I couldn't keep them all straight..lol..but sure am glad for her!
7/19/2009 6:32:49 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Rattan, OK
age: 62
I love the quiet discussions that never get out of hand. I love the understanding, supportive, and rational points of view. I love the originality, the creativity and the spontaneous poignant essays. I love the deep thinking nuclear rocket scientists who want to set the world back in harmony. I love the positive and motivated women who are looking for a husband just like me.
There really is so much to love about DH--you just have to look(really look hard I think they are there somewhere).
7/21/2009 6:50:40 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
you do make a day fun...don't ever stop!
7/21/2009 7:13:31 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Tioga, PA
age: 68
I lOVE dh because when I need a break,I can always come on here and chat w/friends and get a few laughs~~~~~~~~~~hugs--fal  
7/21/2009 8:40:18 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Lansdale, PA
age: 64
Sorry, PrettyMoonPA, but they were not all from July, lol, started in Sept 08, and am please to say I jotted them all down by memory. Still in contact with some of them but some were a one time thing. That is why I love DH, a variety of people to get to know. It takes all kinds...one of the kinds I am contending with is not fun, but I don't bother with that anymore, don't even read. It is just darn fun being here and the ladies I find here are like no others. Accepting and kind and warm. People I can trust and talk with about many things. FRIENDSHIP...that is what DH is to me. Thank you, everyone!
[Edited 7/21/2009 8:41:14 AM PST]
7/21/2009 7:32:37 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I love DH because it makes me feel intelligent and lucky.  
7/21/2009 7:35:10 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
I love DH because I can figure out who IS intelligent....unfortunately they dont tell me when they get lucky    
7/21/2009 8:03:02 PM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I did not get Lucky....some one else will get him... 
7/22/2009 4:42:14 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
just, just everything...I mean just everything!
7/22/2009 5:00:08 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
  I DID NOT GET LUCKY EITHER  But I have Hope....not a lot but Hope does spring eternal  
7/22/2009 5:18:45 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I can't say I am hopeful..but will sure be one of your cheerers and supporters..hope that helps
but I still love DH
7/22/2009 5:30:22 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I love the fact that if you email and play on line with someone, everyone assumes you are having sex with them. Now that is a trick when you are 100's of miles apart and maybe a Thousand.. 
Even meeting does not constitute a relationship. 
I don't think...but maybe some know more than I do...
7/22/2009 5:38:00 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
hahaha flirty.......its even worse when someone hasnt been one to tease on line and then all of a sudden starts......yousa...you go from caring...to being in love...to being jealous....to getting married....
think (if one can do that)....maybe the person who never teased and flirted before didnt find anyone worth teasing with. .....or maybe they are shy....or for other various reason didnt WANT to have a back and forth tete-a-tete on line in the forums .......
7/22/2009 5:44:33 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Lansdale, PA
age: 64
I love the unpredictability of DHU. I can see nothing coming for a week or two and then all of a sudden, there are 3 guys lined up in a week. Always learning about men...and about myself...is the greatest.
I love DHU because it is one of the few things in life that is free. Tried 3 others for which I paid and found them worthless. DHU really rocks!
7/22/2009 5:46:32 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
OMG...you two are too funny..I always wonder if there is an agenda..but that is not fair, but somehow..I guess I just see the whole process different!
I also think a lot of it comes down to yourself..
[Edited 7/22/2009 5:48:34 AM PST]
7/22/2009 6:02:26 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
There used to be Mail Order Brides, so why can't we have DH order Husbands.
Just pick one from the catalog and put a SOLD label on him.    
7/22/2009 6:06:38 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
well before that happens I suggest someone find a way to verify the posted information..lol..sorry..but doing thst here would be a lot like buying a pig in the poke...
7/22/2009 6:11:00 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
I throw unsolicited catalogues away 
edited for spelling
[Edited 7/22/2009 6:11:31 AM PST]
7/22/2009 6:16:58 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
Where is everyone's spirit of adventure..
It would be like making a grab bag purchase at a store. Everything is unknown .....
The mail order bride thing..they did not even have pictures..and those marriages worked for years...
Sometimes until one or the other killed the other.. 
DH can be just like real life..
7/22/2009 6:23:09 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
DH can be just like real life..Quote from flirty
HUH???  No thanks....real life is tough enough
7/22/2009 6:31:54 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
oh please, don't tell me that..this is like real life...omg,omg..now that thought makes me really like dogs more than people..they at least make sense...I haven't been this scared in years!
7/22/2009 6:44:33 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
That is what I love about DH...people take quotes from me out of context.  
Just like real life. 
7/22/2009 6:51:41 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
well if it is me who did it, I have to say..you scared me by even suggesting this could be like real life...NO
7/22/2009 7:01:41 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Tioga, PA
age: 68
I'm not even sure this is really a life anymore....are you???---lmbo 
7/22/2009 7:03:24 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Bath, PA
age: 69
oh gee...........sorry........it will NOT happen again
7/22/2009 7:35:19 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I don't think anyone here thought a thing about it but those wanting to cause a problem and they will also see this as something wrong for you to do..
A no win situation as I see it. Considering those involved.
That is what I love about DH.
7/22/2009 7:38:02 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Lansdale, PA
age: 64
Thanks, Flirty, I appreciate that comment. Some one did have a problem with it. I have given all of it up, no more. Hope some day others will as well.
7/22/2009 7:38:48 AM |
list all the things you LOVE about DH |


Eugene, OR
age: 68
well i just luv to get into trouble watchout incoming ...