1/18/2008 6:47:56 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 26
The tablian fighter are taking over military strong holds in pakistan and soon nuclear bomb facility will be in their hands so i think we call in the marines and navy seals into the pic which i can see happening because 3200 marines are coming in march? what do you think?
1/18/2008 7:08:31 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Michigan, ND
age: 46
I don't think so. We want no part of that country either. If anything, we just sit a few carriers off the coast and launch airstrikes. Again, there are things that you don't know, and I can't tell you. Have a nice day.
1/18/2008 7:13:51 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 26
air strikes where in pakistan? I think it will also put pressure and fear into iran leaders if we secure pakistan true or not?
1/18/2008 7:14:18 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Poynette, WI
age: 46
i think the whole thing over there is a bad deal, but where there and now we can not just leave it all or walk away,,,,alot of those people over there have no value of life,,,,i often wonder what would of happened if we would of stayed out of that mess from the get-go,,,,,yikes!!!!!
1/18/2008 7:44:44 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 26
How we got to this point in pakistan goes back to the cold war with russia.If we do this attack it would be a true "war on terror" and maybe key to killing osama.
1/18/2008 10:15:50 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

United Kingdom
age: 50
I have flow over Pakistan, there is so much undeveloped land in this country.
Pakistan has hills and mountains good for mining uranium.
There are oil reserves as well, so it seems its ripe for the picking.
1/18/2008 10:46:54 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Chevy Chase, MD
age: 64 online now!
Not going to happen.
1) The US is now 9 TRILLION dollars in debt (3 trillion under Bush alone) and the dollar is sinking like a stone.
2) The US military, by its own assessments, is way over-committed. We are scraping the jails for more recruits, extending the tours in Iraq to the point of psychological stress, and having a hard time keeping material and training current. The Marines will go enthusiastically wherever they are ordered, of course, but saner minds will prevail on this one.
3) Our 'allies' are backing out of Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving us holding the bag and needing even more forces in those countries.
4) We have made enough enemies all around the world and have no need to make more.
5) The neocons in Washington are losing power as people see the disasters that their policies have brought to the Bush presidency.
1/18/2008 11:03:43 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Mount Airy, GA
age: 41
"The Marines will go enthusiastically wherever they are ordered, of course, but saner minds will prevail on this one."
i guess saner means cowardly liberal.
1/18/2008 11:22:51 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Chevy Chase, MD
age: 64 online now!
Now, now, Jazminx. Please reread my post: it means Republican conservative policy makers in the White House. Why are you calling them 'cowardly liberal'? My guess is that they would be royally annoyed.

1/18/2008 11:50:53 AM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Mount Airy, GA
age: 41
make up your mind, either conservatives sent our troops to war or they didnt.
1/18/2008 12:32:26 PM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Chevy Chase, MD
age: 64 online now!
Perhaps you are confusing "neocons" with "conservatives"? Two very, very different things, but the terms can be confused! Let me know if you would like me to define the two.
1/18/2008 12:36:18 PM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Mount Airy, GA
age: 41
what the strict definition is and what the contemporary usage is are two different things.
Don't condescend to me pal, all it does is make you look like a d*ck.
1/18/2008 2:29:47 PM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
when will the usa stop picking their allies from military dictators? yea theres some blowback but please don't get us into a nuclear war over this!!!
as tuff as marines may be there r not enough marines to occupy every country of the world, even with blackwater's help.
bad idea.
1/18/2008 5:27:34 PM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
Yes lets bring every one home tell the radical Muslims we are sorry. I am sure they will take a heart felt apology from us and leave us alone. I am sure they were not serious about saying that any one not being a their type of Muslim will be killed. We need to pull every one back into our borders and sing kum-by-ah. They will leave us alone and the world will live happily ever after.   
1/18/2008 5:34:35 PM |
usa going into pakistan?good or bad? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Really doesn't matter.....as long as politicians continue to hamstring our generals from doing what the generals KNOW to be the most efficient course of action....it would be nothing more than an open ended policing/ occupying action that will result in far too many casualties on all sides.
All the "political correctness" just prolongs conflicts while the politicians try to show thier people that "they" can pick up a turd by the clean end. There ain't no clean end. It is a dirty job that the military is trained for.