Farmersville, TX
age: 26
when it comes to having "friends" do you trust these people very easily??? How long does it usually take to gain trust in them?? Have you ever doubted any of your friendships or has any of your "friends" done anything to you that you lost their trust??

Fremont, NE
age: 18 online now!
I trust people easily, but I normally only keep one or two close friends... But I just recently lost both of my best friends because they decided to start in with high school drama... So I'm moving to a new town and trying to get to know new people...

Statesville, NC
age: 27 online now!
I trust people far to easily for my own good I still believe that people are honest (LQTM) until they think their motives are figured out. That being said I always give people the benefit of doubt until I find something solid that I feel is the deal breaker then there is no hope of rebuilding my trust it does not change with the wind but does change with the actions anything that is shady is normally a sign that they are untrustworthy
LQTM means laugh quietly to myself, people always say LOL but who hears them? inquiring minds want to know 

Farmersville, TX
age: 26
Trusting friends can be a very tricky and long process. Have I ever trusted my friends very easily and paid the price for it in the end?? Oh hell yeah! Of course if it wasn't for these people you would have no example of what to look out for when choosing friends. How long can it take before you trust them....that can depend on what your prior relationships with other people and trust is like. have more "aquaintances" than I do "friends", and the friends I do have I cherish them dearly. I do NOT trust anyone, and the few people that i do trust have earned my trust. It can take months to even years before someone can gain my trust. To this day i still doubt alot of my "friendships". Over the years i have gotten burned pretty bad by people that claimed to be my friends. I have very few "best friends" as it was my best friend who really screwed me over, not once but several times. I came home from school 1 day to find my best friend screwing my husband, of all people my best friend. that incident led up to my seperation and later my divorce. For awhile I thought there was more fish in the sea and my best friend would always be my best friend. After hitting the dating scene again, comes to find out my same best friend was screwing my b/f at the time. after that, i pulled away from everyone and decided i didnt need any friends. whats really sad is, it wasnt just this 1 friend that did this to me, over the years, several of my friends did the same thing. So i began to wonder, do they like sloppy seconds or are they just jealous of what i had?? to this day i still havent figured it out. this is another reason i tried to stay away from the dating game, than i dont have to worry about being the 1 to get hurt. No matter what, if im interested in a guy, 1 of my friends comes along and decides to like him to. so why do i even bother??
so just cuz i may talk to ya and give ya advice dont go thinking your my friend, cuz chances are you are only an aquaintance to me. My real friends are the ones i know i can turn to when even I have a hard time dealing w/things, will listen when i need to talk, will chew my ass when need to be, will give me advice and will support me no matter what i choose to do. and maybe even on a rare occassion will catch a tear.those that are my friends know that there is nothing i wouldnt do for them, and they know how to get ahold of me no matter what time of day or whats going on.
"Keep the ones you love close, and your enemies even closer, I cant win for losing, the one i thought was a friend to me, ended up being my true enemy."