8/22/2009 9:08:04 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Sparta, TN
age: 22
I don't know about you guys but Metal gear is the most difficult. For the easiest I choose Mike Tysons Punchout.
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8/29/2009 12:12:41 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Watsonville, CA
age: 23
I don't know about you guys but Metal gear is the most difficult.   For the easiest I choose Mike Tysons Punchout.
friday the 13th is impossible
8/30/2009 10:03:56 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Sparta, TN
age: 22
Dude, I ttly forgot about that game.
8/31/2009 3:55:05 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Memphis, TN
age: 34
Seems like I had friday the 13'th at some point, but don't recall playing it.
I know ghosts 'n goblins seemed totally impossible. Easiest.... I don't remember. Hmm.
9/1/2009 10:29:02 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Trenton, NJ
age: 29
Most difficult: I may have to say Ghost and Goblins. Dont think I ever made it past the first level.
Easiest: Tournament mode in Super Dodge Ball
9/4/2009 6:01:55 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Lima, OH
age: 33
After finding a list out of the ones I did own and/or played, I figure these were the most honorable mentions for hard vs. easy. I did own about 30 games or so by the time SNES came out.
Contra is impossible without the cheat code. The whole Castlevania series was a pain and took me forever to beat that game. Bionic Commando was difficult.
Dr. Mario was the easiest. Other easy NES games were Tecmo Bowl, Burgertime, Boulder Dash, Dig Dug, Duck Hunt, Rampage and Paperboy.
Longest game to finish: Final Fantasy, Castlevania I, II or III.
Other honorable mentions: Super Mario II and III, Excitebike, Yoshi, Joust, Punch Out, Ninja Gaiden, Monster Truck Rally, Mega Man and WWF Wrestlemania.
9/5/2009 8:37:01 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Waukegan, IL
age: 29
I wanted to comment . I miss playing nintendo games. i seen contra mentioned. I can still remember a cheat for that game, i have it on my cell phone too. I liked lots of games. I thought Mike Tysons Punch-out was fairly difficult, but some seemed alot more difficult. there was a wall-street kid game I played, that was cool.
9/6/2009 1:41:24 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Memphis, TN
age: 34
Speaking of castlevania I don't think I ever even finished any of them! I think the third one was the main one I played. Or maybe it was the second one. But I got stuck.
10/15/2009 5:48:50 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Nashville, TN
age: 23
Hardest for me Ghouls and Ghosts. Could NEVER get very far in it. A boy and his Blob is another IMPOSSIBLE one, I never got to win it!
Easiest: Any of the 3 Mario games.
the Zelda games PISSED me off because I could never figure out how to save! So I never won them untill I got them on the cube! 
10/16/2009 4:57:44 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Trenton, NJ
age: 29
lol suicide is the key 
10/17/2009 5:44:52 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Nashville, TN
age: 23
LOL I did that a few times (with Link!)
11/3/2009 2:34:48 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Bronx, NY
age: 31
Most Difficult: Double Dragon 2, the one hit kill thing was atrocious, took almost a week to beat that one.
Easiest: Track N Field.
11/24/2009 1:25:37 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Fargo, ND
age: 29
Easiest: Probably Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers
Hardest: Quite a few, actually. Although some are difficult for having poor play control. Actual good games that are hard: Battletoads, Punch-Out and Castlevania
12/3/2009 10:07:00 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Pocatello, ID
age: 30
I don't know. But Contra was very fun as was double dragon 2/ All the Castlvanias were fun, part one was pretty damn hard. Punch out was easy until sandman. metroid was fun.
NES was/is great.
12/28/2009 9:42:21 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Grand Rapids, MI
age: 28
not too sure about the easiest, hardest would probably be Battle Toads on 2 player mode.
4/1/2010 1:53:16 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Bakersfield, CA
age: 29
I have heard Battletoads 2P is absolutely impossible. So is Ikari Warriors, but that's only because it's broken. (Though I LOVED the arcade version of it!) MegaMan 1 was a nightmare too, once upon a time. (Especially starting with MM3. Hard enough as it was!)
Donkey Kong or DK Jr. (not counting repeats) or Jaws.
4/3/2010 11:41:20 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Germantown, TN
age: 34
In that original mega man game I kept being stuck at some jump on gutman stage when I was a kid and I thought it was impossible to make it and somehow some day I made it. lol
4/28/2010 2:52:16 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |


Jacksonville, FL
age: 29
the easiest was duck hunt u could so cheat... lol
Hardest when i was a kid was paperboy that game use to make me so mad....
Know what i dont miss is blowing in the damn game to get it to work Thank you vidoe game gods lol
5/30/2010 8:35:38 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Nashville, TN
age: 23
Hmmm, easiest for me was Super Mario Brothers 2 and 3.
Hardest? One I remember was A Boy and His Blob. I could NEVER figure out that game!
7/1/2010 3:51:27 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Wichita, KS
age: 19
I would have to say the hardest one is metal gear snakes revenge.
easiest: super mario bro 3 or dr.mario
7/1/2010 4:02:12 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Nashville, TN
age: 23
Hardest for me Ghouls and Ghosts. Could NEVER get very far in it. A boy and his Blob is another IMPOSSIBLE one, I never got to win it!
Easiest: Any of the 3 Mario games.
the Zelda games PISSED me off because I could never figure out how to save!  So I never won them untill I got them on the cube! 
I agree!
7/1/2010 9:59:24 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Germantown, TN
age: 34
I dont recall SMB 3 being too easy, but maybe it was.
7/7/2010 1:57:38 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Ocala, FL
age: 28
Easiest was Super Mario three...i mean, c'mon you could beat the game with 99 lives! Zelda 2 was the hardest...it was annoyingly hard.
7/30/2010 6:28:48 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Everett, WA
age: 29
I don't know why but Ghosts and Goblins was always pretty easy for me. Zelda too. Must have beaten that game hundreds of times. Hardest one I remember playing was that Boy and his Bubble(blob?) game. That one always pissed me off
7/30/2010 6:40:58 AM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |
Reno, NV
age: 32
hardest for me was Bionic Commando I hated That I couldn't jump I always thought to myself what were they thinking. easiest most say original super mario warping twice the hold be to continue and I absolutely love the soundtrack. 
7/30/2010 2:02:28 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |

Bell, CA
age: 34
friday the 13th is impossible
QFT Also scared the shit out of me sometimes. ;/
8/7/2010 10:44:13 PM |
Most difficult & easiest NES game |


Clyde, OH
age: 31
hardest a boy and his blob
easiest tecmo bowl beat it a million times and kept playing it