1/8/2008 3:06:19 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

San Antonio, TX
age: 63 online now!
truthfulheart has posted a tread in.... Suggestion New Group....
(First Box on your screen above all the Group Boxes when you enter)
Due to the fact there was a controversial posting recently
I feel we all 50+ need to respond to truthfulheart thread...
I think most are overlooking this posting...
Please submit your voice and vote on his tread
Do not vote on this posting but it would be
appriecated to click on any icon to Top this posting
to remind everybody to vote on this issue.....
..Thank You....
[Edited 1/8/2008 4:45:07 PM]
1/8/2008 4:50:56 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

San Antonio, TX
age: 63 online now!

1/8/2008 4:52:25 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Morgantown, WV
age: 55

1/8/2008 5:05:11 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Lake City, TN
age: 60
Already voted....thanks
1/8/2008 5:14:24 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Voted already also 
1/8/2008 5:34:13 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Clarksville, TN
age: 51
morles why the post is it so you can get your digs in with you open of you thread. caling people names.
1/8/2008 5:38:39 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
oh oh me smells another fight comin on... I voted ..3 cents worth.
[Edited 1/8/2008 5:43:23 PM]
1/8/2008 6:24:15 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

San Antonio, TX
age: 63 online now!
well truthfulheart "your wrong" I was just trying to get everybody
to go to your thread to vote is "ALL"
no names maybe get your dictionary out then maybe you will see your ignornats....
Now if you want a Hatfield vs McCoy atmoshere bring it on....
either on here or by e-mail my friend I will be waiting...
Case Rested
1/8/2008 6:49:25 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Bend, OR
age: 60
I voted...YES as did 19 other people...
2 people have voted no...
so few people have voted....
geesh there were many posters when the post that caused the uproar
hit the press.
I doubt a voice of 20 people is going to be taken seriously.
Dream Weaver
1/8/2008 7:19:57 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Springfield, MO
age: 52 online now!
Hopefully Dustin will keep it up there for a while. I also one time asked him for like a joke thread lock on it so it could stay up top and maybe some would use it too.
1/8/2008 7:28:07 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Greenville, MI
age: 57 online now!
Just so happens I happened to post shortly after he mentioned it !! However MORALES in my recollection YOU were one of those individuals who continued to confront or at least attempt to contradict the whole process. If you enjoyed doing that, and I suspect (and saw that you did) why are you coming to his aide? I'm glad you did what you have done..........but be the real YOU.
1/8/2008 7:36:03 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Venice, FL
age: 55
Thanks for posting this..I have all ready voted...can I do it twice?
1/8/2008 7:57:56 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 58
Truthfullheart says: "morles why the post is it so you can get your digs in with you open of you thread. caling people names............."
What in the world is going on in this thread?
Very confusing.
I don't see that Morles called anyone names????
I'm so confused.
1/8/2008 8:07:40 PM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

Greenville, MI
age: 57 online now!
Actually Jeannie, he (Truth) was referencing another thread.....and his attempt was focused on the fact it should have been post on the sex/dating forum. Morles happened to jump in and ( my words ) attack or possibly defend the originator. Regardless, its history at this point. It was stupid....(i'm saying in terms of the thread) his response wasn't......
1/9/2008 5:41:53 AM |
Suggestions New Groups 50+ |

San Antonio, TX
age: 63 online now!
A reminder go to "Suggestion New Group" Box
and pass you vote openely please...Thank You
.........DO NOT VOTE HERE.........
Agent and Jeannies go back to the Suggestion New Group
Box..Explanation posted...ty