Bellingham, WA
age: 26
whats the difference between these terms? I really dont know so dont get all weird on me.
going out
Im trying to figure out if Ive been giving people the wrong impression of what I want.
Waco, TX
age: 23
Of course all these things are closely related, most obvious by your etc. at the end. To understand the difference is internal and upbringing. Growing up most ppl that in the range of about 21-25 probably saw these words like this. Dating and going out are the same. A contract between two ppl to establish each other as gf/bf. More likely short termed and the period before a break up or long term of course, as you are learning this person. Of course, long term is harder to explain, because most relationships don't last long in the first place. So a long term could be a year or two to a lot of ppl. Most don't refer to long term with words like eternity or forever or till death. Etc?
The younger you get the less established the words are. Dating is just two ppl talkin, no contract. Until the contract has been signed, a relationship hasn't been established. Long term would probably be a period of 3-6 months. People have learned and relationships aren't forever, as statisically 3 of 10 marriages last longer than 5 yrs.