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1/14/2008 5:38:46 PM |
The future of gameing is here. |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 32
With these two new consoles the Ps3 & the Xbox 360, they say they offer next generation game play & graphics. Do you agree with these statements? Me personaly, I think that only the graphics are next gen & not much else. The game play seems the same to me. What do you think?
1/20/2008 9:25:49 PM |
The future of gameing is here. |

age: 34
To a certain extent, I will agree with you ( not just cos you are a big guy ). I guess its back to the old " If it ain't broke don't fix it" attitude.
There is new games down the line that is offering some new variations on gameplay. But most software houses leave this to the producers of the console to take the acquired risk. Which is probably wrong but maybe right in a financial sense.
The Wii ( i know you did not state it, i wont stay off topic long ) is revolutionary.
I am currently playing MK Armageddon. It is extremely fun to do the fatalities and moves with the remote and nunchuk. Its quite refreshing!!
But yes, graphics is next-gen but gameplay seems dated and old. But this is not nesscesarily a bad thing. I mean could or would you want to play Halo or others any other way!!
Offline is basically redundant now that online is offered. Games themselves will improve but ultimately the producers of the consoles will have to step forward and show example.
Only for the Wii being such a success, i feel nintendo would have ended up in the same boat as sega in accordance to hardware manufacturing. I am delighted that the wii paid off for them. Of all the big names in gaming entertainment I respect nintendo the most!!!
1/21/2008 1:16:36 PM |
The future of gameing is here. |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 32
I find it very interesting that you enjoy the Wii. The reason that I didn't add nintendos Wii was because personaly I feel that nintendo shifted their marketing more towards the casual gamer instead of the hardcore gamers. The whole control scheme with the controlers, the dated graphics. I give nintendo props for one thing & that's finding a new market, the casual gamer. I feel that nintendo doesn't cater to the gamers who were there from the start. But this is just the angry rantings of a 360 lb. bouncer... 
1/21/2008 1:25:19 PM |
The future of gameing is here. |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 32
I will agree with u about the Wii's revolutionary controlers even though they are a little too much of a way to move consoles. In America the Wii is the hardest console to purchase because non gamers & casual gamers are buying them.
1/21/2008 4:15:03 PM |
The future of gameing is here. |

age: 34
Hi bsuge. My God 360 lbs. You are three times my weight my good man. I must tread carefully.I can judge from your posts bsuge, you share a passion for videogames.
Just on your two posts bsuge in regards to the Wii, I feel nintendo is solely rsponsible for the sucess of microsoft and sony, to an extent. Nintendo have not catered so much for the casual gamer, Nintendo strictly have, and always will, design consoles for kids.
Ninento know that kids must be kept interested from a young age for the market to flourish. Lets be honest bsuge, you are probably like me and started the passion for videogames at a very early age ( snes, master system, megadrive )thats why we are here today. I dont think that many adults suddenly develop a keen interest at later ages as much as you and me have at an earlier age. But you are very correct when you say " nintendo has captured the casual gaming market " This is a big bonus for nintendo. Nintendos aim with the wii was for parents to accept videogames into the life of the child. The exercise of using the control and not sitting on their ass approach has seemed to work even better than nintendo had predicted.
Yes I agree again bsuge, Nintendo dont hit with the big adult titles and very seldom release an 18+ game.But in all my gaming days, one little thing i love about nintendo is: In the instruction manual, it goes into a good detail on safety when online, cos nintendo know its about the kids.
But me, I want to sit on my ass and drink beer and smoke cigs when playing my games. That is why i buy all consoles.
@ you bsuge What do you most like about ps3 or x360. What games do you play?
How do you feel about current game and console prices? Do you play online or strictly old skool off liner, like I. But soon to change cos I have only dial-up. Getting hi-speed broadband in a few months. I am really excited about this!! Have you had any bad experiences playing online bsuge, if you do online.
Well bsuge as you said " this is just the rants of an 115 lb gaming addict" 
360 lbs bsuge, the guys you throw out of the club. Do you eat them??
I have to visit your profile to see what height you are.
[Edited 1/21/2008 4:23:30 PM]
1/21/2008 5:55:37 PM |
The future of gameing is here. |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 32
I've been been stabed, hit with a tire iron, bitten, cut with a rusty box cutter, shot at, & vomited on. Through it all I never devoured my enemies. Not yet...
I was a huge fan of nintendo back in da day when they had games like Mach Rider, KUNG-Fu, & duck hunt. Then Sega came out with Alterd beast, Golden ax, & RAMBO. Those games were so fun & simple in concept. Now my favorite games are OBLIVIAN, front mission 3, & still golden ax. I always play unreal torn.3 online as well as resistance fall of man.
I was thinking if the ps3 or the xbox wants to broaden there consumer base they should develop some kick ass mmos. Imagine a huge mmo like warcraft on a console that would be true next gen thinking.
1/21/2008 7:42:54 PM |
The future of gameing is here. |

age: 34
Cheers for friends bsuge
Stabbed? Shot at? My god bsuge , would you not consider a different career?
You probably were more offended and upset when the person vomited on you
What area are you bouncing in bsuge. Does it start with a "H" and end in "L" HELL!!!
A few of my mates done the bouncing game bsuge. They quit it. They were both black-belts in bujitsu (sp?) One of them bounced in city central dublin. A few fist fights but no knifes or guns. My god bsuge that is terrible. I hope you are getting well paid!!!
Altered beast (sega) total classic. My brother has it on psp, megadrive classics, i think golden axe may be there too. I am unsure. Maybe not, i dont think sega done golden axe.
I think their is a modern golden axe out bsuge or is it coming to ps3. I thought maybe it was out already on ps2!!!
I cant remember rambo. I remember cliffhanger bsuge, I remember being really impressed with the graphics at the time. Just as an experience, i returned to my ps1 to play the very first Ridge Racer game. I simply could not play it, the graphics are totally pixelated and you cant seem to see the corners approaching but at the time it was amazing. Will a time come when we look back at resistance and halo and say wow that is poor graphics. I certainly hope that day does come 
I have never played oblivian bsuge. but i read about it. Its meant to be endless. Is that true. There is so much content in it. I think you might need to dedicate an entire human life to it
I love resistance bsuge I just got my 40 gb ps3 at xmas past. Resistance is cool. The graphics are a little brown for my liking but the overall gameplay is good. Good ol jericho. Resistance 2 is out this summer i think august. No offical date has being stated yet probably more like xmas i imagine. Any word on gears of war 2 bsuge?
What happened there?
I have unreal 1 and liandri conflict but as i say bsuge, i have no online yet. UT3 scored 7/10 in our version of the official playstation magazine. Is it good online?
Bsuge can you explain what exactly is these MMO;s everyone is talking about. I have no experience in this field whatsoever. All i know its to do with multi-player. Are they like massive online rpg's or something to that effect??? You should suggest your idea to sony or microsoft. Become a millionaire bsuge and quit dodging bullets!!!
Once again bsuge, cheers for friends you are a gentleman.
Ps EAT THEM. Someone told me they taste nice i think his name was Jeffery Dahmer or something like that
[Edited 1/21/2008 7:59:14 PM]