6/25/2010 5:44:33 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
This is a question for both guys and girls. Anyways ever since I was in Jr. High I always have liked cheerleaders. I always wanted to date one. Now that im older I would like to date a college cheerleader. Its been a dream of mine for non-sexual reasons. Im more determined than ever for it to happen. Why because people tell me I cant and that it will never happen because of my looks. Anyways, is this normal or am I crazy. (Please no insults or mean remarks).
[Edited 6/25/2010 5:58:33 PM ]
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6/25/2010 5:52:53 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Xenia, OH
age: 50
mtigers you go for it. You never know until you ask her out. Everyone needs goals and dreams.
6/25/2010 5:58:09 PM |
Cheerleaders |
Aurora, OH
age: 34
First of all let me say, I'm glad you said no insults or mean things because some of these people are ridiculous with these comments, anyway let me also be the first to say that you can get whoever you want if you believe in yourself. Never let "can't" define who you are.If you think you look good and you feel as though you look good and you portray that type of attitude than other people have no choice but to think the same thing as well. And if you should happen to run into those people who think negative of you than they have no place in your life anyway. Always remeber your as good as you feel!
[Edited 6/25/2010 5:59:22 PM ]
6/25/2010 6:06:04 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Elyria, OH
age: 39
Everyone has a dream. I say go for it.
6/25/2010 6:42:20 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Buckhead, GA
age: 49
Follow your dreams and if that is who you would like to date, go for it. There is absolutely nothing wrong, let your confidence shine, remember cheerleaders put their legs in their pants one at a time also. Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't.
6/25/2010 6:46:33 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Columbus, OH
age: 51
like everyone else i say if thats what you want go for it , and good luck to you, dreams come true if you want them to
6/25/2010 6:54:47 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Mansfield, OH
age: 49
God forbid I should EVER be ridiculous,(no way,not ME) ..,but,my two cents...Ya aint no more "crazier" than the rest of us,go for your dream,at least TRY to make it happen,and do it SOON,according to the show on the History channel I'm watching,the Mayans predict "The end of Time" for Dec.21,2012 ,no time to waste! NOT to be ridiculous or anything.....   
6/25/2010 6:58:45 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Buckhead, GA
age: 49
Well if that is true we all better get cracking 
6/25/2010 7:24:11 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Franklin, OH
age: 51
I never stopped crackin
6/25/2010 8:48:31 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Mingo Junction, OH
age: 28
i dated a college cheerleader once then she found out i was living in her basement and called the cops jeez woman so unpredictable lol
6/26/2010 3:21:03 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
Thats funny Snides20.
I actually talked to a College Cheerleader for six months via MySpace E-Mail, She saw my pics and all. Anyways we also talked on facebook. Well, I got an invite to a fundraiser at a pizza buffet for her missions trip next month to Lima, Peru. So jokingly I would be there. Anything to help her out I told her. Anyways I told her that honestly I wasn't coming unless I was invited. So she invited me so I came out. The whole way over there and there I was very nervous. Exspecially when I saw her. She was even more beautiful in person. Anyways I wrote her church group she was going with on her missions trip a check. She did not ask for it or even have an idea that I was going to do that. When I was leaving I folded it over so she could not read it until I left. She thanked me and thanked me for coming in the most beautiful softspoken voice I had ever heard. Maybe because I had told her once that I would like to hear what her voice sounded like. Anyways I could not sleep that night because I was anxious to see what she thought of the check and the whole meeting me thing. Well, the next day I got up early to check my mail only to my disapointment I found her facebook deleted and me blocked on her MySpace. I acted like myself and did not say anything or act inappropiate. However, I decided I will not or ever give up on my dream.
6/26/2010 5:00:13 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Xenia, OH
age: 50
Thats funny Snides20.
I actually talked to a College Cheerleader for six months via MySpace E-Mail, She saw my pics and all. Anyways we also talked on facebook. Well, I got an invite to a fundraiser at a pizza buffet for her missions trip next month to Lima, Peru. So jokingly I would be there. Anything to help her out I told her. Anyways I told her that honestly I wasn't coming unless I was invited. So she invited me so I came out. The whole way over there and there I was very nervous. Exspecially when I saw her. She was even more beautiful in person. Anyways I wrote her church group she was going with on her missions trip a check. She did not ask for it or even have an idea that I was going to do that. When I was leaving I folded it over so she could not read it until I left. She thanked me and thanked me for coming in the most beautiful softspoken voice I had ever heard. Maybe because I had told her once that I would like to hear what her voice sounded like. Anyways I could not sleep that night because I was anxious to see what she thought of the check and the whole meeting me thing. Well, the next day I got up early to check my mail only to my disapointment I found her facebook deleted and me blocked on her MySpace. I acted like myself and did not say anything or act inappropiate. However, I decided I will not or ever give up on my dream.
Sweet story 'til the end. Don't let people take advantage of you and sounds a little fishy; especially since she deleted herself; check you bank account often because now she has all the information she needs including your signature to really do some harm to your credit.
Just because someone is pretty and has a nice voice, that can be their poison to others.
You sound like a real nice guy, just be careful while following your dream.
6/26/2010 6:23:47 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
No, no, It's not like that. Besides I didn't write it out directly to her. This was in mid May and the only amount that ever came up missing from my account was what I wrote the check for. I mean I don't want to give any ideas to girls on this site because im smart enough to know when im being taken for a ride. I mean she had no idea that I was going to do this nor did she ask me for it. I know now it was a mistake. Just showing up would have been enough to offer my support. I would never do it again. I wish I could talk with her to work this out and I actually have an email written out, but have not sent it to her yet. Im undecided about sending that one or another one which is much shorter and just pretty much thanks her for talking to me even though it was only for six months and being my friend and that it is unfortunite that it has to end the way she chose. Maybe I can meet a college cheerleader here. Who knows? As for being careful? Always and of course!
[Edited 6/26/2010 6:24:26 PM ]
7/6/2010 9:59:10 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
Still no luck 
Anyone out there?
7/7/2010 7:18:40 AM |
Cheerleaders |

Warren, OH
age: 49
Yea we all still here. Sorry u not haven no luck yet. Just hang in there if it's meant to be it will happen. It's good to be a nice guy an all. But u might try being a little more accertive. Don't be affraid to send the emails or talk to them. Just don't be a pest or stalker type. They email u back ok if not move on. Thousands out there.  
7/7/2010 7:30:56 AM |
Cheerleaders |

Walton, KY
age: 49
S0metimes 0ne has t0 leave a dream as just that.
Y0u're 35 . . . but l00king f0r a 20+ y0 cheerleader.
What d0 y0u h0nestly believe y0u c0uld 0ffer ?
7/7/2010 10:08:17 AM |
Cheerleaders |


Franklin, OH
age: 51
Just my opinion but it sounds like you might be on an ego trip rather than trying to find someone to love. Like having a trophy girl on your arm.
7/7/2010 1:02:45 PM |
Cheerleaders |
Spring Valley, OH
age: 20
my gma and mom were both college cheerleaders, but ive never been attracted to the cheerleaders i know. the world they know is so f**ked up.
7/7/2010 4:54:25 PM |
Cheerleaders |

West College Corner, IN
age: 43
Good Kush...take some advice, and go back to Myspace or wherever it is you little youngbucks play at...or at least try to dignify yourself a tad...
7/7/2010 8:31:06 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Mansfield, OH
age: 49
Y0u're 35 . . . but l00king f0r a 20+ y0 cheerleader.
What d0 y0u h0nestly believe y0u c0uld 0ffer ?
Ok,THIS ruffled my feathers a bit.IF it is a legitimate question,that is one thing,If it is meant to be a disparaging remark to this man,I must ask YOU the same thing then...What do YOU honestly believe YOU could offer?I mean ,really,so what, he wants a cheerleader,Hell,so do I,I may have even had a few,and they DAMN sure knew what I had to offer,I make it quite clear on my profile what I have to offer,for those that havent read it,NOTHING,but a GOOD time,(isnt that a song?),and for the "right"one,a damn good time till death do us part!  You GO ,dude,too many people in this world THINK they are the "end all,be all"and their "advice"is the final word,NOT SO.Live YOUR dream ,EVER pursue it,or you just wont ever be happy with YOURSELF,and THAT ,my friend, is THE bottom line.Who cares what ANYONE else thinks of YOUR dream/goal in life?It is YOURS and is no more crazy than ANYONE else's DESPITE what THEY may think,it is YOURS and cannot be taken from you!Rock on ,brother!
7/7/2010 8:43:26 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Franklin, OH
age: 51
Yea nobs, you are right, if his dream is an ego trip with a trophy girl more power to him but my concern was had he thought it through and considered his motive may not lead to a lasting relationship. But if he is after a good time with a knock-out girl so he can say look what I accomplished that's his business. That might be why the girl he approached ditched him before he even got a chance. Smart women know. JMO
7/7/2010 8:45:29 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Lakewood, OH
age: 52
You want to date a cheerleader for "non-sexual" reasons?????  

Nobs...did you turn this guy on to some "special" stash?
7/7/2010 8:53:10 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Walton, KY
age: 49
Ok,THIS ruffled my feathers a bit.
IF it is a legitimate question,that is one thing,If it is meant to be a disparaging remark to this man . . .
Y0ur making it int0 m0re than it is . . . it was just a questi0n.
7/7/2010 8:54:43 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Mansfield, OH
age: 49
Smart women sometimes outsmart themselves,dear,if you think there are not women out there that want nothing more than a good time,you are sadly mistaken(I know a "few" .MAYBE he just wants to DATE a cheerleader,in fact,I think he said "non sexual"reasons.Assumptions are never accurate,and we really dont know his motivation or "reasons",I ,for one,dont care to,it is HIS dream.Dream on I say! 
7/7/2010 8:56:53 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Mansfield, OH
age: 49
You want to date a cheerleader for "non-sexual" reasons????? 
Nobs...did you turn this guy on to some "special" stash?
Nah,I ran out some time last weekend!But I would GLADLY share,people like me tend to be gregarious! 
7/7/2010 9:03:12 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Franklin, OH
age: 51
Smart women sometimes outsmart themselves,dear,if you think there are not women out there that want nothing more than a good time,you are sadly mistaken(I know a "few"  .MAYBE he just wants to DATE a cheerleader,in fact,I think he said "non sexual"reasons.Assumptions are never accurate,and we really dont know his motivation or "reasons",I ,for one,dont care to,it is HIS dream.Dream on I say!  
That's why my response was worded in a way that he could think about his motives and possible conclusions to make sure he was going after what he truly wants and why...nothing wrong with that.
And as far as smart women and wanting nothing but a good time...I was wrong on that..that was my own personal smart moral standing.
I love you nobs....
7/7/2010 9:12:25 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Mansfield, OH
age: 49
..and I you,dear.I mentioned assumptions...I once wrote a very nice(MY opinion)lady ,merely to let her know I thought alot of her and she mistakenly thought it was a "come on" and seemed kinda offended.My ONLY motivation was to cheer her up AND let her know she was a valued person in MY eyes,(yea,I know,consider the source),I actually do that a lot,but,dont tell anyone,I dont wanna be known as (God forbid!!!)a "Nice guy" 
7/7/2010 9:28:59 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Franklin, OH
age: 51
well on a site like this sometimes assumptions are our only choice... Your profile screams that you are seeking a woman looking for a good time. Even though you explain you know what a true commitment is, your actions speak something very different...really
This is just my perspective, not meant to offend..ok?
We are just different 
And thank you for caring that I was having a bad day..
[Edited 7/7/2010 9:38:48 PM ]
7/7/2010 9:42:31 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Mansfield, OH
age: 49
Offend?ME!?!Surely you jest,(I know,"No,and quit calling me Shirley" ),I LIVED a committment for 24 years,actually more like 28,cuz it took a few years to talk her into marrying me!I WILL do so again,someday,maybe sooner than I think(with any luck) 
7/7/2010 9:43:56 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Franklin, OH
age: 51
I wish you many good things in life  
7/7/2010 10:22:23 PM |
Cheerleaders |
Spring Valley, OH
age: 20
Good Kush...take some advice, and go back to Myspace or wherever it is you little youngbucks play at...or at least try to dignify yourself a tad...
that was his entire contribution to the thread.
[Edited 7/7/2010 10:23:56 PM ]
7/8/2010 12:41:05 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Columbus, OH
age: 46
Go for it. I was a cheerleader once upon a time. I can still do a mean split and very flexible even though I am a BBW. I say go for it. I wanted to date a body builder once and I have dated quite a few. I am glad some love a large woman. So there is a cheerleader out there who will like a large guy. I say go for it.
7/29/2010 11:15:07 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
Yea nobs, you are right, if his dream is an ego trip with a trophy girl more power to him but my concern was had he thought it through and considered his motive may not lead to a lasting relationship. But if he is after a good time with a knock-out girl so he can say look what I accomplished that's his business. That might be why the girl he approached ditched him before he even got a chance. Smart women know. JMO
Im not really looking for a trophy girl as you call it. My motive is indeed non-sexual. For those who do not know me even though I have temptations as any human being I am a firm believer in Purity. What better to than for that to happen with someone you truely love on your wedding night. Truely giving oneself to one another. As for my motive, and forgive me if I sound snotty, but it's because of people who tell me it can't or won't happen. That it is not possible. I have recently found out what happened. I was going to post details about it, but reading the most recent remarks I have decided that in my best interest that I refrain. I am going through some hard times right now still dealing with the loss of my aunt in 2005 and my grandma having Parkinson's Disease. I do have a family but they have thier own lives I guess and I really don't have many friends I can count on. These most recent events that have come to my attention dealing with this subject does not make me feel any better. I guess because of the bad apples out there as I guess you can call them people think I am only out for one thing. That is not true by the single most standard. It is kind of private, but yes I am 35yrs old and I am able to say with both pride and truth that I am a virgin. I have had my chances with girls, but it did not feel right inside and in my heart so I told them no. I truthful at times regret it sometimes and people have made comments about me possibly being crazy for passing up opertunities such as that, but I honestly, truthfully,and sincerely want to wait until my wedding night for what is ment to be shared with a person you truely and whole heartedly love with everything that you are and all of your heart. Not just some one night stand or a few hours or so of plessure. It is ment to be much deeper than that. I also believe age is only a number unless taken to the extreme like say 20yrs difference or more or something like that. I believe if two people really love each other then why should it matter? Yes, I want a lasting relationship. This is something I have always wanted for many years and yes I do accept the fact that it may never ever come true, but its my dream and I will never give up> I know there will be a time coming shortly that I will have to abandon this dream due to aging, but it is my sincere hope that I won't have to and that somewhere somehow someone will understand. Also, judging by the e-mail I got today it is my hope and prayer that people can see me and others for who they truely are and not by how they look or how things seem which in most cases is not how they appear. Sometimes life is hard to continue living, but we must continue to push forward. For all the dreams in my life that has not come true I wish this one would with everything that I am. Heart and soul. For once in my life. With someone I genuinely care about and that her friends are trying to not let her see. Why must I be so misunderstood?
7/30/2010 3:55:38 AM |
Cheerleaders |

Walton, KY
age: 49
Suggestion . . . use paragraphs.
Many won't bother reading a wall of text - myself included !
7/30/2010 4:41:29 AM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
Suggestion . . .  use paragraphs.
Many won't bother reading a wall of text - myself included !
Oh, sorry about that. Is there a way I can edit it and fix it? Like an edit button?
7/30/2010 4:44:15 AM |
Cheerleaders |

Walton, KY
age: 49
Oh, sorry about that.
Is there a way I can edit it and fix it?
Like an edit button?
You can only edit for a short period of time . . . couple minutes maybe.
- just thought I'd point it out so that you get the best responses !
7/30/2010 5:53:15 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
You can only edit for a short period of time . . . couple minutes maybe.
 - just thought I'd point it out so that you get the best responses !
Thats ok, thankyou. I appreciate it.
8/12/2010 8:38:38 AM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
You can only edit for a short period of time . . . couple minutes maybe.
 - just thought I'd point it out so that you get the best responses !
8/12/2010 8:53:00 AM |
Cheerleaders |


Wellsville, OH
age: 56
I had a thing for cops. Once I had one they are all alike. I guess I like the uniforms. 
8/13/2010 4:38:00 PM |
Cheerleaders |

Massillon, OH
age: 36
At least you had ONE. lol. I Wish I could date at least one college cheerleader and I wish people wasn't so shallow. Just have not met the right one yet. Actually the one I was talking to can't do anything without her friends trying to run her life and tell her what to do and who to date.
8/20/2010 8:11:03 PM |
Cheerleaders |
Cincinnati, OH
age: 26
I think you can. and I don't believe the look is everything in this life. good luck. I love cheerleaders too but I don't think they would date me because I'm not an American and I would be jealous of their mini skirt lol. they are showing too much skin. just kidding. I like their dress
8/20/2010 10:24:54 PM |
Cheerleaders |


Mingo Junction, OH
age: 28
At least you had ONE. lol. I Wish I could date at least one college cheerleader and I wish people wasn't so shallow. Just have not met the right one yet. Actually the one I was talking to can't do anything without her friends trying to run her life and tell her what to do and who to date.
lol hate to tell you, but the friends running each others lives that about 90% of what college kids do