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4/22/2007 8:28:56 AM |
One Nation Under God |

Atlantic City, NJ
age: 61
please someone tell me why we are allowing God to be attacked in the USA. This country was founded on religion and i truly believe in God as the creator and Jesus is my personal lord and saviour. To hear children in daycare bless their food by saying thank you world hurt me to my very core. Our money says In God We Trust. When are we going to stand up and tell the non believers that they have a right under the consitution to not believe, but the very foundation of America will not be changed to suit a few. Seperation of state and church does not, in my interpretation mean exclude belief in God
4/22/2007 1:38:58 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
This country was also founded on the principle of a separation of church and state. So for the separation to work it has to be absolute. Meaning that god has no business in state affairs. So no under god or no in god we trust. JMHO
4/23/2007 7:51:29 AM |
One Nation Under God |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 47
Sadie, I used to believe very similarly to what you said. Then some online friends of varying backgrounds/ethnicities/religions helped me to see that some Christians seem to care about freedom of religion as long as it's their religion.
Answer the following for me if you would please.
1. Would you be willing or offended if prayers were allowed at public events but the type was rotated each week so all religions eventually were acknowledged/included?
4/23/2007 11:27:23 AM |
One Nation Under God |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Wind. So would that mean that one week would be no prayer at all to acknowledge the non believers?
[Edited 4/23/2007 3:06:16 PM]
4/23/2007 11:41:09 AM |
One Nation Under God |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 47
I have no idea, Kenny. Someone else would have to make up the rules & schedule cuz I just don't think public prayer is a good idea due to the issues which arise. I have no problem with "moments of silence" but I hear the more rabid of the Christian crowd call that "code for no prayer." When you think about it, it's pretty laughable that people are offended by no prayer at stuff like sporting events. As if God gives a crap about that stuff. I can just see God now: kicked back in his recliner with a brewsky in one hand, remote in the other, surrounded by his Cowboys paraphernalia & waiting for kick off. (I just picked a team out of a hat, people! No hate mail please! LOL!)
IMHO, Christians who want to legislate based on scripture & disrespect other religions need to get the h*** out of the USA which was founded by persons seeking religious freedom, not to enable themselves to persecute others for exercising their religious beliefs (or lack thereof).
4/23/2007 11:53:37 AM |
One Nation Under God |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Very well said Wind I like the way you think.
4/24/2007 5:16:27 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Ardmore, OK
age: 32
As a Christian I have no problem allowing a time for silence and meditation, so that everyone can pray to their own god, or no god at all. I belive that if a Validictorian is Christian and gained the right as a validictorian to speak in front of a congregation of people that they be allowed to speak of their God also, as I belive the same should be for Muslims, Jews, and any other religion even Satanism. Nowhere in our Constitution does it say anythign about seperation of church and state. That idea was taken from some letters written by a founding father that was talking about not having a church-state. In America we have a freedom of religion, what I don't like is that a lot of people think that means we have a freedom from religion. In God we trust has always been a part of our haritage, because it doesn't say in the Christian God, or in the Muslim God or any other god it is simply that we were founded as a nation free to choose our god, no matter wich god it is even if it is no god, in wich you are saying you are your own god, and hopefully you at least trust in yourself. I do agree that a lot of Christians are that way, but then again Christians get it back to. there have been many a case of Christians being singled out and illegally discriminated against. Everyone has equal rights under the law we think we have the right to not be offended, but everyone is offended by something or another and if we were to try and make this world unoffensive then that would be offensive to someone.
4/24/2007 5:27:17 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Norfolk, VA
age: 52
Okay, got to put in my 2 cents...Geesh, I'll be out of 2 cent pieces pretty soon!!! What about my absolute right? If I want to say a prayer on the street corner? Or, if I want to say THANK GOD I MADE IT through another day. I have the right to free speech. I have the right to trust in God. I have the right to live under God. Why? Because I live in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!
How dare people speak of THEIR RIGHTS. What about my right? I don't get on their case because they want to be morons or pissants. I figure that is their right in our land. But I do get irate when people think that they can press their beliefs on me. Guess what!!! GOD gave me a brain...he even gave me showed me how to use it (smilin).
Therefore, I will thank him, argue with him, talk to him ANYWHERE I please...WHENEVER I please...END OF DISCUSSION!!!
4/24/2007 6:37:27 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Newcomerstown, OH
age: 30
please someone tell me why we are allowing God to be attacked in the USA.
Had this very discussion with several people from different denominations last week (one being a preacher), I was quite surprised that they all understood the ramifications of taking peoples rights away.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. I bet ya support the anti smoking laws, that take rights away from people. I bet ya support anti gun laws, that take rights away from people. But no, heaven forbid they touch God. Quite frankly, to step on ones rights is to open the door for your rights to be stepped on, you can blame the evil people all your want. Just remember each time you point, you have 3 pointing back at you.
I am a patriot before I'm a christian, it sickens me to see any rights stripped from people. On the christian side of the coin...God gave us freedom of choice, thus to deny others their choice to own a gun/smoke (etc) would be against God.
This country was founded on religion and i truly believe in God
This country was founded on the Freedom of Religion, thusly even Satanists have rights, even Budists, Agnostics, etc. They all have the right to assemble in worship, so long as they don't break any laws (or infringe upon the rights of others).
This country was however, founded by christian men, who smoked, carried guns, frequented brothels, got totally plastered, some even did drugs. So why are you only concerned with the christian aspect of it getting attacked? You show no love for the ideals our forefathers had, so why even bring them up?
It's a 2 sided coin, to say 'In God We Trust' is to infringe upon the rights of those who are not christians. Even though I agree with you that it should be there, I must (as a patriot) aknowledge that it has no reason to be there.
I believe that our forefathers were good christians, and wanted to hold true to the freedom of choice that God gave us. Saddly to allow that freedom of choice we must concede on a few trivial things. The words alone mean nothing, without the hearts of men and women backing them, yet to back them is to shove our religion down the throats of others, which is NOT what God wants us to do.
When are we going to stand up and tell the non believers that they have a right under the consitution to not believe, but the very foundation of America will not be changed to suit a few.
The very foundation of America? The foundation you speak of clearly states that we must not shove religious views onto others. The Bible tells us the same thing, you shake a little salt and shine a little light. What is so humble about flashing words of religious meaning on our coin? Nothing is humble about that, that's flat out screaming.
Seperation of state and church does not, in my interpretation mean exclude belief in God
Noone is excluding the belief in God, they just don't want it screaming at them. Would you like it if our coin said "In Satan We Trust"? No you wouldn't. Would you like it if it said "In Buddah We Trust"? No you wouldn't. Be a christian and drop it, be humble, be thankful that you can follow whatever religion you choose to.
4/27/2007 7:04:23 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
To me..........
Money is money. You can put Presidents on it, religion on it, monuments, hidden symbols whatever!! The force behind the paper establishes it's value, doesn't matter if it's a button or a seed. The truth is, not everyone believes in GOD. Our country has changed since those days. We all believe in different religions and faiths, or not at all, be we all do believe in ONE nation...........
By the way, when can some new faces appear on that green note??
5/11/2007 11:57:24 AM |
One Nation Under God |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
When I was growing up prayer in school was simply the Lord's Prayer which is a model prayer that Jesus taught him disiples so they would know how to pray. It is universal and takes away from no religion except atheism which is not a religion but a failure to acknowledge God and the Bible. Saying the Lord's prayer is not stuffing anyone's beliefs down their throats. Yes, I believe we shoud reinstate it!
5/11/2007 3:45:39 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Atlantic City, NJ
age: 61
Finally! Bless you Sunshine. See, I left God out( politically correct bah humbug). Shame on me! God bless you sunshine!!
There is a supreme being, no matter what you call him . i say the godless should sit down and shut up and appreciate that they are not being burned at the stake for their disbelief. Worship in any form u chose and long as you worship. The belief in supreme being kept a lot of people trying to treat others and They want to be treated. Religion is not the issue belief in God is the issue/ If we took a vote in America the non believers would lose.
5/12/2007 1:58:11 AM |
One Nation Under God |

Miami Beach, FL
age: 39
Native Americans don't believe in God. Many believe in Mother Earth, and the higher being is the earth which provides and is an integral part of life which sustains us. Yet, they are depicted in American currency, so these nonbelievers are very much represented. They were burned at the stakes, persecuted, tortured as nonbelievers. Ironically, they are also symbolized in our nations heart of hearts, money!! Explain that one to me.......
6/9/2007 9:09:20 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Knox, IN
age: 59
nobody can prove "GOD" do you?. How long we can aford this waiste?
[Edited 6/9/2007 9:10:12 PM]
9/23/2007 8:08:24 PM |
One Nation Under God |

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
