5/23/2008 5:26:43 AM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |


Sioux Falls, SD
age: 48
Something about a woman's purse, kinda like going into the ladies room.
I just don't go there
5/23/2008 9:35:04 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |
age: 89
Smothering,overly needy,wielding weaponry,and the phrase if "I can't have you no one can"...
all scary stuff.
5/28/2008 6:49:11 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Versailles, OH
age: 32
when they start talking alot about marriage after only a couple of dates.Whoa,I barely know you phsyco lets not talk about such a big commitment.
5/28/2008 9:44:53 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |


Evanston, WY
age: 51
crack pipe and a torch hidden behind her couch.
5/31/2008 5:02:59 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Port Charlotte, FL
age: 64
Opticalillusionaryism often called " I " strain...no known cure
musical-itesss otherwise Known as " ME - Me - Me "
and the fore mentioned crack pipe, future-holes in the head ( piercings )
5/31/2008 7:54:22 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |
Spiro, OK
age: 47
I can pretty much handle all the aforementioned, cept for the crack ho....I mean, a slap of the c*ck and most will get in line with a mans thinkin'.
What I can't do is the f*g friend. You meet the chick at the bar and she has her gay buddy with her. And they brought HIM to see if you're OK! NOT OK!
F**kin gay boy approval? Nah! No way! I guess they figure if you'll fold to a queer for some p*ssy they own ya easy enough!
I was to meet this nice lookin chick in a bar in Reading, Pa. and she brought her friend from work, a big, fat, nasty f*g from Bernville ,Pa. who wanted my stuff more than the chick. Still follows me around on line even! Greaze or Gizz, or Jizz 1967 or something like that! Real homo.
Beware the queer friend!
6/2/2008 8:27:42 AM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Kingsville, ON
age: 51
life wait till they ask you to find something in purse & you can;t { mess} & they get mad at you because you can;t or it is your fault 
6/2/2008 3:41:00 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Statesville, NC
age: 28
life wait till they ask you to find something in purse & you can;t { mess} & they get mad at you because you can;t or it is your fault 
Been there done that and there is no way in hell that I am ever getting back in one. And women think our garage is disorganized have they looked in their purse Lately
6/3/2008 5:13:29 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Bernville, PA
age: 41
Damn rud, your more of a man than me. There is no way I would even think about going into a females purse. Your a regular Indiana Jones my friend. 
6/5/2008 1:43:32 AM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Sugar Land, TX
age: 31
Went over to her house on a blind date. The front door was open she yelled to come in. I sat down on the coach and looked towards the bedroom where she was shooting up. I was outta there so friggin fast. Not even a goodbye! Burning rubber out of the driveway. Don't need to be around a junkie.
Could she have been a diabetic taking her insulin?
6/5/2008 7:55:13 AM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Bernville, PA
age: 41
oooohhh, good question. I didn't think of that possibility when I read his story. 
6/5/2008 8:31:15 AM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |


Seven Springs, NC
age: 59
All she has to do is mention the word "marriage" I'll tuck tail and scoot!!! 
6/6/2008 9:38:33 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |
Texarkana, AR
age: 33
My top ten list:
1. Materialism. I hate a woman who's obsessed with money and "security" and things.
2. Clinging vines. I don't like it when she can't seem to survive for half a day without me. I want to be her man, not her daddy.
3. Drama queens. I can't stand women who thrive on making scenes and stirring up trouble.
4. Control freaks. Girls who want to tell me what to do, who I can see, when to be home, what I can buy and what I can't, and so forth. Again, I want to be her man, not her lap dog.
5. Jealousy. I don't like it when a woman is always thinking I'm cheating on her and wanting to check up on me to make sure I'm not with another girl. It might be amusing at first, but it gets old real fast.
6. Treachery. This includes lying, cheating, breaking promises, and so forth.
7. Sourpusses. I don't like girls who have negative attitudes about life, who are cynical and depressed and can't seem to be satisfied until they find the worm in every apple.
8. Grudge holders. I don't like girls who never forgive anything and store up every real or imagined slight and mistake I make, and then bring it up to use against me later. I pay attention to how she talks about other people in general and how she talks about her ex in particular. If all she ever says about him is what a bastard he is and can't ever find anything good to say about him, then I start to wonder if sooner or later she might start thinking like that about me as soon as I make a mistake.
9. Unladylike behavior. I don't know about other guys, but it's a real turn-off for me if a girl dresses like a dime-store slut and gets drunk and cusses and belches and farts in front of people. . . the list could go on, but everybody knows pretty much what it would include. I want a lady, not a man with boobs. Not even all men act like that (I don't), and I certainly don't want my girl to. Doesn't mean she can't laugh at an off-color joke or has to be prim and proper all the time. . . I just like for her to maintain a certain level of grace and good manners.
10. Doesn't like kids. I have two of them, and we come as a package deal. So if she doesn't like kids then that's a deal-breaker.
6/8/2008 10:36:00 AM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Bernville, PA
age: 41
Great list billy, I just recently broke things off with a woman and one of the biggest reasons I did so was because of your number 9. I always asked her if she needed me to buy her shirts that fit her because maybe she couldn't afford the extra material. Her boobs were always pouring out of her shirts and exposing her belly. The thing is, most of the time I see these woman pulling on these style of shirts and I can tell they are not comfortable, why not buy a shirt that fits and is comfortable? There are plenty of shirts available that excentuate their body without exposing it. I love my woman's body, I just don't need everyone else seeing it.
So again I say, great list. 
6/14/2008 3:26:04 PM |
what things scare you off from a woman? |

Kingsville, ON
age: 51
when you are not thinking about being a couple & they say (WE) & wondering where did they get that idea  