1/21/2008 6:45:58 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
let's say: any guy on here wants to talk just to one woman at a time(is that wrong or should every women think this guy is for them only)and then if it doesn't work (the conversations/emails between the two go sour) he moves on to the next woman staying on this same site (while women then begin labeling anyone a player in the making, i'll call it that) i ask is that wrong here, do women get jealous if they feel blown off even if the guy in your opinion turns out to be fake etc --what if i tell you i know that this guy until recently was doing that, then someone saw his webcam and then it went around he doesn't look like his pics, yes a double agent here /sure call me nuts but all of a sudden one gets blown off/ followed by another and isn't that life or we wouldn't be here asking why it happens...many of us "don't look like who they are suppose to be", anyhow/ esp if that pic is outdated etc or someone chooses to hide behind any pictureless picture too as this is a free site (would this happen on a paid site-hell no ladies)--some do, some hide behind even shades (sunglasses)on every picture of them posted via their profile, why then??? ....what are they hiding really, would you do personal business with someone that hides behind sunglasses where their eyes are hidden totally but because the shaded one has a good built and she gets hit on by creepy men because she's all this and that, maybe shallow and any confidence like one has when they were younger as that's life as we age too ...i ask if you're going to call out men, start with calling yourselves out first/ get a reality check and stop thinking most of you are who you're not --this sounded like the "1st Wives Club" yesterday with the pipline being phone calls to each other and emails sent to each other too as you'll probably continue to do that then men we are all in trouble because schitt floats too but if all men are guilty before two sides are heard then continue your lifestyle here on this site as it is now but don't complain when you're bored and lonely too--and when geography isn't on your side --i hope some get this message too, others continue with your opinions and beliefs collectively too and to all men one by one we may all see what's going on here--everyone wants to be prom queen here...life of happiness should be all your goal but i guess misery, loves company too...
sure this is my sole opinion here but take the message i send too esp since i read every line of every thread here as men have feelings too----and all it takes is for one woman to set up any guy here even vindictively and collectively too, then obviously the other side of someone's story goes untold...Is that the american way??? You tell me back here, i'm open-minded so should you be!!!
[Edited 1/21/2008 7:01:54 AM]
1/21/2008 7:26:58 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
see no debate so far because of your right and power of sitting in front of your PC with the right to read any thread, hopefully every line too for the people with ADD, as i brought this thread up--
where are some guys that may feel jolted or become afraid to make the next move on someone here in a positive way i hope--
how can you--the 1st wives club collectively went to bat yesterday fixing that for us guys--and to any woman why not try to defend your stance about yesterday without attacking back here--i don't hear anyone do I--why because you will be exposed by the prom queens here if you do any of you--
did anyone think of how other guys may feel now --
[Edited 1/21/2008 7:27:45 AM]
1/21/2008 7:29:47 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Checotah, OK
age: 59
that was very well expressed and absolutely true. Exactly what I have been trying to get accross to the followers who blindly do what is popular.
I really believe that most of the one's who have circled the wagons and started shooting at everything they don't like do this because they are getting revenge for what has happened to them in life.
They toss out the one's who they want to attack among themselves. If they were true friends based on honorable feelings they would not attack and destroy their own.
1/21/2008 7:39:22 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
all i want everyone to know is: does anyone care about a man's feeling after reading what i read yesterday (i'm not talking about the clueless men) and the right to hear a man's side accussed too--but of course colelctively i said this and get attacked for at least dec 15th as my stock died some here on this site because i personally won't take schitt but others want me to eat schitt--thanks, i love open, honest debate and my attempt here is to hear both sides because i would think every woman is not bad / or every man should not be on trial collectively where a one-side opinion is heard only...did any of these women apologize to other men or even me because now i feel jolted from all this--but the negativity goes on--even at a man's expense
[Edited 1/21/2008 7:40:25 AM]
1/21/2008 7:44:42 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
Sorprano I have emailed you personally and we have talked back and forth a few times, but I didn't respond back this time. For the simple reason that you have tunnel vision, you get one thing in your head and can't or won't let it go. I had a woman on another site put me thru hell, she caused me to lose my guns, go to court and big $$$$ for a Lawyer. I won and finally got my gun returned, but missed almost of of hunting season. She even caused problems between me and my sisters. Why did she do this I don't know, I just didn't want to date her. Would I warn men about her yes, because she has a major problem. If you want to put me in with the women feel free. But get off of the soapbox or get over the hurt and get on with your life. Hope you chose the right path. Sunny
1/21/2008 7:46:13 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Boise, ID
age: 59
There seems to be soooo many threads that are on a personal note here and I personally feel they shouldn't be.
Now as far as the "thing" yesterday......I feel it should have been posted and then allowed a swift death but some can't let things die that way. I think the person in question did tell his story in personal emails to many and his true colors were revealed. I wasn't scorned by him in any way and what he did was downright devious from where I stand and I'm not talking about the women here. I prefer no contact with him and he alone will know the reason why.
1/21/2008 7:48:40 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Havana, FL
age: 84
1-10 on thread stupidity with 10 being the high side= 12
1/21/2008 7:50:09 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
see you missed the point again: did any women apologize to all men in genrally or say all men are not all bad--you missed my pont --they judged one man bad--great but did it through their piplines and over this site/group--what next man wants to be next judged wheer one side is heard--in court didn't they hear both sides--and you got your gun back, right???? here it doesn't happen again my point--about emailing me i take emails privately--and that won't happen again with you for sure--as you said to me i hope you find that special woman here, some are good people men/women, while some are as fake as a free dating allows--
1/21/2008 7:58:53 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
Sorry I missed the point and I'm sorry you seem to be missing the boat. Don't even both to direct a answer to me cause I won't be back on your thread.
1/21/2008 8:00:28 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 60
My goodness, Sorprano. Appears you're feeling a bit beat up but it certainly was not intended that you feel such. In answer to your question, perhaps a quick review of the thread that you deplore will reveal very early on and then throughout some most supportive words of men and, in fact, a big thank you to all the good men on this site.
No good man need feel like he is being lumped in with less desirable fellows. A man's actions (and a woman's) speak very well for them. If you are an honorable man or woman, your words and your actions will likely earn the respect of others.
Here's a little analogy: If you haven't robbed a bank, then why fear being accused of such? Good always, always triumphs over bad... eventually. Chin up, Sorprano and I hope you all have a beautiful Monday.
[Edited 1/21/2008 8:10:10 AM]
1/21/2008 8:03:51 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
butter well said: but you're the type of person that does read both sides of something before you jusge so you don't count..lol.... others should too as i felt what man in his right mind wants to be next victim after hearing how and what happen yesterday to one guy judged one way until you point out he made some individual emails to some--maybe some of them prejudged yesterday before he emailed them privately under a new name thinking he did have people he trusted as i heard he had taken that route reading another thread on that too...anyhow where were those women posters apologizing to other men that may forget these women for the way they collectively ganged together and just let them continue to be bored and lonely instead--i'm sure that may happen now is my point in my thread and here--about a woman's security and right to that i support that big time as much as i support everyone with one goal in mind--there are always two sides to everything and not just one--(not discounting one guy may ruin it for others or have any clue of what is going on and are clueless even on this thread but i did respect who posted on it
and to the guy ranking a thread 1-10, a 12--that's your opinion and if you're clueless here as the train goes both ways too fine--or just pass over the thread too
1/21/2008 8:11:49 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
if that was me it wouldn't happen because i know how to handle myself with many anolgies i ever contribute to these pages of threads as you just did too but because everyone has an opinion good or bad of me that's their right--i'm here because the negatives about me or my feelings are less vs then the support i get from very special people that support what i have to say here and/ or have contributed here via these threads for 3 months until someone did attacked me via emails/ threads as stop sorprano's stupid jokes etc...but even if one person today, another one tomorrow, said: keep it coming sorprano that makes my day because i made their day too again ....when someone attacks me 1st i try by email to make amends and w/o a response back yes, i get even my way even via a thread posting whatever based on reading every thread and line here or why would i even start any thread without it being true esp after some cowards block me from their threads about me..again their right too/ an example here why 2 sides are not allowed to be heard too
[Edited 1/21/2008 8:15:03 AM]
1/21/2008 8:14:50 AM |
about yesterday's shindig / not the football games i mean |

Checotah, OK
age: 59
I can't speak for anyone but myself. I wouldn't try to defend what I am not sure of.
I have stood and debated for someone only to find that I had been mis informed by who I was defending.
That's the trouble with this site. Speak for your own self and let the others defend themself. If you don't give them amunition to use against you they are shooting blanks.