1/11/2008 8:07:38 PM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Portland, OR
age: 26
hey there! i'm playing flute, tenor sax and possibly trombone in a band that's making its debut in february.... it's fun! are there any other wind artists out there?
1/12/2008 9:50:38 PM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Belton, MO
age: 19
Hellz yeah. I play the saxaphone. I play in three different Jazz bands and I might be performing in the army band. What kind of music do you play?
1/15/2008 9:30:17 PM |
woodwind/brass artists? |
Hughson, CA
age: 19
hey yall! i play the OBOE and We are having a sweet opera the end of this month!
1/17/2008 6:42:53 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |
age: 39
hello i play flute just love it.and now playing fiddle and got myself a guitar and want to learn
1/29/2008 11:14:31 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |
Lake Oswego, OR
age: 33
I play flute & keyboards dabble in strings & other instruments my uncles a great alto flautist 2- sorry my profiles still slim & I am a dad but you'd be missing one of the most dedicated compassionate warriors in this life if that's your only hang up- not looking 4 the perfect mom anymore if its any relief-just settin this up so no pics yet or enough said-little more on [blocked site] site same username same Bat-time lol xxxxoxxxx
7/17/2008 4:30:29 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Erlanger, KY
age: 50
Anybody mess around with a Yamaha WX? I usually use a guy with one when I need to cover an oboe/eng horn book, because it's tough to find a good one available!
8/14/2008 8:39:26 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Kernersville, NC
age: 68 online now!
I play clarinet in three concert bands - we have an outdoor concert tonight. The other two bands are New Horizons Bands affiliated with the national New Horizons group. The bands are for former and/or new musicians who may have played in bands in hs or college, put away their instruments to start families or careers, then later in life when they have more time take up their music again. There is a website (newhorizonsbands.com) if anyone is interested in finding a group in their area (150+ bands nationwide) or starting one. I am having so much fun playing again and highly recommend it for anyone interested.
8/14/2008 7:13:19 PM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Port Byron, IL
age: 54
My daughter plays a trombone and her twin sister plays clairnet and drums. Both have played 5 years so far and love band in and out of school!
8/15/2008 3:16:23 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Kernersville, NC
age: 68 online now!
Hope your kids keep their interest in music. It is something one can continue to enjoy all their life. Making music has been a blessing to me ( maybe not to the one who are listening to me LOL) and has helped me get through some rough times in my life.
8/16/2008 8:36:34 PM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Port Byron, IL
age: 54
Oh Yes they will continue to play I am sure and they are seniors in high school this year and both signed up for band again. They say they want to play in the jazz band in college so that is a sign they will continue on with it. I have tinkered with the drums myself lately and love playing just wish I could learn faster and had more time to pratice. If I could learn more I could play in a senior band and I think it would be a lot of fun, maybe someday soon.
8/17/2008 6:17:35 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 52
I play flute and a little piccolo. Have been doing high school musicals, opera productions, a teeny bit of jazz, and added flute doodles to what crimsoncruiser and musicnmore were playing a couple weeks back. I love it all!
8/27/2008 10:44:35 PM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Brownsboro, AL
age: 55
I've heard Musicfor2, she is great, really talented. She even played "Danny Boy" for me at a jam session. I loved it. Besides that she is a sweet chick.
8/30/2008 1:44:57 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Layton, UT
age: 51
just flute and piano here
8/30/2008 8:10:37 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 52
I sure wish I could play piano! (More than I, IV and V7 in every key.) With the day job, I only have enough self discipline left to play flute ... That's great - you can be a flute soloist *and* make chords!
8/30/2008 8:11:32 AM |
woodwind/brass artists? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 52
I've heard Musicfor2, she is great, really talented. She even played "Danny Boy" for me at a jam session. I loved it. Besides that she is a sweet chick. 
freebird, how kind of you! You make me blush. 