10/3/2009 5:48:45 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
What baits work best for you? I use some homemade stuff.
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10/4/2009 6:21:27 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Montgomery, TX
age: 50
I start by throwing 2 handfulls of range cubes out - usually a minnow with its head pinched off works fine ( just worm it on the hook ) - not so messy either
10/13/2009 3:49:30 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
I start by throwing 2 handfulls of range cubes out - usually a minnow with its head pinched off works fine ( just worm it on the hook ) - not so messy either
Range cubes ? I have use mnnows and did real good with them.But I don't know what range cubes are.
10/13/2009 5:16:56 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |


Lake Alfred, FL
age: 56 online now!
believe it or not, beef liver.. it works.
but mostly I just go to wally world and get some worms.
10/14/2009 6:00:37 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |


Springfield, OR
age: 69
If i was using liver, I would put it in a small nylon netting (like women's fishnet hosery) attached to the hook, so it wouldn't fall off & the fish would have to swallow the whole thing.
10/14/2009 4:21:23 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |


Lake Alfred, FL
age: 56 online now!
Ive tried the nylon thing, they dont bite.. not for me at least. I make sure its anchored on good by getting a piece of the stringy fat/vein to hold it on... and toss out gently. Also, Ive let it sit out in the sun to dry the livers out some. It makes it tougher and holds onto the hook better. Also have doused the livers good with garlic salt, it dries it out even more and makes for some stinky stink bait. phewww 
10/15/2009 5:48:39 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
believe it or not, beef liver.. it works.
but mostly I just go to wally world and get some worms.
Yep,Those Catfish love worms.
10/15/2009 5:52:03 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
If i was using liver, I would put it in a small nylon netting (like women's fishnet hosery) attached to the hook, so it wouldn't fall off & the fish would have to swallow the whole thing.
I use them alot of the time.
10/25/2009 2:19:17 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Jefferson City, MO
age: 50
If you nuke chicken livers in the container they come in for a minute or two they toughen up. For fishing in heavy current I soak chicken gizzards in garlic or vanilla extract. Put em in a sealable container and let em soak on the porch for a few days. They can be frozen for later use
10/26/2009 2:31:58 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
If you nuke chicken livers in the container they come in for a minute or two they toughen up. For fishing in heavy current I soak chicken gizzards in garlic or vanilla extract. Put em in a sealable container and let em soak on the porch for a few days. They can be frozen for later use
I'll be trying this out very soon. Thanks olehoundog
10/27/2009 6:24:05 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Plato, MO
age: 41
If your fishing Lake of the Ozark hot dogs work pretty good in your at Trumman use shrimp kinda costly but drives then crazy.
10/29/2009 9:17:40 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Vilonia, AR
age: 32
I use liver for a guaranteed catch. I also like to catch a small bream and put on a hook with a decent weight. I've caught a lot like that but I usually fish with another rod for something else b/c it takes some time.
10/30/2009 9:17:24 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
If your fishing Lake of the Ozark hot dogs work pretty good in your at Trumman use shrimp kinda costly but drives then crazy.
I like to use the 2 for a $1.00 ones they work good.
10/30/2009 9:24:45 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
I use liver for a guaranteed catch. I also like to catch a small bream and put on a hook with a decent weight. I've caught a lot like that but I usually fish with another rod for something else b/c it takes some time.
I like to use small breams too.If a Catfish takes the bream he going to be a keeper. 
10/31/2009 12:20:50 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Vilonia, AR
age: 32
Exactly! Lol. I grew up fishin on the saline river and it was only trot line and yoyo type stuff and we always used gold fish for bait on them. We used to spend the whole weekend in a place we called the fish box. Nothin but fishin, cookin,and a lot of drinkin! It was great. Lol
11/1/2009 3:19:34 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
Exactly! Lol. I grew up fishin on the saline river and it was only trot line and yoyo type stuff and we always used gold fish for bait on them. We used to spend the whole weekend in a place we called the fish box. Nothin but fishin, cookin,and a lot of drinkin! It was great. Lol
I haven't use gold fish before,but other guys around here say they work good too. I use to use bream, but now you can't put them on trout lines are bush hooks.
11/1/2009 10:55:18 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 43
Wheaties cereal mixed with liver blood, and a beer is a secret weapon of mine.Make little dough balls, and use pantyhose to hold the bait together.
11/2/2009 4:33:18 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
Wheaties cereal mixed with liver blood, and a beer is a secret weapon of mine.Make little dough balls, and use pantyhose to hold the bait together.
Going to try it. What kind of beer?
11/4/2009 8:15:48 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Aliso Viejo, CA
age: 58
when I was a kid , we would get loaves of 'wonder' bread and wad pieces up in balls , mixed with p-nut butter. used the wonder bread cause it was moist and would stay on the hook long enough for the catfish to bite. Dont remember ever not catching any catfish with that bait.
11/10/2009 4:07:46 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
when I was a kid , we would get loaves of 'wonder' bread and wad pieces up in balls , mixed with p-nut butter. used the wonder bread cause it was moist and would stay on the hook long enough for the catfish to bite. Dont remember ever not catching any catfish with that bait. 
Will try it.
11/11/2009 9:01:39 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Vine Grove, KY
age: 52
I have a sure fire formula, take a pound of hamburger, 10 chicken blood stink bait cubes, and a 1 lb. tub of chicken liver. Use a blender on the liver, then mix well in a grinder. Clean and dry blender very well, or wait till next day after cleaning. Put in one whole box of Wheaties, and blend to powder, add to mixture until a small ball will bounce slightly off table. It will stay on hook, I use a #4 treble, and can be cast out far, just cast easily. You can substute the liver with 2 cans of Anchovies. NOTE:
Let hamburger get a little ripe if you can, and also add a foul smelling boneless chicken breast if you like, this gets excelent results, you don't have to wait long at all !
As another note, I also use Bluegill heads, and Brim/Bream for a side rod. It is fun to see which will get hit first !! This works in every place I have ever fished !! Even in salt water !
11/16/2009 4:38:38 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
I have a sure fire formula, take a pound of hamburger, 10 chicken blood stink bait cubes, and a 1 lb. tub of chicken liver. Use a blender on the liver, then mix well in a grinder. Clean and dry blender very well, or wait till next day after cleaning. Put in one whole box of Wheaties, and blend to powder, add to mixture until a small ball will bounce slightly off table. It will stay on hook, I use a #4 treble, and can be cast out far, just cast easily. You can substute the liver with 2 cans of Anchovies. NOTE:
Let hamburger get a little ripe if you can, and also add a foul smelling boneless chicken breast if you like, this gets excelent results, you don't have to wait long at all !
As another note, I also use Bluegill heads, and Brim/Bream for a side rod. It is fun to see which will get hit first !! This works in every place I have ever fished !! Even in salt water ! 
I'm going to try them.Just want to see what, I'll catch with them bream in salt water.
11/19/2009 2:43:50 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |


West Monroe, LA
age: 59
Ive tried the nylon thing, they dont bite.. not for me at least. I make sure its anchored on good by getting a piece of the stringy fat/vein to hold it on... and toss out gently. Also, Ive let it sit out in the sun to dry the livers out some. It makes it tougher and holds onto the hook better. Also have doused the livers good with garlic salt, it dries it out even more and makes for some stinky stink bait. phewww 
Now, I like this idea! going to try it myself!
11/19/2009 6:31:16 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Kokomo, IN
age: 63
If you use a goldfish or bream, clip a side fin off as it will make them move in circles trying to stay balanced.
11/21/2009 9:02:20 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Montgomery, TX
age: 50
Range cubes ? I have use mnnows and did real good with them.But I don't know what range cubes are. 
Range cubes are sold in feed stores - They are for feeding cattle - They disolve slowly in water and bring in small shiners, minnows etc - then the bigger fish join in - Throw about 3 handfulls out where you wanna fish - do not give them more than that because they will fill up on them - It takes at the most 30 minutes to work - Be sure to tie the kids to a tree if they are fishing and enjoy --
11/21/2009 9:05:59 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Montgomery, TX
age: 50
anyone sprayed liver with wd40 ?? It outfishes regular liver hands down ... wd40 is safe for the environment also --
11/21/2009 12:29:34 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Kokomo, IN
age: 63
WD 40 works on cube steak also.
11/21/2009 12:41:11 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Montgomery, TX
age: 50
If you use a goldfish or bream, clip a side fin off as it will make them move in circles trying to stay balanced.
Very true - I do it to my minnows also
12/16/2009 2:22:25 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Adkins, TX
age: 42
As a guide I use Big Marv's cheese bait. Quick and easy just dont get it on you.
12/17/2009 1:19:18 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
If you use a goldfish or bream, clip a side fin off as it will make them move in circles trying to stay balanced.
I got to try this.I always cut the top fin off so they take it with out the fin getting in the way.Works every time. But I'm going to try it with one of the side fins off.
12/17/2009 1:22:26 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Callahan, FL
age: 32
anyone sprayed liver with wd40 ?? It outfishes regular liver hands down ... wd40 is safe for the environment also --
I will be trying this too. Those Catfish won't know what hit them till it's to late.
12/21/2009 4:36:01 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Houston, TX
age: 50
If you use a goldfish or bream, clip a side fin off as it will make them move in circles trying to stay balanced.
Only way I fish for catfish, right there. Goldfish with clipped side fin.
2/12/2010 12:32:21 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Clio, MI
age: 23
nightcrawlers, raw chicken, and corn seem to work for me
at least with chanel cats
2/12/2010 11:07:56 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Rockton, IL
age: 33
Love all of these tips. Haven't catfished in years, but peanut butter is the best.
2/14/2010 8:56:47 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Benton, AR
age: 34
when i use liver i like to soak it in strawberry jello over night. it gives it just a little diffrent scent. catfish are smart and they get use to all the common baits. you gotta be creative these days to catch a big one. ive used this several times and had luck with it
2/23/2010 3:15:49 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Deridder, LA
age: 42
Believe it or not i have used all the normal things, liver, baitfish, worms etc, but the best thing i have found is bacon! Yep bacon. I can use one piece of uncooked bacon on a treble hook and fish all day long.
2/26/2010 11:38:03 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Brooker, FL
age: 64
Bacon sound good have to give it a try. blondie12gl
2/27/2010 8:52:42 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Carlsbad, NM
age: 55
i would have tu say chicken liver, hotdogs, and corn, thats what we use and it all works and mustit forget worms---
3/2/2010 3:38:12 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Cabot, AR
age: 56
if your fishing deep and running a line irish spring soap works real good cut into small squares.
3/8/2010 5:41:18 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Hixson, TN
age: 29
Skipjack Herring
...caught 1500+ lb in 3 days a couple months ago here on the TN river. Buddy caught an 87lber and I gotta 67lber
3/13/2010 9:05:48 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Somerville, AL
age: 47
Skipjack Herring
...caught 1500+ lb in 3 days a couple months ago here on the TN river. Buddy caught an 87lber and I gotta 67lber 
We also use skipjack on the lower end of the Tennessee(wheeler and guntersville lakes)best catfish bait ever was,second best is dove soap,especially on trotlines.
3/16/2010 1:20:37 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Manchester, TN
age: 44
chicken livers havent failed me yet...
4/15/2010 4:51:32 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Union, IA
age: 31
I use leopard frogs with a small slit in their belly. Seems to work the best. To catch the frogs i use a fishing pole with a piece of red cloth.
5/18/2010 5:24:26 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Ottawa, KS
age: 50
here in kansas we have a stinky worm ,the green worm. have to dig em up along the rivers around here. they will out fish any other bait.big fish and small fish love em.
then its the sunfishs,on the hook whole live or dead, then also cut up.
night crawlers are a stand by bait. minnows whole on the hook and put a few on there so its a bigger bait,or use a bunch of them cut into chunks. all the shads. use em whole or as cut bait fresh this time of year and as a stink bait for winter and early spring after ice out.and dont forget shad intrails they work year round.dont forget grasshoppers later on this summer,fish em up high in the water. lepard frogs are a great bait in the spring when they start emergeing from hibernation.fish them on the mud flats live or dead, channels hit em hard .
5/19/2010 9:53:32 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Beavertown, PA
age: 28
I like to use trout or pan fish egg sacs I use nylons to make 1/2in sacs then let set about a week in fridge,once they start to juice up they are ready.
These work realy well they get a little rank after a few weeks
6/11/2010 11:50:40 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |

Wheeling, WV
age: 57
take that liver and pack it in brown sugar...toughens it up and catches fish
6/11/2010 11:56:17 AM |
Best Catfish Baits |


Towanda, KS
age: 35
I use chicken liver. Always get a bite with it.
7/4/2010 11:31:24 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |


Santa Fe, TX
age: 25
We use cutbait works great near dams we are catchin blue cats around 70 lbs
9/24/2010 12:25:56 PM |
Best Catfish Baits |
Portland, OR
age: 36
These all seem great. I have done very well with the liver however at least here in Oregon the best bait for channel cats is bass guts, and for whatever reason smallmouth seems to be slightly better than largemouth.