Elsberry, MO
age: 56
Wondering if it works.
Subject : Unlock your car.
Have you locked your keys in your car before... NO WAY...
If you have a spare set of keys with a remote at home, Call someone at home on your cell phone. As you hold your cell phone about a foot from the car , ask them to hold the remote close to the phone at home and hit the unlock button. They say it works..
Think, I will have to try this before I lock my keys in the car again..
Later, Blu

Springfield, MO
age: 53
I have heard this does work, with some cars....thankful I have the old key or no key locks, no key, I have to call one of my kids to come unlock it for me! So I keep spare keys everywhere possible. Not that I ever lock my keys in the truck, no really

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Never thought of it Blu but hey.. if signal is clear enough it should work ..   

Venice, FL
age: 55
A retired state trooper told me this a few weeks ago. I have locked my keys in the car once ..but I had a credit card style key in my wallet . So it was no big deal.

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
My car locks with a remote or by hitting the lock on the door.
I never use the door lock, just the remote so I no longer lock
my keys in the car. I do have a spare at home....just in case
but no one at home to bring it to me! But then, I do have AAA
so I might call them.
[Edited 1/19/2008 7:40:07 AM]