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1/20/2008 1:41:20 PM Human Cloning in California?  

Arlington, TX
age: 41

By Deacon Keith Fournier

LOS ANGELES (Catholic Online) - There is news out of California, which, if proven to be true, shows that one more moral line in the sand has been crossed. Dr. Samuel Wood of Stemagen Corp. in La Jolla, California claims to have cloned himself.

MSNBC reported that if the lab’s claims are true, “it is the first instance of cloning humans – only as embryos in a Petri dish, but still cloned human beings.” Wood told the network “it was an amazing experience to look at that blastocyst and realize that it came from one of my cells. It’s a bit like looking at yourself from a long time ago.”

Bioethics Defense Fund President and constitutional lawyer Nikolas T. Nikas notes that this news highlights the necessity of state and federal legislation banning the creation of cloned human embryos for any purpose:

“If true, the creation of human beings, at the embryonic stage of life by cloning, marks a new and decisive step toward turning human reproduction into a manufacturing process. The creation of human embryos for the purpose of exploitation as raw material for lab experiments is grossly immoral and a blatant violation of human dignity,” said Nikas.

He is absolutely correct.

Continued article at:

I just seen where the heart of a rat was just created

1/20/2008 2:26:53 PM Human Cloning in California?  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

When they start cloning sexual slaves.....let me know!

1/21/2008 7:38:00 AM Human Cloning in California?  

Mount Airy, GA
age: 41

ugh last thing we need is more Californians.

1/21/2008 9:06:51 AM Human Cloning in California?  

Spring, TX
age: 55

isn't that against the law in the United States? animals is considered lawful, but cloning humans is against the law.

peace... don't be hatin'

1/21/2008 10:38:16 AM Human Cloning in California?  

Bellevue, WA
age: 45

Can someone please tell me how we are even going to be able to tell the clones from the "real" people down there? They already have fake boobs, hair, fingernails, skin, ... just where does one draw the line? What is the difference between a full on clone and someone with practically no original parts left? LOL
This fake crap has gone so far over the top that I don't even paint my nails so people won't assume they are fake like so many other people.
Fake sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1/21/2008 10:47:50 AM Human Cloning in California?  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

I don't know....seen some truly nice looking fake body parts! Worth every penny!

1/21/2008 10:54:31 AM Human Cloning in California?  

Evanston, WY
age: 50

now theyll be cloneing arnold so he can make more movies,and if your cloned in the usa,can your clone run for pressident?

1/21/2008 11:06:40 AM Human Cloning in California?  

Sacramento, CA
age: 46

I hate haters. Anyway, what's not to like about Californians?

Krupa you rule!

1/22/2008 9:30:39 AM Human Cloning in California?  

Bellevue, WA
age: 45

LOL Too many Barbies and Kens, no real people. Silicon central, and home of all things plastic and cheap. Funny thing is, when I was there, I was not the only one thoroughly disappointed by what we saw. All this hype about how beautiful Californians were, but neither my male friend or I could find any of those. Was actually very appreciative of the boys back home after seeing the crop down there LOL
My friend theorized that the reason why there is so much fake down there is because they have the biggest problem with home grown ugly. He has spent a lot more time in that state than I have, so I guess he would know better than me.