1/2/2008 9:12:10 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Zephyrhills, FL
age: 40 online now!
Is there any good men left out there....that`s really wants a relationship....???
I don`t know if I will find him on here...but I thought I give this a try....
1/3/2008 5:10:29 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Wilmington, DE
age: 40
No doubt. In fact, I am one. 
1/3/2008 8:49:55 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 49
Yeah, there are plenty of good men out here. But you do have to be careful. And you have to figure out what it is in a man you want. By your profile I can see that you are an outdoors gal. You like to fish.... Heck, any woman that likes to fish will attract more men than one that doesn't fish. You are pretty as well.
1/3/2008 10:11:42 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Mobile, AL
age: 40
We are out her 2souls but like you some of us have been damaged by the onese that are not so good and we are a lot more cautious these days. When a woman ask me my sign I reply straight faced, "Caution......Extreme caution." LOL I am seeking a long term relashoneship too, and like you, I question if this is the place to do it, however, I can tell you that the other dating dites will charge you a lot of money to find many of the same losers you find here. I just digging through the crap to find my one diamond.
1/4/2008 11:27:46 AM |
Any Good men left out there... |

White City, OR
age: 45
You know, I ofter hear women ask that. Well in my opinion I don't think wome want a good man, for the simple reason that they don't know what a good man is. To most women good men are boring, and dull. But , when all is said and done it comes down the individual's some women think that I good man is one who looks like brad pitt, other women, thinks a good man should be approved, and liked by her freinds and family. If you want a good man,or woman for that fact, if you are comfortable with the person regardless of what anybody says, or think, if he can float 'YOUR' boat and you like being around him,then,my sister, you have a good man        
1/4/2008 11:33:55 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Georgetown, GA
age: 41
It all depends on what you are searching with, See we all to common in these present times make the mistake of relying more on what is pleasing to our eye. But then we get that pretty thing home and find out that the pretty was just a wrapper that contained ***You Know***. The eyes will deceive you if you let them lead you,, I know you have heard the common saying, "The hand is quicker then the eye", well more than the hand can sneak by the eye. Even a canine will trust his nose before it will his eyes, that's why it sniffs everything, regardless of what it thinks he sees. But unfortunately the Homo Sapien does not have the heightened sense of smell as a canine or other animals for that fact, But we have sometime much more advanced, A Heart, or to be more politically correct, intellect, a brain. Search with your heart it will not lead you astray if you learn to listen to it,, Now don't get heart mixed-up with lust, for there is a difference..And mull this over for a few. A diamond is found within a lump of coal, now how many diamonds have you passed-up simply because all you chose to see was the coal exterior? ...................MochaSoul
1/6/2008 9:41:33 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Woodlyn, PA
age: 49
Check out my profile, chat with me, and then decide.
1/6/2008 11:50:07 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 44
Hi. I Highly recommend MFPC. He's a good man.  
1/7/2008 9:42:01 AM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
2souls, i'm sure you'll find a good man. look around,there's seems to be an abundance of them right in front of you. they say, in time, good things will come to you. 
1/7/2008 10:01:35 AM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Lansing, MI
age: 44
We all have our opinion of what a good man is, sometimes you have to weed thru a few duds first. Lord knows I've been thru many duds and havn't given up yet. Keep tryin girl you'll get there. Sometimes our expectations are higher than they need to be. If we dont let the goods ones in we will never know who they are. Give the ones that u think may not be up to your standards a try, you may be surprised. Good things don't always come in pretty packages!!! Good luck in your quest, good things come to those who wait.
1/8/2008 7:34:41 AM |
Any Good men left out there... |

New Iberia, LA
age: 46
Not sure but hoping...........
1/8/2008 3:12:20 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

New Orleans, LA
age: 45
Are you looking for just good? I am not lowering my standards. I am better then good and I am lookng for better then good too. 
1/8/2008 5:32:39 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Rensselaer, NY
age: 45
We are here, just stop by and say hello.
1/8/2008 5:40:50 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Pittsfield, MA
age: 45
I dont know but i know I;m
1/9/2008 6:53:29 PM |
Any Good men left out there... |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 50
Absolutely, positively not. Nor are there any good women. Sex roles are so confused now it gives neither sex a chance for a positive, healthy long term relationship.Current sociological, finacial, cultural and psychological factors all are aginst success.