3/11/2010 5:22:58 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
This can be TV stars,movie actors,directors,singers,groups
You name it....did you speak with them? get an autograph or even shake their hand??
JUST PLEASE BE HONEST... It would be great to see how lucky some folks are ...
being in the right place at the right time etc.
Also, has anyone watched a movie being made? what was it and where were you?
what stars in it etc. 
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3/11/2010 5:34:48 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
I'll start and come back as I think some more......
Kirstie Allie and her husband (ex) Parker Stevenson
In the 90's ( I think) they drove through the Mcdonalds where
I worked in Haverhill, MA and stopped on the side to wait for a
special order and so Kirstie could use the ladies room.
They were in a jeep kinda vehicle with maine licence plates and he was driving.
A bunch of girl employees got their autographs. they asked for his first and you could see this really bothered kirstie.. after all even then she was a much bigger star 6thsn her husband who was only in bay watch and had been in hardy boys in the 70's
I couldnt find a pen and NO ONE in the bldg would let me borrow their pen or a piece of paper thus I didnt get an autograph and no one had a camera.
They were passing through Haverhill,MASS on the way back from the cape
(cape cod) where Sam Malone(Ted Danson) was getting married.
3/11/2010 5:40:33 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Gateway, AR
age: 34
I went to Disney Land & mounted Minnie from behind!
3/11/2010 5:50:59 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
teenagers or adults wearing character suits dont count....they are not real
I played a ninja turtle yrs ago... it doesnt mean that I was really one......
3/11/2010 5:57:24 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
In 2008 I met Gavin Mcleod who has been in many movies and tv shows but is probably most known for Love Boat.
I have a movie on dvd signed by him and I also have the first season of love boat autographed by him.. spent at least a half hour speaking with him and his daughter julia who lives on the cape (cape cod)..... was really cool and I can prove it too (photos with gavin and me)
Gavin lives in CA and works for a cruiseline doing PR and is making movies still....
3/11/2010 6:57:16 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Redford, MI
age: 48
Spotted Iggy Pop in the airport and said hello, shook his hand.
Eating dinner once before a David Burne concert when he walked in alone and sat at the next table. We said hello and he asked us "what's good here?"; he ordered the appetizer, salad and entree that we suggested, we bought him a glass of wine and then left him alone to read his magazine.
Ran into Chris Penn leaving a club in L.A. once and I said something crazy to him jokingly and he took me serious; he explained that he is an actor and not really the character in the movie I was talking about! (I think we were both drunk) Also he sang a couple blues songs with the band in the club and he was pretty good!
Said hello to Buddy Guy and shook his hand. Same with John McCain and a bunch of other politicians.
Served Ted Nugent tacos and iced tea while working at a restaurant.
I have also met many semi-famous people when I was working in restaurants also.
3/11/2010 7:51:06 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
Spotted Iggy Pop in the airport and said hello, shook his hand.
Eating dinner once before a David Burne concert when he walked in alone and sat at the next table. We said hello and he asked us "what's good here?"; he ordered the appetizer, salad and entree that we suggested, we bought him a glass of wine and then left him alone to read his magazine.
Ran into Chris Penn leaving a club in L.A. once and I said something crazy to him jokingly and he took me serious; he explained that he is an actor and not really the character in the movie I was talking about! (I think we were both drunk) Also he sang a couple blues songs with the band in the club and he was pretty good!
Said hello to Buddy Guy and shook his hand. Same with John McCain and a bunch of other politicians.
Served Ted Nugent tacos and iced tea while working at a restaurant.
I have also met many semi-famous people when I was working in restaurants also.[/quote
3/11/2010 8:07:20 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
Have also met Randy Travis, Ronnie Milsap, Tracy Lawrence, Christopher Cross
,Jeff Bates, Steve Holy,Herb Reed of the original platters,the drifters, the coasters
and a few more that I cant think of right now.......
have seen a number of groups, singers that I did not get to meet including Reba Mcentyre
who I was about 50 feet from but did not meet.
I asked Kenny Rogers for an autograph for my GF at the time who was disabled and he shook his head No and just walked away. he was maybe 2 feet from me so he did hear me.
after this happened I spoke to one of his drivers after the show.....
One of his drivers gave me a hand signed 8x10 that was signed but not personalized and was given to him by kenny. he said he would tell him his pic had blown out the window while driving and he'd get another off him (nope this was his idea not mine) 
3/11/2010 8:30:37 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Branson, MO
age: 54
They used to make allot of films in Long Beach, Cal. So we always had the chance, to met them. When I was a kid met Terry Wilson from a TV show Wagon Train. Met Eric Estrada in Long beach, Efrem Zimbalist Jr, william Reynolds they were filming the FBI in Long Beach. Tried to sneak into a filming of Rescue 911 in Long Beach. Got on the lawn when they were filming lmao. I was 15yrs at the time. Met D*ck strout who used to be the Hollywood reporter back in 1970 in Hollywood. Used to be a part time security guard back in the day. They were filming king Kong, well just the wall scene at Lot 2 in Colver city, Cal. Saw a lot of the sets they used of the twilight zone, they used to film combat there, that was a old show and many more. Used to cook for Mickey Galley in Branson, Worked for Dolly Parton in Branson, as a cook. Did some cooking for John Davidson. Did some parties for shoji tabuchi did his x-mas party once, His Halloween party. He was dressed as Batman lmao. His wife is a %%$#@ but hey I don't have to live with her lol. She is mean big time. Met Jim Staford in Branson. Well there is a few more, don't have the time. Now ask me why I'm a truck driver after being a cook 26 yrs lol.
[Edited 3/11/2010 8:34:29 PM ]
3/11/2010 8:41:17 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Beaumont, CA
age: 35
Angelina Jolie at the Oscars
Shook her hand
My ex was telling me hurry put your hand out there. You wont have this chance again. So I did and she shook it with all that glam on her wrist. Literally you could see the stars in her eyes. She is very beautiful and kind
3/12/2010 4:14:09 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Middleport, OH
age: 53
Crystal Gayle years ago at my county fair.
3/12/2010 4:10:10 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Twin Falls, ID
age: 37
I was working in a store receiving product from a vendor and had to ring someone up at the register. I seen that it was Bruce Willis. I asked him how his day was going and If I could get him any thing else. I sold him Chap Stick and Cheetos. When I took his money I touched his hand and took my time handing him back his change. I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back....It was love at first site....hahaha
Then at that same moment my boss came around the corner and said Bruce I need to talk to you and walked over to my vendor guy. It was funny because Bruce Willis looked over to her, surprised, and went over to her and shook her hand. She almost fainted to see him there. She was infact talking to Bruce the vendor. Bruce W. shook Bruce's hand after realizing he was a Bruce too, and said hi to him as well. Then Bruce said have a nice day guys and left.
About a week later I sold him a pack of Marlboros and said how are you! He said he was doing great. I again touched his hand when I gave him his change...and again I was in love.
This was in Hailey, Idaho where he lives and I lived at the time. I really liked him before, but now I like him more...
3/12/2010 9:37:37 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Lexington, NE
age: 48
Jenny Lewis Conor Oberst and Curt Angle and a couple Playboy playmates 
3/13/2010 12:40:10 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
so cool to see that some of us had these experiences. the cool part is when you say what happened and go into details you can tell your telling the truth!
Bruce willis would have been cool to meet!
By the way I did security at an abandoned psyche hospital which was used one time for a several months to house the offices of a movie that was filmed in MA. one of the stars in that movie was neil patrick? the doogie houser MD guy and the director was a famous actor who I cant think of his name right now. any way they also stored cameras etc that were locked in a room and there was always food left over hanging around.Giant shrimps etc still on ice....I was second and sometimes third shift so I never got to see anyone famous but day guards did.
I walked around the open offices and saw contracts saying how much stars were getting per day.....WOW!
even the extras were getting over a hundred a day back in those days(90's)
I saw that neil? had two house in two states listed and it gave his private phone#s and addresses which of course I didnt do anything with....just amazed that every thing was laying right out there.
it was christmas time and there were a bunch of extra christmas cards that were thrown in and laying on top of the trash signed by this famous actor/director.
Guess they were left over after all the crew got one. Im still kicking myself for not taking them as they were thrown out(so it is not stealing ) and they had the name of the movie written on them and each was hand signed in blue ink by this famous actor.
probably a fortune went to the dump!! 
3/13/2010 6:06:15 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


San Antonio, TX
age: 43
well i wouldnt say hes famous but ive met stone cold in person.very kool guy
3/13/2010 6:56:00 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Longmont, CO
age: 52
Lee Marvin when I was a young girl and on vacation in Mexico City with my family! Had Ted Bundy try to pick up my friend and I when we were teenage girls! Lucky to be alive!!!
3/14/2010 9:54:06 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
anyone else??
3/15/2010 9:03:35 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Palacios, TX
age: 53
I met John Travolta in Houston when he was filming "Urban Cowboy". My oldest son was about 6 years old and loved him in "Saturday Night Fever". Paramount production company was using the basement of the Ortloff Building my sister worked in. He was very obliging toward my 6 year old and his equally anxious mom. Also met George Strait at the Holiday Inn Medical Center in Houston when he was there for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. A girlfriend of ours husband worked for George and we got to go to the after party at the top floor of the hotel which was a lot of people sitting around and mostly having a beer or coffee and snack food everywhere. Very nice guy. 
3/15/2010 11:22:04 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Seattle, WA
age: 32
When a friend of mine and I went to Vegas for the first time we were talking on the plane about who we hoped we would run into : George Clooney, Brad Pitt ect and I kept teasing my friend that with our luck we will probably end up with Flavor Flav. Well the hotel we booked was the Stratesphere and guess who was there Flavor Flav! My friend was so mad lol
3/18/2010 8:33:25 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
When a friend of mine and I went to Vegas for the first time we were talking on the plane about who we hoped we would run into : George Clooney, Brad Pitt ect and I kept teasing my friend that with our luck we will probably end up with Flavor Flav. Well the hotel we booked was the Stratesphere and guess who was there Flavor Flav! My friend was so mad lol 

3/18/2010 8:35:03 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
I met John Travolta in Houston when he was filming "Urban Cowboy". My oldest son was about 6 years old and loved him in "Saturday Night Fever". Paramount production company was using the basement of the Ortloff Building my sister worked in. He was very obliging toward my 6 year old and his equally anxious mom. Also met George Strait at the Holiday Inn Medical Center in Houston when he was there for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. A girlfriend of ours husband worked for George and we got to go to the after party at the top floor of the hotel which was a lot of people sitting around and mostly having a beer or coffee and snack food everywhere. Very nice guy.  
soooooo cool!!!! 
3/18/2010 9:16:59 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Redford, MI
age: 48
I just remembered something I forgot to put in my earlier post; not really a "meeting" but a "brush with greatness".
First waiting in the middle of the night in an empty Hong Kong terminal to switch planes when this group of grubby Americans come through a door pushing crates of stage equipment. I thought it was probably some unknown group that went out to take advantage of the Asian fascination with American rock. When they took seats in first class I thought well, they must have done well over there.
Getting off the plane in L.A. one of them, a real grubby looking, unshaven dude and I bumped trying to exit together. When we got to luggage claim I tryed hitting on one of the "groupies"; she told me she was with the band; I said "who are they?" She pointed at the guys and said "Guns and Roses", that is when I recognized the guy that tried to squeeze out with me was Axel.
3/22/2010 7:13:58 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
some neat stories in here.
anyone else met actors,singers or other famous folks?
3/22/2010 7:21:38 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Valdosta, GA
age: 50
As a lifelong waitress, I have waited on Evel Knievel, Bobby Knight, and John Anderson, country singer.
I was in the crowd scene for the original Longest Yard movie. It was filmed in my hometown and they let us all out of school for 2 days.
3/23/2010 1:01:16 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Niagara Falls, NY
age: 49
Many years ago I met the late James Doohan (Mr Scott) at a star trek convention at the Commodore Hotel in Ny.
Billy Joel I was doing work at his office in Jericho,Ny nice guy we had lunch together.
Keith Sweat-At Jack the Rapper Atlanta,Ga (I have a pix of him posted with my late wife)
Richie Havens-Got high with him smoking back when i was in my teens my neighbor Jeannie introduced me to him.(that guy is 6"6 he is tall!)He played "Here comes the Sun" for us on his acoustic guitar!.
Joannie Jett-When she used to own a condo in Long Beach Ny I used to run into her all of the time.
Darryl Strawberry- Bought a car system for his Mercedes where i used to work Berliners Stereo North Shore Long Island. He was there with his wife and his son.
3/23/2010 1:08:59 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Niagara Falls, NY
age: 49
I almost forgot one more the biggest one Patti Labelle-Jack the Rapper Atlanta Ga! My goodness! That was the biggest treat. I have a pix of her posted also.
[Edited 3/23/2010 1:09:50 AM ]
3/23/2010 8:28:39 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
San Antonio, TX
age: 52
I would never go up to a person and ask for an autograph really. A few times with singers I have done.
I lived out in California for about 6 years. The first one I saw was Gary Busey. He was playing Buddy Holly music for the earth quake victims fund on stage of a small place.
Then I saw Chad Smith the drummer from the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Circuit City leaving. He had a cast on his hand from a baseball accident I think, then again at the Viper Room where John F. was playing & is their lead guitarist now and along time ago, before he rejoined them. Chad was there as well as Flea. Saw them both.
Diane Keaton who was showing a group of people across the street of downtown L.A. the archetecture of buildings as she was pointing to the buildings and talking. I don't believe in bothering people, so I don't.
Henry Winkler was feeding the homeless with Elliot Gould at the open air outside ThanksGiving Dinner downtown. Mr.T was giving a talk to the crowd. He is a real talker and doesn't shut up. He went on & on. I did take photos of him but lost over the years.
In England I met Marillion outside the concert in London Hammersmith Odeon. Then seeing Iron Maiden up close at Bury Corn Exchange at a small standing room only venue.
When Bruce broke up with them, I got to see him at his book signing & then after a show he did in London. There was a party back stage, but I wasn't on the list and had to leave. I was hoping I could see him before I left. His pregnant wife, which was his girlfriend then was there as well. They are still married all these years and 4 kids later.
I am sure there are a few others. One old friend of mine saw Steve Martin leaving, driving away from a studio in Calif. I missed that one.
3/23/2010 8:43:34 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
San Antonio, TX
age: 52
I forgot, at a Weird Al concert in California, D*ck Clark was in the audience. I noticed a lot of people were asking him for his autograph. I hesitated but finally went over to have him sign a shirt for my brother in Missouri. This was at a Hollywood Blvd. venue.
When I asked him, a woman behind him stood up and said to me, 'You can't be asking him for an autograph.' I told her why not a lot of other people were!
Since then I don't ask people for them. He did sign it for me after I said that.
I had hesitated wondering if I should or shouldn't ask him for a few minutes before I did just to have someone who is none of their business tell me off.
That is the story of my life. It seems others get away with doing basic things & I always get told off if I do the same thing for some reason, it happens all the time with different people.
3/23/2010 11:46:08 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Valdosta, GA
age: 50
My Mother has a picture of me and Dan Blocker when I was about 4 years old. It was back in the day when the stars of Bonanza advertised for Dodge, the good guys always wear white hats!
3/23/2010 12:00:40 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Stone Harbor, NJ
age: 52
Hung out with Charles Barkley at a hotel pool in Orlando when the Sixers were there playing the Magic and I was on vacay some years back. A really really nice guy - and that was when he was getting so much bad press....
Bruce Willis graduated from high school not too far from where I work. He bought up a lot of riverfront property but nothing ever came of it. His dad still lives in the area as far as I know...
3/23/2010 1:37:35 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Columbus, OH
age: 28
Forrest Griffin
Kurt Angle
Lou feringo
Triple HHH
3/25/2010 5:42:33 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
As a lifelong waitress, I have waited on Evel Knievel, Bobby Knight, and John Anderson, country singer.
I was in the crowd scene for the original Longest Yard movie. It was filmed in my hometown and they let us all out of school for 2 days.
soooooooo cool lady!
to have been an extra in a movie would be neat....
The closest Ive come to a movie was doing security
for the movie " Shakespeares Sister" filmed in Mass
that was the working title,the movie was made but
had another title when it came out although I was
night security and met No one famous as they all
were gone at night.
3/25/2010 5:48:13 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
My Mother has a picture of me and Dan Blocker when I was about 4 years old. It was back in the day when the stars of Bonanza advertised for Dodge, the good guys always wear white hats!
IS THAT HOSS?........sooooooooooo cool!
4/2/2010 11:27:36 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Oakland, CA
age: 20
I met Too Short (rapper) in the Eastside of town, and I also met our mayor Ron Dellums at one of my baseball practices.
4/4/2010 3:55:26 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Daytona Beach, FL
age: 56
Andy Warhol, Conway Twitty, Little Anthony from the Imperials
4/4/2010 8:44:18 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Gravette, AR
age: 52
no but i am a cousin to willi Nelson, and some info i have found possibably relater to Reba, on my Dads side, and Chuck Norris on my Mom's side
4/5/2010 3:55:39 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
no but i am a cousin to willi Nelson, and some info i have found possibably relater to Reba, on my Dads side, and Chuck Norris on my Mom's side
If you are a cousin of willie nelson.....you should try to meet him and anyone else u may be related to.......
Id love to meet meryl streep and morgan freeman and a few others 
4/5/2010 5:45:20 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Gravette, AR
age: 52
Willi is always on the road, i have tried to contact him several time to show him the records, he is my grandmother's great nephew, i have talked with his aunt smothers, his uncle, and niece and other nephew of his on the Smothers side, i know where they live around Harrison Arkansas, they told me Willi does'nt even show up at any of the family reunions, he is very busy, or just tries to get away for a while, his mother and father is buried near everton arkansas where my father was raised
4/6/2010 8:22:30 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
IN 1979 I was working for Allied Van Lines moving company. We picked up an antique TV in New Jersey from Billy Crystal's grandfather. He said Billy would always entertain the family in front of that TV as a kid during commercials and was hillarous. One week later we delivered the tv to a studio apartment in Beverly Hills. This was a run down room over a garage. Billy Crystal had a room mate at the time and was just starting his career on SOAP. He showed us a script for the LOVE Boat as the kissing bandit. We teased him about having to wear lipstick. The TV was given to him as a keep sake. He was worried if the new HBO cable would work on it. WHO KNEW AT THE TIME
4/9/2010 11:34:24 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Chattanooga, TN
age: 20
I met Shia LeBeouf when I was 14 and Mekhi Phifer in the airport. And if athletes count I Lisa Leslie and got her autograph on my assignment for class and ended up having to retype the first page of it. lol
4/9/2010 11:57:18 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Grande Prairie, AB
age: 43
I've been to a few powerwithin conventions and met different personalities there like Lance Armstrong and his mom Linda. And I met Lou Nasti in New York and became his best friend, and he introduced me to people I didnt even know who they were and they thought that was amusing. We had meals together, they were from HBO across the street from the diner we used to go to, Lou and I. How I met Lou? I was following a business lead in New Jersey all the way from Canada NW and I enquired about some artwork (animatronics). The business woman told me who the genius was and that he was a celebrity in New York and she happened to be his friend. Ya sure. So she says she could get him to take a day and meet in Manhattan and we'd get a tour from him personally. And so she called him up and made the appointment. When I met him at my hotel the next day, he was wearing MY favorite tie with Einstein on it. I asked him a question about the relativity theory and he knew it and we started talking. And the day rolled by as if we had been friends forever. When the day ended, we had planned my business venture and I worked in New York for a year after that closely with him as we engineered animatronics for my business in Canada. And we just became friends because we are just cut from the same personality cloth. Well I went my way, and he his way, but whenever he is filming or doing shows or in the newspapers or on the internet, he's calling me to show me his latest work and accomplishments. I even attended one of his film festivals as his honored guest. And it has changed my life knowing him. And what made him like me was that I didnt care that he was famous, I was interested in him as a person and never exploited that. Because he really is one of a kind and one of the most animated spirits and creative that I'll have the opportunity to be part of again.
4/10/2010 12:20:59 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Las Vegas, NV
age: 40
I used to be the BOX OFFICE CASHIER at CATCH A RISING STAR COMEDY CLUB (when it was still at Bally's resort/casino) here in Vegas! I only stopped working there when the club closed pending its move to MGM GRAND in 1993. I met a new star (or 2) every week for 2 years!!
It became boring after a while...celebrities and their insecurities!!
4/11/2010 2:56:53 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Boise, ID
age: 18
Michael Jackson - age 4 yrs. yes i still remeber!
Janet Jackson- like 2 years ago on tour
Halle Berry- when making the second x-men movie in new york
George bush-white house right after 9/11
Leana Mitchell-famous oprea singer like a fews years ago in music camp!
those r the famous ppl i met!
4/11/2010 3:37:32 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Schaumburg, IL
age: 44
Jackie Mason (Older Jewish Comedien) on the streets of New York!
I made flowers for Fred Savage and met him, he was so sweet and I told him how I remember him in The wonder Years. I said you probably get alot of that. I made flowers for Harold Ramis (Stripes,Ghost Busters, As Good as it Gets played the Doctor). I was a florist in the North shore. I made flowers for many Bulls Bears, Hawks players and owners. Marlie Matlin and Oprah Windfrey too. Flowers for Inglebert Humperdink, Scott Hamilton too. I have had an interesting floral life.
[Edited 4/11/2010 3:37:56 PM ]
4/12/2010 12:33:00 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
Jackie Mason (Older Jewish Comedien) on the streets of New York!
I made flowers for Fred Savage and met him, he was so sweet and I told him how I remember him in The wonder Years. I said you probably get alot of that. I made flowers for Harold Ramis (Stripes,Ghost Busters, As Good as it Gets played the Doctor). I was a florist in the North shore. I made flowers for many Bulls Bears, Hawks players and owners. Marlie Matlin and Oprah Windfrey too. Flowers for Inglebert Humperdink, Scott Hamilton too. I have had an interesting floral life. 
Yes you have and so have a number of the folks in here!
so cool that you have shared with us.....uh.......
being in
the right place at the right time!hahahah 
4/12/2010 1:30:03 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Lincolnton, NC
age: 58
I worked as a carpenter at an outdoor ampitheater,and met a lot of act's,from Linkin Park,to Reba McEntire,Ronnie Dunn,Kix Brook's,Toby Keith,Keith Urban,Martina McBride and on and on,4 year's worth.And in New York,I met Sergio Aragones,an artist for Mad Magazine.Sidney Poitier.Ron Wood of the Rolling Stone's.Harry Chapin.
[Edited 4/12/2010 1:31:56 PM ]
4/13/2010 6:03:00 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |
Hagerstown, MD
age: 34
yea, i've meet a few famous people, once upon a time, back in the mid 90's I worked as a pro wrestler and was privalidged enough to be around jimmy snuka, the iron shiek, nikoli volcoff, raven, the bushwackers, the rock 'n roll express, and several others. grew up watching these guys on tv and reading about them in magazines, really cool stuff...
4/13/2010 7:30:11 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Delta, CO
age: 39
I don't like name dropping, I know some famous pro wake-boarders, surfers, and a few rockers, mostly from the eighties and early nineties!
4/14/2010 11:31:54 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Chicago, IL
age: 20
I've met The Undertaker, Shawn Micheals, Chyna, Lita, Chris Benoit, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and John Cena. Oh yeah and I also met Batman jk.
4/15/2010 7:37:46 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Caldwell, NJ
age: 54
Otto Preminger at Trader Vics in N.Y...Alan Alda in Newark, N.J....Richard Dreyfus in San Diego...Oleg Cassini in N.Y. (Had lunch together with my Father)...
4/15/2010 5:40:00 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
I've met The Undertaker, Shawn Micheals, Chyna, Lita, Chris Benoit, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and John Cena. Oh yeah and I also met Batman jk.
I didnt meet the undertaker but have been in the same room with him. unfortunately he was working out at this gym in mass and I was doing security so I had to get back outside to watch the cars......
4/19/2010 8:47:03 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Knoxville, TN
age: 30
I've met the guys from Montgomery Gentry... was even on they're tour bus. My aunt used to date the lead guitarist... They are totally nice
4/20/2010 3:20:46 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Redford, MI
age: 48
I took a look inside Steppenwolf's tour bus once, I didn't meet them. They were checking their bags curbside at the airport and the bus driver let me step in and look around quickly.
4/20/2010 10:09:17 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Fairbanks, AK
age: 45 online now!
Mick Fleetwood, in Hollywood. Comming out of a resteraunt, I asked for an autograph and got it for my friend David. 
4/22/2010 12:55:36 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Georgetown, IN
age: 33
I've met many people over the years mostly in the music biz.
Evan Seinfeld and Billy Graziadei - Biohazard, Mike Ness - Social Distortion, Mike Patton - Faith No More, Marky Ramone, Dez Cadena and Robo - Black Flag, Jerry Only - Misfits, Marilyn Manson, Jimbo - Reverend Horton Heat and too many more to even try to list, I've seen a lot of shows.
4/22/2010 4:24:55 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Lynn, MA
age: 25
One of my friends is friends with the drummer from puddle of mud so I've met a bunch of celebs just from hanging around with him like the drummer from limp bizkit, tom morello, dave grohl and a couple of other music celebs. I also ran into some other celebs around hollywood and around my town.
4/24/2010 5:31:26 AM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Lancaster, PA
age: 70
....Well, I didnt actually meet them - but - was at a club where "Chuck Berry" was singing.
Had a table right in front of him and at break time, he came to my table & kissed me on the cheek & said "You are just the prettyess little thing" ....I was all of 19 & didnt wash that side of my face for days..
4/24/2010 6:47:53 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Germantown, TN
age: 33
Not really. A few baseball players and Vince Gill. And I'm not a country fan usually... and someone ahd me take a picture of her with him and I couldn't figure out how to get it to work and hew as standing there waiting forever. lmao.
There aren't many i would even WANT to emet now. Only hot female celebs. And I don't even pay attention to current celebs enough to know who's still hot. I used to like Natalie Portman, Christina Ricci, and Jena Malone.
4/25/2010 10:30:26 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |

Haverhill, MA
age: 50
anyone else met anyone well known? actors,singers,groups, presidents etc??
4/25/2010 10:34:21 PM |
Ever met anyone famous? |


Gateway, AR
age: 34
I went to school with Joe Nichols before he became a country singer.