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12/20/2007 8:07:42 AM Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?  

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!

Within 3 minutes I wrote a small piece of humor. You may attempt 2 call me out as such but, I don't as a rule share my work w/the massez. By all meanz you n whoever feel free 2 corner the market on poetry as you see it.

You've been here almost 10 dayz n my advice is 2 stick w/your God n whateva broad in FLA that will put up w/ya. Hit you up so you can get my schit on the right track? Ha, Ha...
Maybe that shtick workz w/lonely skirtz but, I ain't buyin' the load of crap ya pedalin'.

You have so much 2 learn, if indeed that'z a prime example of your honed technique, n I'm not gonna help ya become a better bullshit artist. You're mildly challengin' n I'm bein' generous due 2 the season. So many pointz I could make however, time is short so I'll sum up your main flaw. Perception, or lack there of bein' a trait that apparently you've failed to grasp ...

As I throw you back, in2 the little pond from whence you came, throw not caution 2 the wind for the next skilled adversary may not possezz such depthz of compassion.

12/20/2007 8:14:24 AM Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?  

El Dorado Hills, CA
age: 38


YES you are correct. Good job I can't believe you caught that.

Another one worth looking up, which some people don't know the real meaning of, is: "Toe the Line." A lot of people think it's "Tow the Line." Look it up... It's interesting.

So yes, I'm sort of a dork like that...

12/20/2007 8:18:27 AM Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?  

El Dorado Hills, CA
age: 38




12/20/2007 11:00:24 AM Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?  

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!

Seeing how the subject line is: "Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?", as opposed 2 "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?", should we assume a mistake?

Perhapz we would n @ the same time perhapz this was a clever play on an oft used phrase.

Granted, had the phrase in question have been: "Poet of my heart; where for art Thou poet?", then we could easily assume such but, not w/certainty.

I took it 4 face value n curious why the capitalization of thou...

12/21/2007 11:50:13 PM Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?  

San Diego, CA
age: 29

mzzz, you seem to bring out the romantic side of men.

And in fact, much of the great poetry (I'm not saying mine was even remotely good) ever written revolves around beautiful women - beautiful on the inside and out, which you have covered fairly well.

One of my favorites, even if melancholy, reflecting love absolutely; I only wish I could come close to creating prose as brilliantly:

Funeral Blues

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

-W.H. Auden

[Edited 12/21/2007 11:50:35 PM]

12/22/2007 12:02:52 AM Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?  

El Dorado Hills, CA
age: 38

Jb, you've rendered me speechless, and perhaps a bit tearful with that one.

THAT is EXACTLY the way I want to love someone.

12/22/2007 6:32:57 AM Poet of my heart; where for art Thou?  

Choctaw, OK
age: 39

I have had a few things published, nothing for money, one I let some use for there convention of the Patriot Guard Riders... Called GOTG, Gathering of the Guard..

I dont always put my stuff out there as it deals mostly with our military and there problems.... PTSD, depression, anger, and fear...

I dont always post it for just any reason, there too close to me..

I will publish the one used that I gave permission to use at the Gathering... This is a group that protects families from the stupid protestors at military funerals, we do welcome homes, send offs, etc..

Patriot Guard Riders

You see us standing in a row
Our flags waving to and fro
The wind it sings our sad song
Tears fall, heads low, faces long

We ride our bikes, flags to wave
Pride, honor and respect to pay
Through the rain, heat or snow
Whenever the call then we go

Ride in the rain, it hides our tears
Some the nightmares and the fears
To many young ones lost or not found
We pray they come home safe and sound

Whenever that is not to be
We pack up our gear, so sadly
Another trooper to be layed to rest
American hero's, the brave, the best

You see us, yellow, white and blue
The red is the blood, spilled for you
You see it on our vest, and our flags
Our respect, patches and our tags

When the call is given and ask for
We show up by handfuls, dozens or more
Display our colors, RED, WHITE, and BLUE
We show our respect through and through

We are the Patriot Guard Riders
Everday our numbers grow wider
To stand the flag line of our fallen
They answered the nations calling

You've seen the phrases, sayings and such
Most dont think of them that much
Those of us whos eyes are open wide
WE are the Patriot Guard Riders

I have seen to many taken
Fear, anger, my soul shaken
I look for answers in the sky
An Eagle passes so very high

He looks down, screams his rage
Go to them, walk, bike or cage
Stand with your flags in a row
Wave the flags as they go

Let the rest of them see you cry
So they know you care if they die
They are the American fighters
We are the Patriot Guard Riders.

Ray L.
June 2007

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