1/23/2008 3:23:40 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Bedford, IN
age: 48 online now!
Would you change things?
My late husband used to say he had no regrets...believed in the "Butterfly Effect"
So we are now 40 something. Would you change anything? How would it effect your life or someone else's life if you did?
[Edited 1/23/2008 3:34:30 PM]
1/23/2008 3:44:59 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 43
Yes I think I would. In high school, I was offered a $5000 scholarship to go to Texas Tech....and all I had to do was be in their science program. But me and my dumbass had already enlisted in the army.Big mistake for me. I was raised to think for myself and the army don't like you to do that when you're just a private. I've wondered from time to time how my life would have gone if I had gone to Texas Tech instead of the army.....  
1/23/2008 4:25:35 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Irving, TX
age: 45
Knowing what I know now I have a long list.
1st I would have gotten pregant with my daughter 5yrs earlier. She would have had her father until she was 15 instead of 8.
I would made sure he took better care of himself even when i was living in texas and him in chicago.
i dont feel guilty for his heart attack....it just pissed me off that he did not take care of himself better...like most men they just let things go until it catches up to them
but i digress
The rest I would keep...I learned alot from those lifes lessons.
1/23/2008 4:28:59 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48 online now!
I'd change a couple of things. One I'd have been much more outgoing when I was younger. Maybe then I'd have met different people or those I did know would have been more open with me. Second I would not have married who I did. Certainly this would have changed several lives. My exes, mine of course and my child. My child would probably still be here but different since with a different father. And if per chance I did marry the same man...I wouldn't have stayed with him as long as I did. I was married 17 years but should have left after 2 months. Stubborn aren't I?
1/23/2008 7:25:22 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Fallon, NV
age: 43
My past experiences are what make me who I am today. I maybe a little messed up but for the most part I think I’m an okay guy. However, just like in the movie “The butterfly effect” If you go back and change things… it may make the situation worse. This is just like the question… “If you could be someone else… Who would it be?” For better or worst I am ME… That’s all I know how to be… Just ME.
1/23/2008 7:49:34 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Bedford, IN
age: 48 online now!
That is EXACTLY what he said. Are you the brother-in-law I didn't know?
[Edited 1/23/2008 7:49:56 PM]
1/23/2008 11:25:19 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
i agree with nightowl. but, i also regret those who've i caused great pain and anguish. the regret is not being able to go back, and either change the way i handled certain situations. i don't beleive in looking backwards, other than maybe as a point of reference. take what life has taught me already, and try to use it to better myself going forward. for some, i'll never get the opportunity to say i'm sorry. but here's hoping, that in the future, i'll have nothing to be sorry about. peace. 
1/24/2008 11:12:16 AM |
Butterfly Effect |

Fallon, NV
age: 43
Faith; I really don't know... 
I come from a rather large family... 10 Aunts & Uncles on each side!
1/24/2008 12:00:34 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Sarnia, ON
age: 44
I agree with nightowl as well.
I had a terribly abusive childhood; didn't meet my birth mother until I was 9; still not sure if the man who raised me is my biological father or not; married at 18; ex left for a younger woman when I was 39 and, as they say "blew my world apart"..... but I had not a single doubt that I would go through all of it again. Every single experience was part of what made me who I am now and I like who I am. Everything we go through is a learning experience, either for us or for someone in our lives. And, if I changed any single one of those experiences, I might not have the two amazing young adult children I have. That I wouldn't give up for anything.
1/24/2008 6:41:23 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Omaha, NE
age: 49
Not a thing.
From all good and bad we learn. We grow and yes it makes us who we are today so I see no point in changing anything.
1/25/2008 8:30:27 AM |
Butterfly Effect |

Sacramento, CA
age: 46 online now!
what Drummr said.
1/26/2008 5:17:01 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Pevely, MO
age: 49 online now!
I agree with nightowl.....Faith i also came out of a large family there was eight of us....an i am the baby...   
1/26/2008 5:28:36 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Bedford, IN
age: 48 online now!
I have regrets, but if I could go back & change things, I don't know if I would. My husband died last year. I sometimes wish I could bring him back, but I sold his GTO & I know he would be PISSED!
1/26/2008 5:31:36 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Beloit, WI
age: 42
don't think i'd change much i have 3 betuiful girls
and i think if i would change something i wouldn't have them
i guess just learn as i go along with what life as instore for me
1/26/2008 5:36:31 PM |
Butterfly Effect |

Bedford, IN
age: 48 online now!
tink & night....I had 20 Aunts & Uncles on my dad's side & 11 on my mom's. It's true!
I wonder if my grams would have change that if they could!