Geneseo, IL
age: 63
Hey guys have you read Deborah Sundahl’s book: “female ejaculation & THE G-SPOT”? Okay, I know it is written by a women, and for women, but there are two chapters that women are suggested to give to their partner to read. So the other day I sat in Borders reading the chapters. ... Okay, so I bought the book because I am trying to become better guy!
Anyway, ... Tell about the first time you experienced FE!
My first time was like when the new spouse said, the morning after the wedding: “When you said you were saving up for our wedding, I thought you meant money!”
Holy Cow, Harry!
I wish I would have read the section in Chapter six titled: “Mopping Up the Mess!”
Thank God we were in a motel.
Your Turn!

Morgan, VT
age: 65
it never hurts to have a washed face