Opp, AL
age: 38
Matthew 12:31 Says ......All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
That's pretty straight forward. Being a mere mortal though I do have a problem with murderers and child molesters being granted the same forgiveness that the rest of us have. 

Rattan, OK
age: 60
Jesus will deal with the child molesters. He said "lest they harm a single hair on the head of one of these they will wish they had never been born."

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Very true men. Jesus Is the only way to be saved--and he forgives us of all sin--past,present, and future sins----but we will stand before God someday to answer.
I also feel as Rich does---that as we draw closer to Jesus we are so much more aware of comitting a sin--and instantly ask for forgiveness.
We need to guard ourselves againt any situation that would help us to sin.--Sometimes It's not so easy,but we must try.
God bless you and have a good evening---Pat.

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
I agree with most of what Porthuen7 says but we are taught that all manner of sin shall be forgiven EXCEPT the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. This one is kinda tough to interpret so I won't pretent to at all.
As far as comments about if your ignorant...
I know I will be corrected if I am wrong but I think it says that those who don't know will be beaten with few stripes and those who do know will be beaten with many.

Erie, PA
age: 67
what a great question for discussion! i agree with porthuen7 and would only add.the more you get into the word the harder satan will work to confuse you. satan is very real, he gets to YOU. by any means he can, confussion is his middle name. God speaks to us through our hearts, other people & most important His written word. I am not a minster, but I was created by the MASTER. I have found if you ask God before you study His word ...for a clear mind...wisdom to understand He will answer. May God bless your studies and this page you have created.. wattheck

Versailles, MO
age: 41
I guess every one has their own oppinion and their own interpertation of the word. I pray for the Holy Spirit to help me to understand the words I read and hold them in my heart so I can apply them to my life and call on the words when I need them. Then I read fore myself............

Rapid City, SD
age: 32
you could battle about it for years but none will ever truely know. its a test of believing.
the battle of theories will go on till the return of christ. theories are nothing compared to belief. for me in my opinion i'll throw my theories right out the window. our God is a forgiving and understanding God. He knows you so well even before you were born. what matters most is reading the word and applying it to our lives without question. its all we got to have for now until the return of christ. so i believe its a test of faith!