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5/28/2010 10:52:39 PM Wondering if this really works?  

Shawnee, OK
age: 42

First time on a singles thing. Not sure if what I see and hear on tv is true.. I want to meet people and around here its hard to do... so tell me if i am wasting my time please... Thank You

Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now! - 100% Free Personals

5/29/2010 5:07:18 AM Wondering if this really works?  

Monson, ME
age: 55

Well not really the proper forum to discuss this question but since you posted and it can't be erased. Give it time, it works for many.

You need to have a good profile, this is the profile review forum. There are people here who can help you with a killer profile, get more exposure and more compatibles. Response rate is about 10%, hang in there. Check success stories to see if it works.

That said, now do a thread that says; "Please review and help me with my profile." Good luck, Shawn

5/29/2010 7:54:45 AM Wondering if this really works?  

Kent, WA
age: 34

It absolutely works. My boyfriend and I are proof of that (one year next week!) I have friends who have also found love on free dating websites.

Shawnee is right--this isn't the place to ask that. Need any help polishing up your profile?

5/29/2010 9:11:52 AM Wondering if this really works?  

Denver, CO
age: 59 online now!

Hi Idwallace…yes, it does! Every week I get emails from folks telling me they’re getting better dates after tweaking their profile and photos. A few times a month I get emails from folks that they’ve found “the one” or are seriously “in-like”!

Like most things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. Right now, your profile and photos are wimpy at best, and you don’t look like a wimpy guy. 1 inch of profile is like most masculine things…not satisfying for most women.

Here’s a profile primer from Ron10000 and me which should help. This is a great weekend to take outdoor photos…good weather, activities, bbqs! Take advantage of it and snap LOTS of pictures. Post 5 to 8 in all different type of clothes/settings for best results. Also, wait till towards the END of the profile to talk about your kids. She wants to hear about you FIRST. Give some idea of # of kids, ages, custody situation.

RON10000’s Profile Primer: I have noticed that on this site the profile writing tips are quite vague and include many contradictory comments.

The basic idea of a profile is to be an inviting advertisement for you. It should start with a well lit, close-up head and shoulders photo with a bright smile. That is what draws in people to read what you have written. Include at least one full length shot so the viewer can determine your body type. Other photos to show you in various locations and activities are always good.

The profile should be easy to read, I notice that very dark background colors make it very difficult and I pass those by. Proper spelling and grammar do count, if I need to spend a great deal of time to decipher a profile not only is it not a fun read but makes the writer seem less than intelligent. Spell and grammar check programs take care of most of this.

Include 10 to 15 interests not only does it say you are not a couch potato but gives potential points of contact (shared interests).

Profile body should include a paragraph about who you are one about your interests and another indicating the characteristics you seek in a partner. Make sure you have paragraph spacing for ease of reading.

FROM DENVERSKY: Here’s a CHECKLIST to follow in REwriting your profile:

1. Post 2 Close-up photos of your smiling face & 1 or 2 Full Body photos. Add 2 or 3 more of you on vacation, relaxing at home, etc. Make sure photos are well lit and NOT blurry. Keep the shirt on.

2. Choose a friendly USERNAME that gives a sense of who you are. (Woohoo! It might be the new pet name your honey calls you. Make sure it’s pronounceable. )

3. FILL out all the Stat checkboxes…Politics, Ethnicity, Religion, Occupation, Marital Status, Kids, Income, etc. If you’re not sure, put UNDECIDED. Do not put “prefer not to say”.

4. Write an interesting OPENING LINE for your Profile. Your opening line counts DOUBLE. You’re setting the mood.

5. Write 1 or 2 sentences about each of these things: My Job (or what I’m studying in school); What I do for FUN; Favorite Hot Spots; Favorite Things .(see #6!)

6. In writing about your JOB, FUN, HOT SPOTS, FAVE THINGS, use SPECIFICS. If you like movies, do you like comedy or action? If you like to read do you like the latest best sellers or biographies? What kind of music do you listen to? Rock or Rap or Country or all of the above? If you’re athletic, do you want to be hiking or skiing? “Traveling to Australia or Italy is on my list of things to do in the future” is much more INTERESTING and appealing and descriptive than writing “traveling is fun”.

7. Write 1 or 2 sentences about what type of person you’re looking to date. STEER clear of physical traits, and concentrate on personality (quiet, outgoing, athletic, career-oriented, family-oriented).

8. List 10 to 15 keywords or interests (these are searchable). Make sure you include some activities you can do as a couple such as hiking or skiing or golf or dancing or bowling or traveling.

9. Include an appealing 1st DATE at the end of the profile. Even if it’s just coffee, make it sound special such as….”Let’s go for coffee at Café Mozart. They’ve got the best blueberry muffins and great coffee.”

10. Proofread your profile. Make sure you’ve got the words spelled right. Put blank lines between paragraphs. Just like in the real world, presentation counts. So does BEING POSITIVE. Nobody is looking to date negativity.

Best of luck to you. We give free refills if you come back and bump your thread!

5/30/2010 1:38:50 PM Wondering if this really works?  

Shawnee, OK
age: 42

I would like to thank you for the advice...WIMPY was harsh... lol but I understand please keep helping if u don't mind.. I will do my best to figure this out...