12/4/2007 2:36:47 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
This is one of those questions that can heat up in a hurry.. but a very interesting topic.
I, for one, am for it.
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12/4/2007 2:41:30 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |


Saint Robert, MO
age: 64
Depends on the crime .... and how it was committed.
12/4/2007 2:45:29 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
Of course it depends on the nature of the crime.. If the crime was indeed callus and extremely cold-hearted.. would you favor the death penalty? Some people is totally against the death penalty.. period! Some are for it if it fits the crime.
12/4/2007 2:50:00 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Greenville, MI
age: 60
If OJ would've been convicted of the Nicole/Ron thing........would he have qualified for the death penalty?? HELL YES in my mind.
12/4/2007 2:52:18 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |


Saint Robert, MO
age: 64
Yep sap em... git er done
12/4/2007 2:54:00 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 55
Yes, Agent he would have "qualified", if convicted, but the state of California has abolished the death penalty. He would be "serving" two life sentences.
[Edited 12/4/2007 3:02:32 PM ]
12/4/2007 2:54:14 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
The OJ trial was a circus and unbelievable from the start. Money will get you everywhere. I got a feeling that since he got out of it once, that he will kill again
12/4/2007 3:00:57 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 54
i am for it!!!!!!!!
12/4/2007 3:06:41 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58
Serial Killers....Death
Child Murderers...Death
Anyone who plans, executes and covers up the crime...Death
Islamic Militants that want to destroy our way of life, and kill us....Death
JMO...but in each one of these scenarios the person has nothing good to give to society, therefore they should not be a part of it...even a part of society's prison system.
12/4/2007 3:12:14 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
What about the sanity plea? Is that a load of crock or what?!!
12/4/2007 3:14:19 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Charlotte, NC
age: 53
You should get one apeal and if that fails then follow through with what the court set forth.Way to many sit in jail for years slowing down the court system.
12/4/2007 3:19:10 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Overland Park, KS
age: 56
I'm not certain on this one. I think that life without parole is crule punishment. Just the thought that you will never see the light of day as a free person, would make me very bitter. But do we have the right to take another life, with out knowing for sure that they are gulity, on just beleive that they did it. People get convicted of crimes they did not comment, and I would hate to see some one die for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
12/4/2007 3:19:12 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58
Yes they are...Look at the mother in Texas that drowned all her babies, and got off because of post partum (sp) depression...To me that was far worst then setting OJ free. I think it was 5 small innocent lives robbed of the chance to live, murdered by the one person who is suppose to protect them.
12/4/2007 3:19:22 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |


Spring, TX
age: 58
great ideas and I agree with your opinions. I'm for it, and ya know what else? Screw the humane way of the sentence. Hanging, firing squad, guillotine, rusty nail. If in a crime, or straight murder, if you take someone's life, you pay for with your life. Nothing humane was in your mind when you killed your victim.
12/4/2007 3:21:40 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
With the technology that we have now.. would be pretty difficult to make the errors like we did a few years ago. Never seeing the light of day is cruel punishment? So is killing someone.
12/4/2007 3:22:20 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |


Spring, TX
age: 58
richard, that is a heavy penalty for sure. I'm not playing God, or trying to be God. In jail for life, presently it cost taxpayers $38,000/yr per prisoner. the victim's family in a way are supporting that person.
not to mention 3 squares a day, hot shower, cable tv, all the current newspapers, magazines, and most any current or past book you would ever desire to read..
[Edited 12/4/2007 3:23:34 PM ]
12/4/2007 3:22:54 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
Exactly Knight... and why treat them like a king just before they deliver the punishment?!!
12/4/2007 3:23:10 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Charlotte, NC
age: 53
Just one more thing to think about.I saw a news special the other night and they claim that the sale of drugs in prison has turned into a billion dollar a year business for inmates.Do not be fooled into thinking they have it rough.I say make room for the rest of them.You should know what you are doing is wrong in the first place.
12/4/2007 3:24:10 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58
Richard...life without parole may be hard for you or for the rest of us...but once you adapt to prison life, it is not hard at all. They never have to concern themselves with working, getting health care, where the next dinner is coming from...let alone all the perks of internet access, libraries, tv, gymns, a warm bed at night...beleive me, they adjust and live quite well, better then many that have never harmed another person.
12/4/2007 3:25:25 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
If we gave swift and proper punishment to fit the crime.. we would def have less crime.
12/4/2007 3:25:28 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 55
Lotus, the woman you are referring to is Andrea Yates, and she did not "get off" because of post partum depression. She was convicted of 5 counts of capital murder, then retried and found not guilty because of reason of insanity.
[Edited 12/4/2007 3:26:34 PM ]
12/4/2007 3:27:05 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58
Thank you Law, I do appreciate the correction
12/4/2007 3:28:10 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
insanity? Yates? Hell, she knew exactly what she was doing. There are so many books out there now that talks about insanity that anyone could fake it and get away with murder
12/4/2007 3:29:23 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 55
Lotus, you are welcome.
12/4/2007 3:47:48 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Racine, WI
age: 59
I'm with you..an eye for an eye...without having some teeth in a crime like murder..there is no significant deterrent. I believe, at least in a small way, the death penalty helps keep some people alive...even if it's just one..it's worth it.
12/4/2007 3:48:42 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
The crime, and the criminal must be considered. I have known people who are just plain mean. I guess you could say these people are insane. (and that would be true) I wish we had a magic pill that would change these people, but we do not. Mean people tend to commit crimes over and over again.
Child molesters are another group that seem beyond repair. Again, these folks are insane.
It would be nice to be rich enough to give these people a nice hotel room for life, (or until science comes up with a cure that actually works), however, we have reached a point in this Country where there simply is not enough money for housing these people.
If they knew that what they were doing was wrong, they should be punished. If they are likely to commit their crimes again, they should be executed.
The important thing here is not the act of killing criminals. The important thing is that those responsible for carrying out the sentence do so because it is our responsibility to do so, not because we enjoy doing so.
We have an obligation to protect our citizens from crime. Just as we punish our children because we must do so, we should punish our criminals because we must do so. (in order to to protect our citizens)
This is why we should say a prayer for those we execute. (After we do our duty, and pull the switch.)
12/4/2007 4:01:06 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Tioga, PA
age: 70
I believe in the death penalty for the bad crimes. I know Oj got away with murder,but is back in a mess again,and I pray his cocky a** fries this time.
As far as keeping these men in jail or prison--Most turn out to be homo-sexual and are very hardened...........I know of a person right now---who doesn't mind being in jail at all:
This is what our world has come to------how much more hand patting can we do to these folks before they get the message--I SAY NONE:::::
12/4/2007 4:33:42 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Santa Rosa, CA
age: 54
I am for it.
Hey Law: I will trust your expertise on this...but I do not recall that Californians have abolished it again. I do know it's far too long between crime and punishment.
12/4/2007 5:56:04 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Kennesaw, GA
age: 61
As a retired officer, I've seen from infants to the very old murdered for no reason. If you commit capital murder and convicted, DEATH.
12/4/2007 6:00:49 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Stanford, KY
age: 60
At one time I did support the death penatly. Then I wondered why GOD told the people not to harm one hair on cain's head when he killed his brother. Simple, that would make us just as guilty as Cain was.
After much thinking, I decided that would be too easy a way out. Instead, they should be confined to solitary confinement for life without parole. No tv, radio or magazines. Only photos and articles of their crimes so they will have to face what they have done everyday of their mortal lives. After that then they can answer to GOD, but they won't be a position to hurt another person.
12/4/2007 6:06:33 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Columbia, SC
age: 56
yep, yep, yep ....... for it. 
Shortcake I admire you speaking up and pointing out the Lords point of view on this and I admit it has made me think about this for that reason, He would not want us to kill. But he's not finished with me yet on this earth and I'm not there yet. And HECK if he didn't want me to belive in the death penalty why the Sam Hill did he place me in Texas to be raised!!!! I mean I'm with knight on this on hang 'em, or firing squad. There are other means.
Sorry Shortcake I didn't mean to make fun of Your point, I do admire you speaking up. Thanks for doing so. 
[Edited 12/4/2007 6:10:40 PM ]
12/4/2007 6:08:22 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Farmington, AR
age: 54
Richard you say it is cruel for some to be locked up the rest of their life? What about the crime they did that got them there? Is it fair that the person they killed didn't get to live a full life?
My cousin was murdered by some one he knew. My cousin tried to be a friend to him and let him stay with him until he got back on his feet. He started stealing from my cousin and when he was found out. He killed Billy. What did he get for this crime? 7 YEARS! Now you tell me what is cruel and not? He beat Billy and stabbed hin several times. Billy died around 20 yrs ago. He didn't get to see his kids grow up and become parents themselves. He's never got to see his grandkids. Don't tell me what cruel or not.
If you all haven't guess yet. Yes I am for the death penalty.
12/4/2007 6:12:14 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Marysville, WA
age: 56
for it .. 
12/4/2007 6:20:14 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Arcadia, MO
age: 61
I've read this thread all day and thought about my views on it. I think there's a certain percentage of people who are allowed to get away with murder for the simple fact they have the money and means to do so and there should not be this distinction.
I also feel once you go into prison, it's very difficult if not impossible to change your life around and that's every one's fault for allowing that. Our prisons are worse than being on the worse streets anywhere. It saddens me to see young people so harden with most of it being just the way the world has abandoned them, I truly don't feel anyone was born that way.
With all this said my answer is I'm for the death penalty and a very swift time between the sentencing and death. The years that they stay on death row is unbelievable to me.JMO
12/4/2007 6:24:09 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58
Way...I can feel your pain in your post...multiply that pain by every family member and friend that Billy had..the pain they will feel for the rest of thier lives...compare that to the sentence that was given..it is an outrage!! I am so sorry, and I will never understand how something like this can happen.
12/4/2007 6:31:46 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Winter Springs, FL
age: 53
I AM for the death penality
however - i agree - it depends on the crime AND the evidence.
so many innocent people have been convicted of crimes they did not commit.
but when you have caught the person RED HANDED, in the act, on video, film, or stuck in the back window trying to escape the home after raping and murdering a family....
YES - AN EYE FOR AN EYE - the death penalty is their judgement.
No one should ever be sentenced to the death penality on curcumstancial evidence.
[Edited 12/4/2007 6:49:32 PM ]
12/4/2007 6:33:30 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Farmington, AR
age: 54
Where is the justice? Billy was a great guy. He did not deserve to die that way. If they don't get death then they should really be punish. Put them back on the rock pile and really do some work, instead of having it so easy.
12/4/2007 7:10:02 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Laurel Hill, FL
age: 62
I have to jump in here! I have worked in a correctional setting for years. It amazes me how inmate friendly our society has become. The inmates have far more rights than you would believe. God forbid the use of force. They get free medical,hospitalization if needed, free dental, free housing, free food, free entertainment, tv and some sites have computor access. It is a cost to all tax paying citizens. I have seen it all; old and young men/women who molest children, and the murderers. I deal with these people on a daily basis and none show remorse! With the technology we have today, it is highly unlikely that an innocent person would be convicted. These people who molest and/or kill people should be put in front of a firing squad!
12/4/2007 7:12:00 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |


Mesquite, TX
age: 60
First off i do think we need the death penalty..As far as theinmates having cable T.V.free books they desire any magazine they want and all of the things you see on T.V. forget that bull that doesnt happen in Texas. My son is in T.D.C. has been for several years it is not a place you would send a dog to. He is there because he broke the law nothing violent he mrssed up now he is paying for it i am not giveing any excuess. The medical is horrible each inmate has to pay to see the doctor not like the welfare cases.What i am saying it isnt a vacation... 
12/4/2007 7:26:39 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
Now they are saying that legal injection is inhumane. I suppose raping and than murdering a 3 yr old while her mom is tied up and is made to watch and than kill the mother is like.. humane??!! This country has become total sissies when it comes to protecting the innocent. Is it any wonder why more and more people are taking the law into their own hands?
12/4/2007 7:35:47 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Farmington, AR
age: 54
They have more rights than we do. How could this have happen? And why did we let it happen.
12/4/2007 7:37:16 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
Because a hand full of panty waist pansies got heard lol
12/4/2007 7:38:53 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Farmington, AR
age: 54
How sad. It's more like a vacation to them. It's not being punish at all.
12/4/2007 7:43:01 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
I have heard of those who get out of prison and actually do something illegal just so they can go back inside! Great justice huh?
12/4/2007 7:47:30 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Warrensburg, MO
age: 58
Well, I'm against the death sentence. Here are my reasons.
1. It's too easy...I know this is sick of me but when a person dies their torture is over. I would rather they are kept alive and suffer for the rest of their lives. I don't think prison is fun or vacation. I wouldn't make it 1 day in the small, stinking space with never going outside. Let them think about what they have done. I can't think of any way I would rather spend my tax dollar.
2. On the other hand, I don't think that an eye for an eye solves anything. I think turn the other cheek is much more peaceful. No one has the right to decide that another should die.
This is only my opinion...may be crazy...who knows.
I've never understood the insanity plea...if one person kills another are they in their right mind? I don't think so. EVERYONE is insane when they kill someone else!!!!
12/4/2007 7:51:00 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
Turning the other cheek is peaceful. True.. but hey, I am sure the victim would have gladly turned the other cheek if given the chance. I'm not putting you down or mocking you in the least. But.. if someone tortured one of my sons and killed him.. trust me, turning the other cheek would be the least of the criminal's worries if I had anything to do about it
12/4/2007 8:01:02 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Warrensburg, MO
age: 58
That's exactly what brought me to this decision. If someone close to me was murdered...the person who did it is put to death...friends and family go on suffering. This is the part that makes me know that I'm not being peaceful at all about this. I want the son of a b*tch to stay alive and suffer every day...death, his problems are over and family still suffers. Alive, he can think of what he did every day. Oh, and I think that pictures of what they did and the people who's lives the took should be one the walls of their cells. I'm not being kind. I don't think that God would smile on my idea. I think that death is too good for them!
12/4/2007 8:04:23 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
Yep.. he or she will sit in prison among all the law books, get their GED, eat 3 times a day, lift weights, share their killing stories with others, watch Seinfeld and have a rough time of it am sure.
12/4/2007 8:09:58 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
Here's justice for them. If it is a child who is harmed or murdered.. let the mom have him/her for just 5 minutes.. alone.. in a locked sound proof room. Than give what is left to the state to deal with
12/4/2007 8:38:13 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Stanford, KY
age: 60
Want justice? Personally know of a fellow in prison, supposedly starting a fire. 25 years, no parole. One of the people who possibly set him up killed a man in cold blood got 17 years and is already back out on the street in less than two years.
Not long after the first person I mentioned wa sentenced, he was almost murder in prison, set up by one of the guards and the man who was being tried for murder. He is now in prtective custody at another facility. He has to work in there for what he gets, or friends have to send him money to get things, including toothpast and soap and toliet tissue.
12/4/2007 8:48:56 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58
Most of us cannot even begin to understand the mind of a murderer, and yet we assume they will suffer in jail...to think about what they have done...hello....hardened criminals do not have a concience...if they had one...they would not have taken a life...they are cold hearted murderers and given the chance will do it again.
12/4/2007 8:51:47 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
I agree Lotus. How many times have we read about someone getting out of prison on parole for murder only to murder again? Wayyyy toooo many times
12/4/2007 8:55:43 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Elizabethtown, KY
age: 62
Against…I think we should use an island. Three time losers-to the island, Murders, rapists, any violent crime, and especially pedophiles and sex offenders, to the island. Once you go, you never come back! 
12/4/2007 8:56:33 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58
Tru there was time when I thought death was too good for them..let them suffer in prison, that may be true in a third world country...or many years ago in this country, but it is no longer true...they do not suffer...as to lethal injection...we can give this to these animals, and yet let people that are termianlly ill...suffer right up to the very end...makes one wonder
12/4/2007 8:59:00 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 54
we can give this to these animals, and yet let people that are termianlly ill...suffer right up to the very end...makes one wonder.
I have to wonder about that as well Lotus.
12/4/2007 9:01:48 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Mountain View, MO
age: 59
death penalty,,YES ,,,,for rape cut their tools off and put them up their exit hole same for child molesters
12/4/2007 9:05:49 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Homosassa, FL
age: 64
I am for the death penalty. especially john couey. he raped & murdered Jessica Lunsford.
buried her in 2 plastic bags & let her suffocate. my grandkids played w/ her & went to school on the same bus. I see her memorial every day. i wanted couey to get life & go into population & he would've been gone & forgot about.(thanks to population) Now, instead he got death & will be on death row for years, exhausting all those appeals,
while we pay the bills.And this is called THE justice system. yeah right!!
12/4/2007 9:16:54 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Homosassa, FL
age: 64
Serene, cutting off their tools wont work.they can still touch
kids & make them do horrible things.a lot of the damage to these violated kids is psychological & can follow them for life in spite of all the mental health assistance
in the world.In my book the only cured child molester IS a DEAD one.
12/4/2007 9:19:18 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |
Mountain View, MO
age: 59
and cut off they hand`s & head too  
12/4/2007 9:21:48 PM |
For or Against the death penalty |

Venice, FL
age: 58