Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Here's a tough one! Help write this story adding a whole paragraph each time you post an addition! I'll Start:
Younger Lovers!
It was a dark and stormy night as "Walter Spankme", hiked along the slippery bank of the Cumstuck River. He was headed to Pickle Creek a tributary exiting from Muff Pond. There he hoped to meet his young lover, "Miss Step". She was a Kindergarten Teacher from Beaver Falls.

Lubbock, TX
age: 37
Walter had walked this trail many times before. He knew all the most dangerous parts of the river bank. He had fallen in before, and nearly drowned once, while on his way to ole Henrietta Merkin's place. Not this time, he had his trusty walking stick with him.

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Walter plied his way across the slippery rocks along the river's bank. He lost his footing and stumbled, driving the shaft of his walking stick upward knicking his right eye. "Ouch!" he screamed. His right was a wash with a firey burning pain, and his vision was impaired by the blood that pooled in his lower eyelid.