12/23/2007 7:09:42 AM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
for you............
My daughter stayed over at her friend's house of Friday night - when she got home she brought me a beautiful card and flowers - I started crying..........it was so sweet.
12/23/2007 2:23:26 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Woodlyn, PA
age: 49
I don't get to see mine that much and when they call, they ask for money or a ride somewhere. It's nice for them just to stop by and say hi, and , dad, I love you.
1/4/2008 6:55:51 AM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Warrior, AL
age: 31
my son who is ten makes my coffee my 6 yrs old daughter wakes me up with kiss and my 20 months just loves on me all day long so that I can handle they made me a christmas picture with santa when they came home from there dad's...i cried because it was so sweet
1/8/2008 6:05:03 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Rensselaer, NY
age: 44
my daughter makes me breakfast. the funniest was when i was subbing in a 2nd grade religious ed class and (she was in 1st) shouted through the door vent "Dad is everything going okay in there" - funny & sweet
1/11/2008 11:47:37 AM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Aurora, CO
age: 32
She hops on my lap and gives me a giant kiss.
When she's eating her snack, she makes damn sure I get a bite!
She puts her arm around my neck and gives me a hug and kiss goodnight. It's more like a stranglehold, but it's still sweet.
She tickles me.
God I love that girl!!
1/13/2008 6:38:06 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Sheboygan, WI
age: 25
My 3 yr old went with me to put our cat to sleep. When I cried, he said, "Mommy, you are so beautiful when you cry." It made me cry even harder!!!

1/24/2008 8:26:28 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Selah, WA
age: 47 online now!
My 9 year old son woke up before me one Saturday morning and decided to make breakfast for the two of us. He fixed me a bowl of applesauce and a bowl of pears plus toast (buttered of course). I loved it and of course I had to brag about it to my other co-workers on Monday. 
1/29/2008 1:12:57 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Owensboro, KY
age: 22
Just being born has been a blessing for me... I threw all the bad habits out the door for him.
1/30/2008 7:18:54 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Pensacola, FL
age: 43
when my daughter (who is now 22 ) was in 2nd or 3rd grade they learned how to make icecream. Coffee is my favorite flavor and yes, she didnt use instant coffee found out when I took a really big bite. Gotta love your kids for thinking of you and trying though My 3 yr old son just tells me " I want to give you lovings mommy" then gives me a big hug and kiss several times a day. Keeps me going Both my grandsons are just really excited when they see me and I get lovings from both of them
1/31/2008 7:22:22 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Lots of sweet things...one is being a terrific teen and very respectful. I get many compliments about my child. Just the other day at the gas station an elderly lady was very complimentry saying I had done a good job, many teens won't even speak to the elderly she said. Always has been helpful to the elderly at the grocery. I admire the kind generosity of one so young to take the time to help out on their own. Of couse I can't take all the credit, I can only guide and teach but it is ultimately up to my child to be a good person.
Has written me poetry for mothers day. I had them laying in the curio and my sis read them, she was so impressed she bought some frames for them. Now they adorn the fireplace.
Last year for valentines day bought me a red bear holding 2 hearts, pointed to each heart and said "this is me and you mom, because we have been through so much"...I love that bear, makes me smile everytime I look at it.
A child is a wonderful gift and I have been richly blessed!
2/2/2008 12:15:17 AM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Lincoln, NE
age: 44
When my oldest son (now 20) was 8, his brother and sister being 6 and 4, left me a note one morning and this is what it said: verbatim
Dear worlds best mom,
The reason why Sean and Amanda are in bed with me, is because last night Amanda woke up and seen a spider and got scared and so i thought Sean might be scared too so I woke him up and told him to sleep with us. Sorry I didnt wake you up but I thot you might be scared of spiders too and I am not so I took care of them.
PS The spider looked like this (about the size of a nickle) {he drew a picture it}
So if you see it tomorrow will you get rid of it please?
I love you alot,
I still have this note til this day
2/3/2008 11:05:16 AM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Perry, GA
age: 42
My fifteen year old daughter during one of her spirit week car writing adventures wrote on my back windshield "I love my mommy!" This was in September and it's still there!!! I'll never wash it off.
2/4/2008 6:02:45 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Mexico, MO
age: 40
One year for my birthday my son made me dinner..........a soggy, doughy, microwaved pot pie (that was supposed to be baked in the oven) and cold split pea soup. He had a little juice glass full of water and dandelions he picked out of the yard and a little votive candle lit on the table and a homemade card........it was the most delicious meal I could've ever eaten...... 
He's almost 16 now and I remember that day as if it were yesterday......
2/9/2008 12:31:24 AM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Mesquite, TX
age: 45
2/9/2008 11:37:24 PM |
What's the sweetest thing your kid (kids) have done |

Bremen, AL
age: 43
went to my son's basketball game today and my 7 yr old daughter was introducing me to every female she could talk to. When I asked her what she was doing she said she didn't want me to be lonely so she was going to find me a G/F