12/20/2007 9:46:54 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Selah, WA
age: 46
Well I can talk around some things but I am totally honest. If someone comes to me and ask me if they like a dress that they bought and it looks like shit on them, I will ask them how is the store's return policy. If I tell them that they look wonderful in the dress and they don't then how am I helping them by being deceitful??? Yah probably brutal but then they shouldn't ask. Now if the person doesn't ask me then I don't say anything but if I do like what they are wearing and they didn't ask I tell them that the dress looks very nice on them.
12/20/2007 11:46:26 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 44 online now!
Once again Chopper,   
12/21/2007 11:42:35 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Franklin, TN
age: 49
Being the new guy to dating/posting on dating sites, I don't know. I'll tell you I tried to be as honest in my profile as I could, obviously enhanching the good parts. We all have bagage, everyone does, wether regular church goer or living under a bridge. If we tell ourselves otherwise, well, Honesty or .....whatever you choose.
12/22/2007 7:46:20 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

age: 40
I have a policy in my book & that is like most of urs 'Honesty is the best policy'
its 2 hard 2 remember all those lies & which lie goes 2 which story I tell it how it is frm my point of view always saying after I've given my opinion that thats my own personal opinion .. 2 many ppl being dishonest just doesnt make 4 a nice place especially in a relationship I tell the truth about myself that way if we do get 2 chatting again Im not falling over my lies & I expect the same frm u men...example: this 1 guy I planned 2 meet up with he'd been chatting 2 me online nearly everyday everything was going really well then it stopped I wondered what I'd said anyways he did say that his ex had been txting him & wanted 2 get 2 know him again ..... he went silent on me after this so I emailed him got him on chat & had it out with him he still claims there is nothing 2 worry about but still remains distant .. 
12/23/2007 12:30:27 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
Merry Christmas, Sensual Latina! I agree with you on your approach to "honesty" and the bottom line is "peace of mind" and feeling secure with your actions.
Living a peaceful life is what is all about.
I need to please my heart first before I can please others and ONLY honesty brings me peace whether it involves the truth or not. (as I mentioned earlier, in my opinion, honesty is not always about telling the truth.. it goes deeper than that)
Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and yours too. 
[Edited 12/23/2007 12:40:20 PM]
12/23/2007 5:08:38 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Cartersville, GA
age: 40
What worries me is some folks' idea of what the truth is. Perceptions can be skewed. You may feel you did the right thing and you're able to sleep at night while the other person is left hurt feeling slighted. I think you have to do the right thing as gently as possible. That usually gives peace to all involved.
12/23/2007 5:15:21 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Galion, OH
age: 47
I think you might be on to something blsd07. I have seen folks who will use the excuse of "telling the truth" or "telling it like it is" to be rude and offensive.
The truth is invaluable and should always be first. On the other hand, if she asks "does this make me look fat" lie like a rug!!!!
12/23/2007 5:44:14 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Castle Rock, CO
age: 47
I am 100% honest only problem I have is I'm painfully tactless..I tell ya,open mouth insert foot that's ME!!
12/23/2007 5:47:14 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Hollis, NY
age: 44
yes it is!!....trust me...all women cant handle the truth...women r too sensitive,so it has to be sugarcoated....or else....u r the mean bad monster!!!....hey.....it is what it is!!!
12/23/2007 7:06:05 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Cartersville, GA
age: 40
I guess I'm not most women. Tact is quite a virtue. I want to know if I look fat in this or that. Your behavior toward me will tell me how you feel about me so I should trust your opinion.
Honesty is always the best policy in my experience.
12/23/2007 11:08:29 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

New Orleans, LA
age: 44
Well here we go again. Beating around the bush. There is a fine line between facts and feelings. In either case I won't stretch the truth. If it is how you feel it can not be wrong because it is YOUR FEELINGS. If it is a fact and you stratch the truth, it is going to BITE you so be ready. And that hurts MORE. For the record this is my feelings. LOL!
12/24/2007 2:41:19 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Wichita Falls, TX
age: 40
Ive always believed that if u always tell the truth u never have to remeber what u said!xoxo
12/24/2007 5:35:32 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

San Antonio, TX
age: 40
merry xmas to everyone.honesty is the best policy no matter what.even if it hurts alittle youll be glad they were honest in the long run.i met this guy 4 months ago,well to make a long story short,he told me from the get go he was divorced from his 3rd wife and it turned out he lied.i got hurt,fell hook,line and sinker being gullible and naive that i am giving him the benefit of the doubt.i wouldnt have been upset if he had told me he was not together with the wife and was wanting to divorce but 4 months later the guy tells me the courts lost the files and hes got to refile well,when u have 4 people telling ya that hes married and believe him instead u become a sucker.So being dishonest about something is a no go.even if it hurts honesty is the best.if a dress looks crappy on your friend,u just tell them in a nice way the truth.theres a wrong way and a right way to be honest.