Libby, MT
age: 60
No really the world would be different if Abraham, to prove his love of god had set himself on fire instead of offering to burn his son (glad he wasn't my Dad). Just think, no jews,no Christians and no Moslems. It sure as hell couldn't have been worse. May we could all have just lived by something like the Golden Rule. I myself like the taoist philosophy before somebody tried to make a religion out of it. I don't want to hate anybody and I don't want to kill anybody. But thats just me.

Abilene, TX
age: 39
I almost feel bad having to post this reply with Santa looming over me.
Hell no!!!!!!! God was "testing" Abraham with a choice between Abe's loyalty to his god and to the seed of his flesh.
I would far rather spend eternity in Hell than harm the innocent that look to me for protection.
There was no choice!!!!
I will always refuse the god so selfish to think I would harm a child (MY CHILD) in obesiance to a theoretical whim.
I would not harm my child at God's request for some test of loyalty.
Damn that god.
Damn the religion that would pander to that whim.
Happily would I spend my time in Hell for refusing to harm my child, for refusing God's test of faith.
Have any of you read the Koran? There are many similarities with the old Testament.
Sure the King James Bible is a tad more lenient....yet, oddly similar to the Koran.
Don't get ticked off until you read it for yourself.
Like Sun T'su said" Know your enemy"

Thibodaux, LA
age: 64
Hey Santa! I agree with your answer. Institutional religion makes money for a few, causes divisions that lead to prejudice and hatred. Taoism is a great philosophy, one that I strive to live by.

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
This is probably(hahaha) gonna be long so I apologize ahead of time.lol
Anyone that knows me,knows that KIDS come first in my life...after God!
Only until recently have I realized the "importance" of putting God, above all things!Before that,there was no way in hell "anything" was coming before "my kids","NOTHING"!
Obviously this is only necessary if you "believe in God" and "understand Him" to the best of your ability!
Without Him,there is "nothing",plain and simple(for me now),and without Him I am ,"nobody". He has given me life and a heart+soul,so that I may live,grow,learn and love,without "limitations"! What I choose to do with "this life" is only going to matter most to Him and Im the only one that puts my head on my pillow at night and "knows" if I have satisfied Him or not! It "all about me" in that aspect and whether I choose to feel "guilty" for not "being a good girl today"or "motivated" to "be a better person tomorrow"!
I have nothing but admiration and envy for the "LOVE+FAITH" Abraham had for God,we should all be so "Blessed"! Could I kill a child if I "thought" that is what He wanted? No
Do I understand why He asked Abraham to "prove his Faith" in such a way? NO
But I believe the answer may have something to do with sending Jesus His Beloved Son,to help us "understand" why He did what He did.
I dont have those answers and personally there are "somethings" I dont even question anymore,I just take them for what they are....Mysteries of the Bible!........peace