Lillington, NC
age: 51
From The Heart 
The heart is the only organ in the body that we can’t control.
The heart is the universal symbol of love.
There are four chambers to the heart;
There are four stages to life,
There are four stages to the cross,
There are four seasons,
The Valentine from God given in passion,
As He hung on the cross He said,
I Love you this much! He didn’t need to verbalize,
Have you ever seen a cross section of the hart?
Notice what separates the four chambers.
Do you think that is a coincident? 
When God planed out the universe and man,
He said “let us make man in our liking!”
The design of man: knowing then what was to come.
I don’t think any of it is a coincident.
With Love from beginning to end and beyond.
Just me thinking in the box and outside the box.
I’d rather believe and find out He isn’t:
Then not believe and find out He is.

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Rich, I truly believe all of that:
What about the rib taken from Adam to make the woman--we really do have the right amount of ribs---there is a good sign---but really don't need any---just thinking,too:

Lillington, NC
age: 51
The height, width length and depth of God’s Agape. What better valentine is there.