Corning, CA
age: 50


Hazel Green, AL
age: 58
Here is a funny little poem that I wrote. Hope you enjoy it.
Ode to a Nose
Oh noble nose
You mean me well
But why do you itch and cause me hell
And truly cause me so much pain
When you plug and refuse to drain
And when true live is in the air
You truly cause me great despair
For when our lips we do compare
You go and cut me off from air.

Omaha, NE
age: 55
Nice ode Hass!
here's a poem I found:
by ee cummings
a white idea(Listen
drenches;earth's ugly)mind.
,rinsing with exact death
the annual brain
clotted with loosley voices
look. Skilfully
,fingered by(a parthesis
the)pond on whosewooning edge
black trees think
(hear little knives of flower
stropping sof a. Thick silence)
tiny,angels sharpen:themselves
don't speak
A white idea,
drenching. earth's brain detaches
clottingsand from a a nnual(ugliness
of)rinsed mind slowly:
from!the:A wending putrescence. a.of,loosley

Boise, ID
age: 68
Here's one supposedly written by a woman..
They say there's justice in this land
I just divorced my old man
I had to laugh at the judges decision
He gave him the kids and they weren't even hisn

Hazel Green, AL
age: 58