12/29/2007 6:25:06 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
Everybody has something in their past that all of sudden flashes before their eyes when that question is asked.
For me, there were three things that truly stand out among the rest.
The first was hiking these long ridges and valleys searching for an Eagle's nest. It was horribly intense as a misstep could send you hurtling down a steep gorge. The floor of the forest was littered with boulders and rocks. Very strenuous journey.
The next was crawling on all fours and belly pulling my way along inside a cave for almost a mile. Everything was wet and muddy. You would crawl forward a foot and slide back two. Often all you could use were your fingers because there wasn't enough room to lift your arms. Came out at the other end with a free mud bath and shaky limbs. But, I made it and I won't do that again either.
The other was cutting down a tree just last year. Clever girl that I am...I purchased a chainsaw that was attached to a fifteen foot pole. Figured it would be safer that way rather than climbing a ladder with chainsaw in hand. Ha. Have you ever held a ten pound weight out at the end of a fifteen foot pole? Uses every muscle in your body. Got it most done when they neighbors hollered through the eight foot privacy fence to come join them. I went over...covered in dirt and debris, sweat rivers running down through the dirt on my face, torn shirt, blood dripping from my cut arm. Well, you can imagine. All that time they thought I had a man over there doing the cutting for me. Needless to say, the men cut the rest of the tree down. I ached for a week after that.
Now........your turn.
12/29/2007 6:30:32 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Argyle, TX
age: 54 online now!
Sugah, building a gutter connect greenhouse and clearing acres of land. It was very hard work!
12/29/2007 6:31:54 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
You have to take care of your own house and land too huh? Well that is really hard work. Shoulda called. I would have helped.
12/29/2007 6:36:27 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Argyle, TX
age: 54 online now!
I have pioneering genes passed down from my grandmother and her's. My grandmother and grandpaw were sharecropers here in North Texas. They together physically built the house they raised their children in. 
12/29/2007 6:40:20 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Not a very Lady like subject but here goes……
We use to have Chicken houses, two of them. Ex traveled on the average of 3 nights a week. I was the main grower and when we took on the farm I vowed to be one of the top growers, which I did, going into it with know known previous knowledge. I have had to shovel soggy s#@% when a water pipe has broken. Wheelbarrow feed when augur has broken. Cull (yes, I can ring a chicken’s neck, don’t go bashing me on it.) Might add that I learned to fix those broken water pipes, augurs and even the engines on the augurs and electrical plugs gone bad. Very hard physical labor and most un-lady like conditions. But I’ll be damned I always make the list of being one of the top 5 growers, sometimes being the top. Not bad for someone that didn’t have a clue. Things were NOT all automated at that time either.
There has been other challenges and fun stuff but that’s another time.
Also a Texas native woman........ I think it's in our blood. My Mom and Grandmother could tackle any job that needed done. Yet I've always been told what a Lady my Mom was and I'm told I turned out just like her. Makes me proud. "blush"
[Edited 12/29/2007 6:41:06 AM]
12/29/2007 6:41:27 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
A year and a half ago...I joined a boot camp sponsored by Lifestyle Gyms..it was for 4 weeks and the most intense exercise program I have ever participated in. Try skipping rope for 5 minutes, drop the rope...and do suma squats, 3 sets of 5...pick up the jump rope...5 more minutes...drop the rope and, now it is time for a rest, which consisted of 25 jumping jacks...and repeat the entire process. I like to think that ladies do not sweat...we glisten... ...but in this case..this lady was dripping with sweat.Each session was 1 hour...5 days a week...and it consisted of running, the exercises I mentioned..yoga and weights, along with a few exercises, I have no idea how to explain in words.....I loved it ...signed up for another month...and the instructor made it all the more difficult...after the 2nd month, I had to stop, due to finances.. or I would still be doing it.
12/29/2007 6:41:51 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
wow Rein. Would love to see that house. My genes aren't as pioneering...been filtered some. You're a tough gal. We could take turns...I go to Texas to help you when it gets cold here and you could come here when it gets hot there. Two always get job done better
12/29/2007 6:46:42 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
Some pretty incredible ladies.
Shez........hats off to you. So proud I know a woman with such strength of mind, guts, and just plain fortitude.
Lotus....that is some pretty rigorous stuff. And just 1 1/2 years ago!!!! Super great!!
I just am beginning to love this post. Gives us all a chance to show or tell about something that no one would normally know about us. I'm blown away already
12/29/2007 6:52:06 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Suga...the owner of the restaurant turned me on to this...she is the same age as I am..and the camp consisted of, approximately 30 men and women...who were all at least 15 years younger then the two of us. We kept up...but not silently..the two of us, were so verbal, with our moans, grunts and sighs...we would get all the rest of them laughing so hard, they had a hard time concentrating. Sheesh...it almost sounded like wild sex
12/29/2007 6:53:32 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
lotus, do they have a senior version of that???
That's reminds me, I took Karata when my kids did........ heeeeee yaaaaahhhha !!!!! I didn't want to leave them by themselves in case they got hurt, so I figured if I was going to be there I might as well take the lessons too! OMG !!!!!!! That was HARD workouts !!! I loved it.
  ...your coment about wild sex and exercise... too funny!!
[Edited 12/29/2007 6:54:41 AM]
12/29/2007 6:59:15 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
There's several times that cames to mind that I did that was very gruelling. First was re-roofing the house. I use to be a trucker for awhile. I hated it when I had to load or unload the trailer. When I had to do it by hand was horriable.
12/29/2007 7:01:16 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Argyle, TX
age: 54 online now!
Sheza, another lady after my own heart! My worst fear is that I will no longer be seen as feminine. The picture of me is when I was all cleaned up, but the truth is I wear boots (Arias) to work everyday. My shoulders, arms and legs are muscular and I never, ever wear anything/don't own anything that shows cleavage. 
12/29/2007 7:05:23 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57 online now!
Yeah, neither do I !!!
12/29/2007 7:08:47 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50 online now!
I once swung a 95 pound jackhammer for several days. Every inch of my body hurt and right then and there I figured that I better earn my living with my brain.
12/29/2007 7:10:31 AM |
What is the most physically gruelling thing you have ever done? |

Argyle, TX
age: 54 online now!
Sugah, I'd love to come up there and see your beautiful mountains. I traveled to Nashville once. I didn't make it into the Smokies. I'll bet we could have a great time together.
And you have an open invitation to come here anytime! 