1/30/2008 1:25:15 AM |
self-motivators?? |

Calgary, AB
age: 42
Anyone else here who trains at home??
Or are you all just into the whole 'gym' thing????
I have a complete martial arts style living room workout. I run, ride, train, all without buying into the whole 'golds' aura....
I see those gyms in the mall.. People riding stationary bikes, watching CNN or some soap... TV monitor, attached right to the bike... LOL... really.... f'ing pathetic if you ask me.. DRIVING to a gym, to ride a stationary bike.....which has cable....
I think the problem and the solution may be one and the same????
1/30/2008 2:46:16 PM |
self-motivators?? |

Roseville, CA
age: 26
I did the training at home thing for a while and it worked for me. I was hooked on tae bo DVDs until I moved to an upstairs apartment where they frowned upon doing that upstairs. Later I ended up buying an elliptical machine, free weights, and a total body type gym machine for my house and saw results. It was great because I was very very busy and was able to use it at any hour of the day.
Now though, I have a 9-5 job and absolutely love going to the gym (California Family Fitness). It is a place to get away and work hard. There are less distractions and people to motivate you all around. It is also much easier to vary your workout at the gym because of the great selection of equipment. Plus, once you are at the gym why not work hard? Bottom line = you can workout anywhere and get results as long as you work hard and stick to it!
1/31/2008 2:19:37 AM |
self-motivators?? |

Calgary, AB
age: 42
LOL ya I have to have a UFC dvd in to get me going.. luckily I live in a concrete building and have the laundry room below me now..
I can't actually run in here, but I can do wind sprints up and down the hall.. 25 and Im warmed up.. then run in place for 30 minutes..
Not driving anymore but didnt move any closer to work.. so getting TO and FROM work these days is big part of my workout.
2/6/2008 7:27:14 PM |
self-motivators?? |

Champaign, IL
age: 21
I'm in a HDR Aiki Jujutsu club and we practice three days a week. Before each practice we do what's called Tai-So which is basically circuit training where you provide resistance in the form of your body weight and use free weights to kick it up a few notches. What's good about these workouts is that you can do them almost anywhere as long as you don't feel awkward if other people see you. In the days off practice I do the same workouts at home without the weights since I don't own any, but this keeps me in shape and allows me to consistently up the weights during the three days a week with my instructor. If you like, I can provide a list of what we do, though it probably won't be comprehensive.
2/10/2008 11:24:42 PM |
self-motivators?? |

Cottage Grove, MN
age: 43
I used to train at home but was invited to train with a group of 7 or 8 other powerlifters back in 2003 and have been training with them ever since (a couple have since dropped out). Now the only time I ever miss a workout is when I'm on the road. It's going to be tough training now for the next month as I'm off to Ohio for 3 weeks, back for a week and then down to Florida for a week. This is going to be a big test for me to get into a gym while I'm out of town as I'm training for nationals which will be the 1st week of May. I guess my point is that training with the same group of people is the best way to go.
2/11/2008 7:32:52 PM |
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Canyon Country, CA
age: 23
i take kickboxing and budoshin ju jitsu classes each two days a week for 2 hrs. other then that i just do alot of balance ball workouts, yoga, and running.
2/14/2008 8:08:52 PM |
self-motivators?? |

Portage, MI
age: 32
I do workout at home with a simple bench press and dumbbells, but the gym is great because if you go, your already motivated and pretty much obligated to do work. Plus unless you have a total home gym it's hard to vary your workout at home. I'm sure we all know of the plateau effect and in order to achieve the best results you need to change your workout every 6 weeks. That is very hard to do at home. When dealing with free weights you need a spotter for safety reasons. One more benefit of the gym is the various cardio equipment in case you get board on any one machine. Coming from someone who has lost over 100lbs in the last year and a half I have a lot of personal experience with working out and I am now majoring in Exercise Science and nutrition, as a side note, I'm obtaining my Personal Training certificates as soon as I'm done with my schooling.
2/17/2008 6:38:07 PM |
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Glasgow, MT
age: 61
I work out at home 5 days a week for at least an hour with free weights and practice yoga abnd pilates, plus I walk outside when weather permits.
I use a lot of DVDs for yoga and pilates and I have a lot of equipment plus a dedicated room with wood floors. I also do aroebics at least 4 x's a week.
My goal is to stay fit in old age. I am very flexible and strong at 61 years young!

2/17/2008 6:49:03 PM |
self-motivators?? |

Columbia, TN
age: 41
i have been walking for 3 miles 5 or 6 days a week. plus weights 4 or 5 days a week. starting to tone up pretty good.I am having trouble on what to eat to be able to keep it all up. trying to do it all on my own at home.