Olympia, WA
age: 25
Ok i have recentley been seeking the lord for a husband my sould mate help partner what ever you want to call it well how do you keep up with this while seekign the lord? it dose day in the scripture it said in Proverbs 19:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and recieves favor from the lord.

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Keep Praying sis, In God’s time.

Dalton, GA
age: 22
There are several things a godly peson are suppose to contain and patience is one of them that I myself am still working on with school and work. If a person has the attitude that whatever you want me Lord to do I will do if that means being single.. am I made to be that way for so long? God knows you better than you know yourself and if you are someone that loves the Lord with everything its not the finding of love and happiness altough that is important and something we yearn for in life but JOY! The joy of the Lord is my strength. Just remember that.

Johnson City, TN
age: 60
As a christian mom. I believe in order to find true love and happiness you have to pray and seek the Lord. He is our happiness and our hope. and we need to hold on to him stronger each day and seek his help in everything we say and do. 

New Auburn, WI
age: 29
My pastor told me I have to find myself in christ and strenghen my faith.
then he will show us who he picked for us and the
love u feel with this person is undiscribale he said. a soul bond (a bonding
of two souls by god) U will not find true love if u are not seeking the lord
I have been just filling myself with the words of our lord and if I think
I found someone like i thought I did on here Prayed to god if this is not
him lord have our chating end and the next day the guy stopped writting.
We need to ask and he will answer. asked for healing of a illness and I have
been healed little by little.

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
Do we seek the Lord out of obedience or out of gladness. When I seek Jesus out of joy for Him and not just because it is the right thing to do is when I know I am on the right track. Seek the kingdom first... then all will be added.
Praise the Lord and God Bless you all.

Bedford, IN
age: 48
You have prayed for a spouse....now believe it will happen & concentrate on yourself. What would make you a good mate? So many times we look for what we want in a partner, but do we have what it takes to be a good partner? Do you know what is expected & are you willing to be there yet? Study yourself. It is one thing to pray for a partner it is another to know yourself & be ready when that partner comes along.

Vinton, CA
age: 63 online now!
there are many good answers & pearls of wisdom posted here
but maybe remember none of us have been on mt. sinai & returned with stone tablets & we all are but grains of salt & should be taken as such
& at the outset, you should understand that none of us here know an all-inclusive perfectly-applicable answer to your question, 'How do i find true love & happiness???' if any of us did, we would not be on a date-hookup site trying to find our own true love, we'd already be enjoying happiness with our true love instead
however, maybe we can take some logical steps which- in theory- will help lead to a discovery of our "true love & happiness"...
* 'love' & 'happiness' are probably the 2 most ambiguous terms & sought-after-&-not-found 'conditions' on our little ole planet; each mean many different things depending on the person perceiving. they are relative abstracts, somewhat akin to the perception of something tasting 'good', for instance; something good to me may not be to you.
& i think you'll find, in time, that they are rather fluid things & your definition or perception of such today may be quite different than it was several yrs ago, & might well be quite different in future time. therefore, they are terms sometimes requiring perpetual re-examination... & that's ok; it's not unlike the 'ok' nature of questioning Christ & Christianity: because if something is pure & true- as He is & as was exemplified with doubting Thomas- the answers will always remain the same tho refined & expanded:: true
* only when you have those things well defined, from your eyes, do you not confuse them with such things as 'caring' & 'kindness' & 'affection' & 'sex', etc. eg. 'sex' is not 'love'- beyond that moment; rather- in the context of loving- it is an extention of communicating that love wherein we can convey feelings which are so intensely great, there are not sufficient words to describe those feelings, & as it was meant to be... Biblically being 'as one' in body & spirit
* then there is the great huge spectrum of 'degree' or 'intensity' associated with both terms, the quantification of which oftentimes is a very distinct part of our definitions for the terms. i.e. to most, a specific part of the definition of 'true love' carries with it the highest degree of intensity & is usually associated with an eternal sense of Commitment & resolve & caring about the other more than oneself & such things as loving the other not only in sickness, but finding yourself loving them even more intensely when they are sick.
* once we have defined them so we might know how to recognize what we might find, then we further sift out & weigh for ourselves another ambiguous term we've defined for ourselves; i.e. your adjective 'true'... from which we can decide whether the love & happiness we think we have found is 'true' & real.
* so logic highly suggests that you must 1st define for yourself what 'love' & 'happiness' are to you alone (perhaps wholly different than anyone else's definitions)... or else it'll be purely accidental if you happen to recognize either or know when you're 'in' it even if you do happen to stumble across either.
* now, to isolate the 2 terms in your quest for 'true love & happiness': degrees of considerable 'happiness' can exist without simultaneously experiencing true love; but it is incomprehensible (to my definitions) that true love could on-goingly exist without consequently experiencing happiness ...which is another way of saying that i believe if we find our true love, happiness will naturally be a wonderful by-product of that experience.
& finally, divinegrace, your question, "..how do you keep up with this while seeking the lord?" all of the above pretty much is coincidental with pursuit of the Christ model: 1st loving Him big & purely & w/o holding back, loving yourself 1st & then others as you love yourself & Him, serving the other 1st, playing no games yet having fun, courageously being open/honest/caring/giving/being immensely considerate/pure/candid/living in the moment but understanding most likely tomorrow will in fact roll around/being real (i.e. being the real-deal you as He has defined your unique self)/& simply but boldly loving as He has shown us how.
i fervently pray this somehow helps you find the other half of you; God love ya
happy valentine's day to all!