12/19/2007 8:22:01 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Louisville, KY
age: 22
It's no secret that women play mind games with us guys ALL THE TIME. The thing I really never understood is, WHY? What makes them want to do this? What do they gain from doing this to us? Can anyone answer these questions for me?
12/20/2007 4:53:34 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Dunedin, FL
age: 36
Its very simple. Estrogen causes insanity. You will understand this soon young padawan.
Many women just want everyone to like them. They want to seem like the most desirable and popular girl in the room. It's a competition between some of them. The confusion for a guy comes when he thinks she's legitimately interested and cant understand why she seems so aloof. She still hangs out and flirts but she wont commit to anything more. The trick is to realize what she is really about as early as possible. Once you understand her underlying phych then you will be amazed at how clear the picture becomes. The behavior is easy to understand if examined in the proper context. You just have to recognize it and understand that this girl is not dating material and move on. She may be fine as a friend but don't try to push for more, it will just make you nuts
Not all women are like this but there are quite a few players out there that just love this kind of attention.
[Edited 12/20/2007 5:00:57 PM]
12/20/2007 6:25:51 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Louisville, KY
age: 22
Thanks for the tips. But what about the girls who play mind games with us even after you've been in a relationship for a while with them? What do they have to gain from this at that point? It doesn't make sense to me in that situation. Maybe it's true that I am still really young, but I still see what I see. Can anyone help me out here?
12/20/2007 7:23:36 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Dunedin, FL
age: 36
I had a gf once that used to pick a fight with me every couple of weeks. I finally told her that I wasn't playing along with her little "litmus tests" of your relationship any longer. I really thought she was testing to see if I would stay with her. Eventually, I took it as a power trip. i dumped her ass shortly thereafter.
On average, they are just all nuts.
12/20/2007 7:53:29 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Louisville, KY
age: 22
Thanks. Anyone else have any more comments to add here?
12/21/2007 6:09:31 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Dunedin, FL
age: 36
Hey jer, read the post by nightowl64 in the thread below. Just copy and paste it into your browser address bar. This guy really sums it up. It's not a game they play, it's the fact that men and women simply do not think the same way.
P.S. pick up a book called Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. It will help more than you could imagine.
12/21/2007 6:23:41 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Louisville, KY
age: 22
Wow! Thanks, but that kind of scares me. Maybe I'll just stay single for a while if that's how it is! That post is kind of funny, but kind of depressing in a strange way. Maybe guys aren't suppose to figure women out, maybe that's the big secret. Could that be it? Who really knows? I sure as hell don't.
12/21/2007 6:55:26 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
men are from mars,and women are from uranus?
12/27/2007 2:58:05 AM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
luxian, I agree with most of what you're saying. However, in my case, I didn't see the other side until well into the relationship. You know, when the emotions get involved. You're thinking everything is great. I'm in love with a great woman, and then, "BAM", out comes this other side, like a sucker punch to the face by Mike Tyson! In retrospect, I think what I learned is to keep your ears and eyes open for any little sign/signal that things may not be what they appeared. My x was one of these people that everybody loved, because she was so sweet and kind. But I found out that there was also a "polar" opposite to who she is. Now I'm sooo glad she's not in my life anymore. Good luck to the next guy that she takes for a ride.
 :brickw all::
1/3/2008 10:00:49 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Foley, MN
age: 57 online now!
Luxian...I agree with your sense of logic man. Women are as complex as the unknown in the universe. I even consulted the higher authority on this and asked Why are YOU making me ? I ask many questions when I first meet a new woman, ANYTHING I find opposing to what I'm seeking I just say no thanks and move on. If I make the wrong choice I have to live with it. I would much rather be lonely and alone than go through hell with the wrong woman...been there, done that...got the t-shirt that says "stupid". The "M" word is totally taboo and "M" does not mean money.
1/4/2008 7:33:13 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Garfield, AR
age: 32
It's just a game they
play called "B*tch Factor."
My ex-wife used to play it
all the time....
1/10/2008 12:38:03 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
just catch an episode of the honeymooners: Ralph Kradem aka: jackie Gleason made it clear saying: women get revenge back at us when they married us--sometimes i wonder if women that married a 1st time and divorced why they look the 2nd time in many cases materialistically--other then for love 1st--well not totally true--some do that the 1st time around until the guy gets smart--then he left them for us--and that messes some of us up
1/10/2008 8:44:23 PM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Weston, CO
age: 58
why do women play games with us??? who knows... ive worked with women all my life..the only thing that has kept me sane is this.... women play games with everyone ..including themselves... most of the level headed ..balanced women i know.. admit ..they dont know why women play games..and dont like it either.. so just keep your head up ..tail down..ready to run..and most of all ...CYA!!!
1/11/2008 10:29:33 AM |
Why do women play games with us? What's the point? |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
tail down? mines allways waggin. colomntman,you ever make it over to ft bridger wy for the mnt man rendavou,its preety cool.