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8/4/2009 5:58:35 PM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |

Belleville, IL
age: 31
Working for hourly wage=taxation,trading time for money,rat in the wheel syndrome,invisible leash attached to job,uncertain job security,only there to get a check,working with undesireable elements that you can't stand,ceiling on amount of money you can make. Working for profits=you dictate how much taxes YOU pay,uncompromising time freedom,building your fortune and not somebody else's,residual income,doing it because you like to,work with the people you choose,absolutely no limit on the amount of money you can make. Which one are you doing right now? I'm doing the latter,and I like helping others to do the same thing. Drop me a line. Mike Alford
8/5/2009 9:44:05 PM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |

Mesa, AZ
age: 52
I usually don't respond to message boards but thought I'd make an exception here, to kind of lighten things up a little.
The more you make, the more you keep. Tread wheel or not. Only a tax rate greater than 100% would change that, and there is no such rate. Working harder increases both your before-tax income and your after-tax income, as well your tax liability. What you say would only be true if the tax rate were 100%, which it never is. Kind of a round-about way of saying that the harder you work, the more money you'll make and the more money you'll KEEP - even after the tax man gets his cut. You should choose what you do only according to how it relates to YOUR goals. If that means working for "the man" so be it. You should not resent others benefiting from your efforts. Indeed, you will prosper most when you help others achieve their goals. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but a company (or business) pays FAR MORE tax than the individual worker does. The average small business owner also puts in a lot more time than the hourly or salaried employee; so much for "time freedom". There is no such thing as "residual income". What is that, exactly; spare change that falls off the money tree as you happen to walk by? How does that work? Oh, I know! It's spare money you get for doing absolutely NOTHING. I kind of like that concept but it doesn't work like that in the real world. Doesn't work that way in Fantasyland either. Whether you are a business owner or employee, to get any kind of money you have to WORK for it, and there is NO OTHER WAY.
8/11/2009 6:47:13 PM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |
Lobelville, TN
age: 51
I believe in MLM and getting your share along with the people above you. I like the idea of prospering by helping your down line.
8/13/2009 9:52:15 PM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |
Salem, OH
age: 45
You said all that needs to be said! Skywatch
[Edited 8/13/2009 9:53:01 PM PST]
8/24/2009 2:22:50 PM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |


Scotts, MI
age: 55
By far the best way to make money is to own control of the printing press.
8/26/2009 8:34:15 AM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |
Waukegan, IL
age: 28
hi to all on this.
I hate talking about minumum wage, because I know I can relate to the area around me, but I don't how it is in other places. You can think about this, when you're either argueing minimum wage is not enough to live off, or listening to someone complaining:
Minimum wage here(IL) is $7.50, it might be 8. a gallon of gas averages about $2.50. A bus bas for 3 rides cost about $2. a loaf of bread about $2. I could find a studio apt for $350, and rooms for rent are common. if you earn $7.50, and work 40 hours, you gross 300. you bring in more than 200. in a month you have earned 800. that covers your rent, food, and would cover transportation costs. Is that not living?
[Edited 8/26/2009 8:35:30 AM PST]
9/26/2009 4:37:57 AM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 59
Totally agree with Skywatch. Most of the get rich quick ideas will only work for the people that started it and the MLM will leave the low man in the chain holding the bag when things go sour.
Think things through before you invest in any of these on-line schemes! Always ask what the "Rest of the Story" is before believing the hype! ALWAYS do your homework and know the pros and cons of everything you invest in.
9/26/2009 3:45:54 PM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |

Mesa, AZ
age: 52
The first thing I ask for are tax returns for the last couple of years. If you're getting rich... PROVE IT! Mr. Average is spot-on correct in his thinking, and rightfully calls such MLM BS "schemes". Right again. I call it "scams" but it's really the same thing. One would be MUCH more productive getting a real job and working hard to improve their lot in life. As far as I know there isn't one MLM that makes any money for the rank and file personnel. What I cannot understand is how otherwise smart people get sucked into crap like this. Makes my head spin.
10/5/2009 9:05:42 PM |
Hourly Wage vs Profits |

Meridian, MS
age: 29
Yea, any type of "MLM" or any other BUSINESS of your own requires WORK.