5/12/2007 8:28:47 PM |
what are angels |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
according to recent surveys, most people believe in the existence of angels a glut book on the subject fill bookstore shelves... still our only reliable source on angels and their activity is the bible just who are these mysterious creatures. what do they look like do they wear long flowing robes and have large birdlike wings... and what is their purpose you might call angels gods secret agents.
they basically work undercover most of the time... these secret agents remain invisible except on those special occasions when god allows people to see them. and no doubt god realized that if we were allowed to see them.... all the time they would become an object of worship which is reserved for god alone. lets take some time to see what the bible has to say about angels and their role in this world.
1.why did god create angels?- god created angels as unique spiritual beings who worship christ and care for his followes [hebrews 1;4-14]
2. what do angels do in the life of a christian- god has ordered the angels to protect his followers and keep them from harm [acts 27;23-24]
3.why shouldnt we worship angels?- those who worship angels are disobeying god [colossians 2;18-19]
4.what role will angels play in the end of times?_ angels will play a strategic role in spreading the everlasting gospel [revelations 14;6-7]
5/27/2007 10:36:36 PM |
what are angels |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Well H....from what I have gathered, when God really needed to lay something to waste, the Angels are his destroyers. Let's face it man . When ever the sh%t needs to be kicked out of something....the angels will do it. When Apocolypse comes the angels will be riding it down our throats.
One of my books that I have written is exactly about the archangel Armmegeddon questioning God for his own role in humanities destruction. Favored amongst god's creations.....yeah okay..........Bad M.F's who lay out some devine wrath?...........Oh yeah.
5/30/2007 1:27:41 PM |
what are angels |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
ive read that in the book of revelations how angels will play a major role in the end of times
6/19/2007 7:24:43 AM |
what are angels |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
gods helpers in many ways...and then you have the fellas-meaning the fallen angels(demons)
6/19/2007 12:46:33 PM |
what are angels |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
yeah pnce you start to follow jesus, then you will see how much temptation the devil throws at you then.
6/19/2007 1:30:32 PM |
what are angels |

Kyle, TX
age: 70
I would say that we read the Psalms about the Angels. They are sent from Heaven by God to protect His children...the followers of Christ and not the followers of the world.
There are several scriptures in Psalms that refer to this.
PSALMS 103-20
DANIEL 6-22 AND ACTS 12-7/10
Man is lower than the Angels so we cannot order them around...As what they look like,,their manifestation is a spirit felt in our heart, as out of the belly came living waters....we will just have to strive to get to Heaven and see if we recognize them...
This is the Mystery of the Heavens....
9/6/2007 2:38:46 PM |
what are angels |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
angels are the ministering spirits of time, messanger hosts of space and the higher personalities of the Infinate Spirit.
Seraphim.Cherubim and Sanobim constitute the angelic corps of the local universe.
there superior to us in spiritual status but do not judge us.
they fully understand us and we should not worship them.
paper #38 the U book
9/6/2007 3:13:05 PM |
what are angels |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
There is mention of angels even before Christ.I believe that angels are watching over all of us "always"! This explains to me how God is "everywhere" always!
Its like if you tell your child I can see you and know what your doing always,even if Im not physically w/ you. Theres always teachers,friend parents,other friends, group leaders,and such,that you can "find out" what your child has been doing when your not around and these people 'watch out" for your child.
Angels,"watch over"us for God ,in the same way!(jmo) If something "tragic" happens to someone,it doesnt necessasarily mean "their" angel wasnt "watching over" them, it could mean that God has a different "purpose" for them! Just my opinion and what I "BELIEVE"!
4evr6..I like your description,it makes sense to me,thanks! Peace
9/6/2007 4:59:00 PM |
what are angels |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
well when Christ came down to earth the angels ministered to him...they watch over us...but God the father also is much closer to us than just having the angels to watch us or even rat us out...father God indwells in us by means of a peice of himself that is called the Thought Adjuster or Mystery Moniter...you know "knock and the door will be opened unto u"...."seek and yee shall find"....God never forces us or sets us up,but if we seek him in a spiritual sence he will lead and grow us closer to him.He knows our very thoughts and our every moves....but he is a God of love not a God of rath...thats primitave b.s.
in this world we are material/time creatures we win we lose we suffer we travail...its ultimatly unimportant when it comes to eternity....those that think there way is the true path are puting THE GREAT I AM in a box of their own making.
Angels love us humans....#1 after God we should too.
9/6/2007 7:57:57 PM |
what are angels |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
When you say....father God indwells in us by means of a peice of himself that is called the Thought Adjuster or Mystery Moniter.. Is that what I would call the "Holy Spirit"???
I know that when I believe I am "right with God",His presense is witout a doubt... a "constant" w/ me! When I am not "right with God" it is I,who "chooses" not to let Him too close to me and my soul suffers at those times. It is when I am the most unhappiest,that I am the "furthest" from Him!! Peace
9/12/2007 12:00:09 AM |
what are angels |

Ebensburg, PA
age: 43
1Cor 6:3 - Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life?
To me this says God considers us higher in the higherarchy than angels....maybe that's why Satan was so PO'd...????
9/12/2007 12:05:41 AM |
what are angels |

Ebensburg, PA
age: 43
I think the Bible shows there are many different types of angels: messengers, warriors, helpers, protectors, worshipers, etc. There is also clearly a hierarchy among angels. Not an accurate one-size-fits-all description for angels.
9/12/2007 3:19:16 AM |
what are angels |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
deathwish..yes we mortals tend to put all Diety other than the highest into one box that we label as 'angels'.ie there are the Universal Father,the Eternal Son,the Infinite Spirit.from there one or a combination of the triune Godhead created: the seven master spirits,the paridice sons of God ,the paridice creator Sons,the trinitised Sons of God,the solitary messangers,the higher personalities of the Infanite Spirit,the universe Power Directors...and it goes on and on...
some of the local universe Sons of God would be Melchizedek Sons,Vorondadek Sons,Lanonandek Sons and Life Carrier Sons.
Lusifer, our one time system soverign, wasn't an angel..he was a Lanonandek Son....created by Michael[Jesus] and the Universe Mother Spirit[a part of Third person of the trinity]..
i think most of these beings are "decending sons of God"...where as we would be termed "assending sons of God".
angels[seraphim cherubim and sanobim]are ministering spirits of the local universe.
swcw..the Thought Adjuster is diferent than what we would call the "Holey Spirit" in that He is like a piece of the Father that comes to indwell in every "normal" person ...at about age 6 or so{when that person is able to feel compassion}.
the Holy Spirit a part of the third person of the Trinity,suposidly comes in to us when"we repent and receive Jesus as our personal Lord and savior" i'm not sure about that...as a mater of fact i'm not sure of much...all this stuf is sooo above me...but by faith I AM sure that God loves and cares for me/you.
lt'n lf..4evr
[Edited 9/12/2007 3:21:53 AM]