1/20/2008 9:04:12 AM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Spencer, OH
age: 52
JMO- but I think the biggest mistake made is trying to be something you're not. Just be yourself- you can't make someone like you- they either do or they don't. Better to have someone like you for who you are-warts & all, than try to impress someone by being someone you really aren't. If they like the person you tried to impress them by being- then it won't last anyway!
1/20/2008 9:15:59 AM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
yes maam freek.. 
1/20/2008 10:45:30 AM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
bona: has a plan not to fail for sure--good post
1/20/2008 11:09:30 AM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
#1 No such thing as being too nice...manners go a long way too. Women like bad boys to a degree.
#2 It won't work. Either we like you or we don't.
#3 All depends on what it is. Sometimes, you better ask permission. If we approve, you will know.
#4 Now.......nothing wrong with food and gifts. Doesn't guarantee affection though.
#5 Don't be needy. But, do share whenever you feel what you feel. #5 is a man thing. Not a woman's.
#6 How does attraction work for us? Elucidate please.
#7 Money and looks never hurt. But, if you ain't got the rest, it won't work.
#8 What power? Men think they have power? What is this anyway?
#9 OMG.....how do you know that? Women don't even know that? Over analyzed here.
1/20/2008 11:13:35 AM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
Possessive Attitude
Controling Issues
Trust Issues
1/20/2008 11:41:26 AM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Hillsboro, OR
age: 57
Possive/ Jelious
Drink to much/ can't handle drinking
bad temper/ abusive temper
1/20/2008 11:42:31 AM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
I agree, Sugah.
1/20/2008 1:42:16 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
prxf--sorry you agree with whomever/even though you may have missed the points of these questions which were: Men agree or not here and why if you do agree... have you applied any of these into your life now for the better or may want to soon...
but don't you have your own opinions on most subject matters--these were not my choices, it came from a best selling book on the subject of: "The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women. You agreed with a poster who happens to be female even though she gave her own opinions based on her beliefs, which are her sole opinions on this subject... This was not a book for venus (women), it was for men who come from Mars which may make your next relationship stronger then ever before...This book was to make men aware once again of the pitfalls there are in relationships, maybe for your own good or even for someone failing at some point of their lives. having read some of your threads you have started, asking at times why this or that has happened to you personally--and seeing many of the posters here post suggestions for you to overcome failure as it's great you read these mistakes men should avoid as i posted this thread to point out what a best selling book suggests as dangerous mistakes for men to visually see for themselves to improve our backbone structures in unity.
# 10 may be most important since it is a great pitfall because if you seek out help it's available at any time when a warning sign becomes visible...
[Edited 1/20/2008 1:49:52 PM]
1/20/2008 1:54:13 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
I understand the questions, sorprano. I'm not agreeing with Sugah for the sake of doing so. I just agree with her reasoning more than I agree with yours.
1/20/2008 1:58:33 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
again guy i posted what a book said--get it for once will ya--it was not based on my opinions or sugah's either--we need backbones sometimes and that's why people write books was my point for our own good-you make this sound like a popularity contest----i didn't ask you to agree with me but on pitfalls men face--again my reasoning??? you're kidding, right???
[Edited 1/20/2008 2:00:03 PM]
1/20/2008 2:35:44 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
Books don't always mean anything. People get them published all the time. That does not mean that I'm going to rush out and buy a copy.
1/20/2008 2:45:32 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
And we wonder why some men are STILL single.....go figure!!!!  
Communication is the "key" in any relationship and if you go into it with this attitude, you'll receive ten-fold just what you put into it.
1/20/2008 3:09:21 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
I can't see you there G B....
1/20/2008 3:15:08 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Ah Explorer, I'm hurt you don't know ME!!!!!!aka Butterfly!!!...after all that dancing and hugs we had in the mistletoe party!!! 
Couldn't stay away...so now I'm a professional lurker and shadow and I like it!!!
It's always a two=way street in any relationship and anybody can make these mistakes!
1/20/2008 3:22:45 PM |
"The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably make with women |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
pssst I know.. just didn't want to spill the pot o beans... still can't see ya..  