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12/6/2007 2:51:57 PM |
Definition of the player |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Many ask " What exactly is a player and what constitutes a player. It's an individual who plays the field and has multiple active sexual relationships simultaneously. The term is usually applied to men.. BUT, we all know that women can play this game just as well.
According to stereotype, the player is a person whose seduction skills and sexual attractiveness are exceptional to have multiple sex partners during the same time frame.
The definition of player contains no distinction regarding the awareness of the sex partners about the player's " sleeping around".
Soooo.. boys n girls, if this is to be true, what do you call someone who " tries" to score with more than one person on here at a time.. who enjoys leading more than one person on at a time? Are they a player online or is there another word for it LOL I could come up with a few choice names personally for these people.
Also.. do you think people in our age range are just as apt to be players as the younger ones?
Wow.. could this epidemic be worse than the bird flu????
12/6/2007 2:57:54 PM |
Definition of the player |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
I'll show you mine if you show me yours..... having some fun and you never know might meet someone ..
12/6/2007 3:00:30 PM |
Definition of the player |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Me personally, I am not on this dating site to "score". Maybe to find a partner with some of the same common interests as mine, and if it proceeds further then great! Only time will tell as I don't rush into relationships, since I like to get to know the gentleman first to see if we are compatable. The sex comes later.....(only after the dessert on the first date, and only in the car behind McDonalds). After all, I am very particular.
12/6/2007 3:05:08 PM |
Definition of the player |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Now Tru I hope you know my views on this from earlier threads. Argued continually with this one guy he definitely said he was no player because he told me that's what he was going to do!! It ended with me saying "You are definitely a PLAYER!! If you spend a long time building a relationship with one and there is a connection for sure---It does NOT mean you continue to find better at the same time!!!  A PLAYER and FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS is pretty much the same thing in my book and I don't need either one!!! That's why I have those wonderful little gadgets because I know where it's been!!!
12/6/2007 3:05:20 PM |
Definition of the player |

Mountain View, MO
age: 55
WOW,, more than one,,who would have thought of that 
i just wish i could play with one !! 
i wood have to call them one lucky son of a gun JMO,, 
just joking tru,,    
12/6/2007 3:05:50 PM |
Definition of the player |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
I realize no one is going to hold up their hand and say " YESSSSSSSS, I am a playa Do you think it's a " player" kind of game online when one person is leading on several others to gain sexual favors with that person. Leading on.. I mean telling several in the same time frame that they would love to meet them, that there isn't anyone else they are interested in, etc... all just to see how many they can get involved in the chase. Is there a big difference between someone doing this online or doing the same in real life?
12/6/2007 3:13:22 PM |
Definition of the player |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
To me a player is one who loves the thrill of the chase, and not the catch. He, or she, wants as many after them or as many as he can go after to boost their ego.
After reading some of the posts in the Women's World forum, it appears that players come in all ages and sizes.
[Edited 12/6/2007 3:14:34 PM]
12/6/2007 3:17:07 PM |
Definition of the player |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Now in that case--I might be called a player!!! But I choose to think this is just trying to find the right one for me. Also I haven't hesitated in telling anyone that I am talking to some others. That does mean just talking!
If something is more serious like a date that went well, then I stop and tell all the others about it.
12/6/2007 3:18:57 PM |
Definition of the player |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
I feel if you're really interest, you'll take that final plunge over the deep end!!!
12/6/2007 3:22:13 PM |
Definition of the player |

Spring, TX
age: 55
dang vixen.. cut bait and run, huh?
12/6/2007 3:22:47 PM |
Definition of the player |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
@ over the deep end........... As the Sundance Kid yelled.....oh chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
12/6/2007 3:26:13 PM |
Definition of the player |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
oooooooohhhhhhhhh no over I gooooooooooooooo!!  one last beer first

12/6/2007 3:34:47 PM |
Definition of the player |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 60
I wrote about the philandering male, the Player, at length in a prior post. If anyone here did not see it, I hope if offers some understanding and enlightenment from my own male view, from higher up on the intellectual, civilized ladder.
Here follows that post.
"As females and males, we are all "Driven" by Nature's most powerful hormones..... to engage in sex: the exchange of genetic material between the two sexes of the species. As all species in Nature die, this drive serves the Great Purpose of producing progeny, that the species may survive in the environment, and the gene pool continue to diversify and strengthen.
That's the scientific, biological, genetic aspect of sex.
But for humans, there is so much more,.......
In addition to the afore mentioned factors, there are other equally powerful factors in our minds...... that drive us, limit our choices and severely complicate our decisions as to who we choose to gratify our sex drive with.
To mention only a few, there are emotional, Spiritual, intellectual, physical, personal energy level, economic, and character interests to be weighed in the balance when choosing or considering a partner for sexual gratification. Finding acceptable common ground on all these mental, physical and biological aspects is extraordinarily difficult.
Thus, as I wrote earlier here, we have become in Nature, and are, the....., "....endlessly restless Spirit......"
A broad overview of sex in Nature as a whole, demonstrates and proves the following:
1. Nature has females "hard wired" to be the nurturers, the ultimate care givers of newborn progeny.
2. Nature has "hard wired" males for one primary purpose only: to compete with other males for females, for the sole purpose of providing his superior competitive genetic material for propagation and diversification of the gene pool, and the genetic advancement and survival of the species. That is, the male's singular purpose in nature is to "win" and impregnate as many females as possible, PERIOD. In the animal Kingdom, that IS the primary role of the Male.
In general, this fact explains why, immediately after ejaculation, the male looses all interest in sex. It explains why, biologically, the human male is not "naturally" inclined towards lengthy conversations thereafter.........and "why" the male" doesn't call" the day after. Simply, his "job" as required by Nature, is done. The male is then hormonally "driven" by instinct, to go onto the next conquest for impregnation and specie survival.
The above facts being basically true, the question for us to consider here is: What factors will keep a human male in the company of one female, long term?
This brings us to the other factors mentioned above, which weigh in the balance of the survival of a long term singular sex partner decision for males and females.
For myself, I have found that the idea of a Soul Mate, that is, one who is a mirror image of one's self in the opposite sex, is not necessary for a long term relationship. In fact, in time, a mirror image becomes just the opposite. It becomes the ordinary and the expected. Our nature is that we are more attracted by differences than sameness.
Here is my personal list of factors for long term sexual monogamy.
1. Initial physical attraction, for all the obvious instinctual reasons "hard wired" by Nature.
2. High Personal Energy Level.
3. Shared level of intelligence, that is, the ability and willingness to entertain & discuss any subject matter of mutual or non mutual interest on a peaceful, civil basis.
4. Some same but mostly different personal interests.
5. A "Giver" personality trait, as opposed to that of a "Taker".
6. The innate desire to be a TRUE FRIEND to a male/female counterpart, 24/7/52.
(to be continued......?)
What I sense the Human Spirit truly desires in a monogamous sexual relationship, is to achieve REST........ and one another.
We seek an end to our restless spirit. We desire to finally KNOW…… on a 100% certainty basis, ......that no matter where we are in our personal lives or on Planet Earth, that we have achieved a singular, monogamous, fulfilling, gratifying sexual, intellectual, friendship of perfect trust with one of the opposite sex, that gives our minds REST…. and PEACE."
12/6/2007 3:34:57 PM |
Definition of the player |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61
Players ??? It's a given, but then this subject has probably
been"done to death". Or has it ???
12/6/2007 3:57:15 PM |
Definition of the player |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
I reside on a golf course. I see some of the men peeing on my bushes on the outer perimeter. I thought it was because they couldn;t make it back to the clubhouse after all that beer from the beer cart, now I find out they are just marking their territory........