Germantown, TN
age: 34
A story currently being mentioned in the news is an example of how to mislead with statistics or the way you word results and rpedictions.
It states that whites will be a minority in the year 2050. But what it really is saying is whites will drop under 50%. It still will be the majority race by a large margin.
I didn't put this in current events because it really has nothing to do with race or events in the news as much as it just reminds me how the way people word thing or the way they present stats can easily mislead.
I had to read a book about "lying with statistics" in a college persuasive writing course and well Obama is also obviously an example of someone who knows how to turn statistics and words and present them in a way where they seem to mean something else.
Of course advertisers are good at making stats look different than they are also.
The most annoying way of misrepresenting stats, however, is in the scientific community. All these studies that seem to show something causes cancer, doesn;'t cause cancer, etc... and have been based on 1% differences based on some factor. Sorry, but that study is BS which said that people born in winter months have "worse lives" than those born in other months because of a stat showing that a whopping 1% more teenagers born in winter months had babies in their teen years. ooooook.
I'm just ranting. I should have simply made this a blog entry probably because I'm only posting it to vent how annoying it is when people won't just flat out report, but word things to fit whatever they want it to say. In this case I was wondering hmmm will it be hispanics or african-americans who will make up the majority? Then I read further and see whites will still be 49.9%. lol
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Charlotte, NC
age: 61
I am not a big believer in stastics. I know when I worked at the Unemployment Security Commission years ago, that the "Powers That Be"
wrote down the "statistics" the way it looked best for them.
Janesville, WI
age: 46
Agreed. Just like the current unemployment rate is 10%. It is double that.
Charlotte, NC
age: 61
Yes, I agree!
South Prairie, WA
age: 59
10% are collecting. Others are just starving
Germantown, TN
age: 34
I ahdn't thought about those numbers, but yes I would assume that's true.
Denver, CO
age: 39
85% of all statistics are only about 67% correct 49% of the time - but this is only true of about 50% of them.
Salina, UT
age: 50
85% of all statistics are only about 67% correct 49% of the time - but this is only true of about 50% of them.
Bluefield, WV
age: 68
you can make anything look good on paper.